Friday, September 18, 2015

Dream #537 (September 18, 2015) Country Home Visit

A pleasant dream.

I was walking along the side of a country road in Michigan that ran through beautiful green fields with no cars or homes in sight.  After what felt like an hour of walking, I found my brother Mike's white Ford Tempo parked alongside one of the fields.  I happened to have the keys in my pocket, so I started it up and drove down the road.

After a while a gold car started approaching me from behind.  It accelerated until finally it slammed into the Tempo, causing me to spin off the road and wreck the car.  I surprisingly not in the least bit upset and I went over to talk to the teenage male who had caused the wreck.  He had a blonde bowl cut and thick-rimmed glasses and loved his iPhone.

I soon found out that he was really interested in film, so we chatted about that for a while.  We both had nowhere to go because our cars were undrivable.  To make this more complicated, there was no cellphone reception, so we just walked together for a bit.

Finally a blue car drove by and we flagged it down.  It turned out to be Devon, the father of some friends of mine and he invited the two of us to come and stay at his house with his family.  We both accepted, but shortly after that, the teen's girlfriend pulled up and offered him a ride.  He went with her, but said they would come and visit in a couple hours or so.

I went with Devon and chatted about communal living and how it could be implemented into American culture.  When we arrived at his home, all of his kids were in his living room playing some sort of seemingly hilarious party game.  We both joined in and had a wonderfully fun time, in spite of my lack of understanding of the game being played, if it even was a game.

After that, we all decided that we wanted to eat tacos, so we relocated to the kitchen and began prepping the meal.  I was in charge of creating the tortilla shells from scratch.  I'm not really sure how I was doing it successfully and so quickly, but I was pretty darn skilled at my task.  It was a bit like a cartoon, for we were all tossing ingredients and dishes to each other and never dropping them as we all sang a cheerful tune in harmony and in unison.

When the meal was nearly finished, the doorbell rang.  For some reason I answered it and found the teenage boy with his girlfriend there.  He immediately pulled out his phone and showed me a film that he had shot and edited since he last saw me.  I prepared myself to act amused, but to my surprise it was actually incredible.  I was blown away by the production value and the creativity and the speed at which it was created.  It was some short film about a boy who drove a mini taxi around and created changes in weather by punching floating boxes (Super Mario style) around town.  He then suggested that we create something together someday soon, and I wholeheartedly agreed.  He seemed like a fun guy to work with.

I then returned to tortilla shell creating, and I finished up the last few that needed to be made.  The kitchen we worked in was rather small, but it somehow comfortably fit all of us (there were 10 of us in there). There was a dusty window that allowed some very diffused light into the room, which gave everything a nice soft glow.

We all gathered around the table and said a prayer, then began a wonderfully musical feast.  I was seated next to a friend of mine.  I looked at her and she patted me on the head, shrugged, then walked away from the table.  I didn't know what that meant.  I watched her as she went and sat on the living room floor alone, staring at the ground.

After a few moments of contemplation, I also left the table and sat near her, asking her if everything was alright.  She looked up and smiled at me, then patted me on the head again, then began skipping around the room.  I was both amused and confused.

I then thought about how insanely delicious those tacos were.

Then I awoke.

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