Saturday, October 29, 2011

Dream #422 (October 29, 2011)

This was a bit devastating to me at the time.

I dreamt that I was chosen to preview the 'Gollum scene' from the upcoming Hobbit film, which is currently being directed by Peter Jackson, though in the dream, Guillermo del Toro (who was initially going to direct it).  I was very excited, for "The Hobbit" is one of my favorite books, and I have been looking forward to the film for quite some time.  However, I was a bit disappointed.

First of all, Bilbo was a tall, thin, good-looking guy, and the actor playing made him look like a character from a cheap action movie.  Gollum, on the other hand, was crazy-looking.  He had sharp fangs, pink skin, crazy red eyes, and disgustingly long fingers with even longer nails, as if he were a creature from a cheap horror movie.

The intellectual interaction was not incorporated into the movie; instead, del Toro invested his efforts into making the scene as intensely scary as possible.  Bilbo found the ring, and Gollum saw him pick it up.  There was no exchange of riddles.  Gollum then tried to destroy Bilbo, but he couldn't see him.

As Gollum wandered through the cave, Bilbo followed him.  Then (this is terrible) Gollum found a hobbit family on his way out of the cave, and he devoured them, spilling the family's blood all over Bilbo.  The blood could be visible, so Gollum then was able to see him.  As Gollum lunged for him, Bilbo moved, which sent Gollum flying down a cliff.

Then Bilbo was almost out, but for some reason he took the ring off before exiting.  A bunch of 'goblins' saw him (they looked like hillbillies with beer bellies that were painted brown) and chased him outside.  Then the 'dwarves' (who were neither short nor bearded) came and told Bilbo to stay in the light, for it weakened the goblins.  The dwarves were all wearing jeans and carrying pistols instead of axes and swords.  The goblins had machine guns, and a shootout ensued.  There were cars and trucks driving about (Gandalf had a big Chevy truck), and I walked out of the theater.

Matt (my brother who also loves the Hobbit) came to see me afterwards because he was curious about whether or not I liked the screening of the film.  I actually cried when I was telling him about it (it made me that sad).

Then Matt took me to a house, which was a few hundred feet from a great sports complex, where a retreat was being held.  I was supposed to spend the night at the house, so I took a sleeping bag and a backpack full of clothes up to my room in the loft of the building.  My bed was only about two feet wide and there was only about two feet between the mattress and the ceiling.

I saw, on my bed, an invitation to join a basketball tournament there, so I called Nathan Ferch (who was the captain of the state-champion basketball team at Oregon-Davis, a team for which I sat the bench) (it is also his birthday today, by the way).  I asked him if I could join his team, even if I had to sit the bench, for I didn't know anybody else at the conference.  Nathan said I could, though his team was already nearly full, for most of the other players from the old team were on his team already.

I hung up the phone (I had my old track phone in the dream, by the way), and changed into my basketball jersey.

Then I awoke.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Dream #421 (October 28, 2011)

Yet another odd dream.

In the pre-beginning of my dream, I was in Koontz Lake Missionary Church.  It was Christmas Eve, and I was wearing a red sweater.  I sat in a pew by Kyle Heffelfinger, and Norm (the youth pastor) and my dad approached me and asked if the lights they had purchased for the church were of good quality.

Then, in the true beginning of the dream I was with my parents and my brother Mike at my parents' house.  We had just finished packing a picnic basket with food and we all got into the Buick Lesabre and my dad drove us away.

The drive only lasted a few minutes, for we were soon in a green park.  We parked the car and took our picnic basket to a pavilion not far from the lot.  We were the only ones in the pavilion, though there were several other cars.

After I finished eating some chips, I noticed where everyone was, and I went to where they were.  I arrived at a set of wooden stairs that led up to a lion on display, kept separate from the public only by a wooden fence (not a thick one, at that).  My dad followed me up, and we asked the lion tamer if this was safe.  He assured me that it was.

Then the lion began to talk.  He was telling the audience of a story about when he was just a cub.  He told us of his favorite toy, and how he would play with it for long hours.  Then he demonstrated how he bit it, and put his mouth around a man's leg (this man was sitting in a wheel-chair, for the leg the lion put his mouth around was in a cast).  I was shocked, but then I realized that the lion had not sunk his teeth into the man.

After that, the lion went on and on about that toy, and it was actually quite boring (even though he was a lion talking).  I looked up and saw that there were some fun-looking dunes off in the distance, which looked much more amusing.  I went back down to the car to get my coat.

After I got it, I seemed to forget what I was doing, for I walked over to a nearby building and entered it.  There I found a great feast going on.  My dad also followed me in there, and we saw the lights that my dad and Norm had talked about in the beginning of the dream.  My dad went over to one of the masters of the banquet and talked to him about those.  I, in the meantime, was still hungry, for I had only eaten potato chips.  I walked over to a table and began eating a leftover piece of cherry pie, thinking nothing of it.  I saw Neil Silveus across the room, so I picked up the rest of the pie and began carrying it with me.

When one of the young ladies cleaning up saw me with the pie, she freaked out and began to call for security.  Next thing I knew, I was being hauled out into a cop car.

Then I flashed forward in my dream.  I was in prison.  However, the place in which I was imprisoned more closely resembled a hospital room than a jail cell.  My cell mate and I both had white beds that we were chained to, and we had a window that looked out onto the city from high above ground.  The man "keeping watch" over us was none other than Kid Cudi (he was sleeping in a chair behind my bed).

A few moments after I flashed forward, the guards dragged in another man into the cell and threw him at the foot of my bed.  They left a lock and key beside him for some reason, which I grabbed quickly.  Then, playing a trick on the guy that was just left with me, I put the chain tightly around his leg and locked it.  He told me to undo it, so I started to, then I acted as if the key wasn't working.  The poor fellow was claustrophobic, and he began to freak out, which made me laugh quite hard.

Suddenly, Kid Cudi woke up and began yelling at me.  He then told me that I would no longer be released that day, but I would instead have to serve grocery store time (whatever that meant).  I turned to Kid Cudi and began yelling back at him.  I informed him that I was in prison for eating pie.  Then I quoted some of his own lyrics to him and said he deserved to be in my place more than I.  That made him quite angry, and he tightened my shackles.

To avoid thinking about my current situation, I looked up at the television and saw that a Marvel movie trailer was playing.  It was supposed to be a live action film, but because they hadn't shot anything yet, they showed a bunch of clips from old cartoons, which excited me.  The final shot of the trailer was one of King Pin strapped to a bed in a jail cell that resembled the one I was currently in.

Then I jumped forward in time again to the grocery time I was serving.

I was strapped to a chair next to five other men in the middle of a grocery store.  We all watched as people were shopping.  We were there for hours and hours.  I was getting very bored, but to make my watchman angry, I acted as if I was having a great time.  It turned out that my watchman was Seth Bartlette (my boss at RemedyLIVE), and he indeed was getting annoyed at my apparent joy.  I was singing songs, whistling, and having a gay old time.

He came up to me and began scolding me, but then another watchman came and undid all of the chains of the prisoners, including me, which didn't make sense to either of us.  After thinking about it for a while, I determined that it was a sort of test, so I stayed in my chair and continued to serve my time.

I must have been right, for about a half hour the warden came up to me and congratulated me, for my good behavior had set me free.

I immediately left the store and saw that Travis Cox (a fellow I know from Prairie Camp) had just finished directing a major orchestra concert on the shore of a great beach that was right outside the grocery store.  I wanted badly to play baritone for that show (apparently I was supposed to have done so in my dream).  Travis said he was disappointed that my behavior prevented me from playing the show.  He then told me to hand over my mouthpiece, which was in my pocket.

Then I awoke.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Dream #420 (October 27, 2011)

Twas crazy.

The dream began inside an old blue car.  I was driving it through an empty city, and I was alone.  It was still dark outside, for it was very early morning.

I eventually arrived at my destination: David and Carrie Badertscher's house.  I walked inside and found that Jeff and Amber were also there with their little daughter Lucy (David, Carrie, Jeff, and Amber I all got to know during my years at Prairie Camp).  Lucy was playing with Stella (Dave and Carrie's young daughter).  They had little blocks and trucks spread all over the floor.  I wanted to join them, but it was time for all of us to leave.

Shortly after I arrived, everyone greeted me, then grabbed his/her luggage (I too had my luggage) and walked out the door.  We rode in a van (driven by David) to an unreal airport.  There were moving walkways that spiraled up and up, hundreds of feet into the air, and they ran straight into several different planes, which seemed to be parked randomly throughout the entire place.  There was very little security there.

We hopped onto one moving walkway and made our long, twisted way up to our grayish blue plane.  We got in, sat down, and the plane took off as if it were waiting for only us.  The flight didn't take long, and I enjoyed some peanuts and pretzels on the way.  I read and wrote most of the way without saying a word.

When we arrived, at our destination, we rented a little car (we all fit, for at some point, Lucy, Stella, Jeff, and Amber all disappeared from my dream.  I believe they rented a different car, but I'm not sure).  After filling it up with gas, we drove to the conference center (where a youth workers convention was being held).  We were lucky and got rooms in the conference center hotel.  Most others had to stay a block down from the center at an old, eerie hotel.

We attended one big conference that evening (it was all a blur, for I don't believe it played in my head in real time), after which we attended a large dinner in a fancy dining hall.  There were tons of people in line, and I talked with David while waiting.  He told me about spaghetti's curing qualities (that's what was on the menu for dinner).  Apparently spaghetti had certain chemicals that could combat brain disfunction (which would come in handy later).

It was our turn to eat, finally, and I discovered that the food was being served by Jeff Sweeney (former little league coach of mine and father of a former classmate of mine).  I talked to him for a little while about how he was doing, then David and I got our food, ate it, then went to sleep in our respective rooms.

The next morning I awoke to an empty hotel.  Everyone had fled for some reason.  I went to David's room and found that he and Carrie were gone as well.

I rode down the elevator to the lobby and discovered why everyone had fled.  The hotel was filled with zombies.  As I looked at the people, I recognized most of them as ones who I saw go down the block to the other hotel.  I made the assumption that something went wrong over there, and and everyone who had come to the conference from that place had become zombies on the way.

Their mouths were covered in vomit, and their skin was clammy and pale green.  They looked at me, and they looked hungry (several of them were trying to break into the dining hall, which was being boarded up by Jeff Sweeney.  I ran over to him and he quickly let me in, slamming the door behind me.  I told him what David had told me the day before about spaghetti and its healing qualities.  Then we got the idea to feed it to the zombies, so we cooked up several huge pots of it (pots that I could sit in and not be seen) and threw it out to the zombies.

Sure enough, the zombies fought over the food and devoured it all.  After a few minutes they all started to turn back to natural colors.  We had healed them!  I sat down in the corner of the dining hall and put my head in my hands.

Then I shot back in time.  I was again in David and Carrie's house, getting ready to make the trip.  However, David, Carrie, Jeff, Amber, Lucy, and Stella were not present.  In their stead were Frank Harris (a friend of mine from school who passed away about a year ago), Ryan Jackson, BJ Woods, and Jeremy Robinson.  They were all eating dinner when and looking at blueprints when I arrived.  They looked up at me and suddenly the room changed and we were in the hotel.  Frank and BJ were getting ready to leave for the other, eerie hotel, but I told them not to go, for people who stayed there turned to zombies.  They said they would be careful, then they left.  I soon went to bed.

When I awoke, I found that Frank had slept in my room after all.  He awoke right after I did, and he showed me writing that he had on his arm.  I couldn't quite make it out, and before I could get a closer look, he ran downstairs.

I followed him all the way to the lobby and outside the hotel, where he pointed up at the roof of the eerie hotel where BJ and Ryan were standing, zombified (I'm not sure how I could see that far; it's like I had a telephoto lens).  Then he showed me the writing on his arm, which said SHAWN NILES.  In the dream, Shawn had died last year instead of Frank.  Then Frank said his ghost was among us and began to cry.  I looked back to the eerie hotel and thought to myself, "It must be their continental breakfast that is turning people into zombies."

I went to the kitchen to prepare some spaghetti.

Then I awoke.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Dream #419 (October 25, 2011)

Happy birthday Georges Bizet, Pablo Picasso, and, of course, self.

I didn't have the most exciting birthday dream last night (though the second part was interesting).  The most of the beginning, I was scheduling shows and music videos for Remedylive.  I had to make a playlist entitled A-126 over and over again for coworker Jason North, and he was never pleased with it for some reason.

Eventually I escaped this painfully meticulous dream and entered into another one.  I was in a 60's style modern home (with Frank Lloyd Wright designed furniture; it was awesome).  There was a scavenger hunt going on when I arrived, and, though it had been going on for quite a while, I was thrown into the competition on my brother Mike's team.  Tyler Moore and Carter Ammerman (two Bethel students I saw in San Diego last month when I was working there for Remedy) were also on Mike's team, but they were tangled up at some clue they were trying to get.  Mike told me they were pretty much useless in this competition, and I told him I would help him win.

I immediately found a prize and two clues for other prizes (one was a picture of a bat and a television; I concluded that it meant the prize was hanging over the TV, which it was).  I then found a bucket of chalk with a card attached to it in the basement.  Next I went back upstairs to a glass shelf by the television and found another prize amidst the Star Wars figurines that were on display there.  I continued to look for more clues (though I was far ahead of the game in spite of arriving late).

However, I was soon distracted by fireworks coming from a nearby stadium.  I then remembered that it was Independence Day and thought how lucky I was to see fireworks from such a high point in the city.  I fought the urge to watch the fireworks for a little while, but I eventually obeyed it and enjoyed exploding light.

Soon enough, the contest was over, and, though I arrived late and finished early, my brother and I had easily found the most clues.  We went to a basement below the basement, where The Rat King (from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) was collecting the prizes people had found and totaling the scores.  Again, we easily had more than the others, but the group that went before us told The Rat King some long story about how they were playing to help a charity, and they thought they deserved the prize.  They didn't appear to be aiding a charity (bloodshot eyes, smelling of drugs), but I didn't want to risk looking like a jerk, so Mike and I gave out prizes to them so that they could win.  I'm not sure what the grand prize was,

because I awoke shortly after.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Dream #418 (October 24, 2011)

This dream was wild.

The first dream setting for Dream #418 was a prehistoric jungle.  The world was green.  Every rock was covered in moss; every tree was covered with vines.

I was leading a pack of baby dinosaurs under the command of a general that I, at first, trusted.

We were running swiftly and stealthily through a jungle, for we wanted to avoid predators while still escaping from the jungle as quickly as possible.  I soon heard on my radio that the general ordered me to feed a bottle of special pills to the dinosaurs in my company.  I did as he ordered, for I trusted him.

When the little dinosaurs ate these pills, they grew into great and nasty creatures, all nearly 100 feet tall, and all foaming at the mouth and burning red in the eyes.  I hopped on a pterodactyl and led the raging dinosaurs not-so-stealthily through the jungle.  On our way, they topped trees and gobbled up smaller dinosaurs, while destroying everything in their way.

After a long, terrifying journey, the pills wore off and the dinosaurs again became innocent infants.  Then a blue triceratops approached me and begged me to not give them the pills again, for it made them lose all control.  I obeyed the poor creature, against the commands of my general, who was screaming at me through the radio.

We hid under a rock so that we could avoid the stampedes that we had caused earlier.  In my company there was a blue triceratops, a red t-rex, a green pterodactyl, several colorful birds, a few purple raptors, a baby blue brontosaurus, and more.  We hid for quite some time, but were soon discovered by my general's helicopter, who landed next to us and forced all the dinosaurs to eat the pills again, and forced me to lead them out of the jungle.

We again went on a rampage and finally escaped the jungle by tearing through the sky itself, ripping ourselves into another world.  This new world consisted only of grassy plains and blue skies.  There were no other creatures in sight.

The dinosaurs all shrunk back to their normal size and began another process of recovery.  I let them rest while I went to explore the territory.

That was the last of the dinosaurs in this dream, but the dream still flowed without any brakes into consciousness.

I found a large factory that had several stories.  I broke into the first floor by breaking a door window and unlocking the bolt from inside.  When I walked in, I saw Andy Lawrence (who was one grade under me at Oregon-Davis Jr./Sr. High School), who greeted me with kindness, even though I had let myself in.  He offered to give me a tour of the factory and I accepted.

We hopped on an odd little hovercraft that he kept in the corner.  It was about 5'x5', and it was flat with only a steering wheel sitting on it (no side panels or seats).  We both sat Indian style on the device and Andy accelerated quickly to a terrifying speed.  He barely dodged the machines in the factory, and many of those machines had blades that came close to chopping off both of our heads.

We continued this caution-to-the-wind ride all the way to the third (top) floor, where we finally got off of the death trap.  In retrospect, though I was a bit nervous, I did thoroughly enjoy the ride.

Andy then showed me an elevated view of the factory from the third floor balcony.  It was amazing.

Then I was awakened by an extremely loud and bright lighting/thunder combo.

I eventually fell back asleep and dreamt a small dream.  I was putting together a YouTube video with footage I had taken of actor Steve Carell. I was creating a voice-over for it and doing some color correcting.  The editing sweet in which I was working was on the top of a mountain that was adjacent to the ocean.  I was in a metal tower, locked up, and all alone, with only a small window to observe the beauty of the environment outside.

When I was almost done editing, I received a phone call from Steve Carell.

Then I awoke.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Dream #417 (October 20, 2011)

New look, same great taste.

Last night I dreamt a dream.  I first was on the top of some great bridge/slide.  It was built over a great body of water, and many people were lined up to go down the slide.

I was looking over the edge at the water far below me for quite some time, until it was my turn to go down the slide.  I looked behind me and saw that a gorilla was to go down the slide right after me.  I didn't think much of it at the time, turned back to the slide, and went down.

To my surprise, only the very first section of the slide was a slide.  The rest of it was made up of stairs and large gaps that I couldn't possibly leap across.  I made it over a few gaps in the 'slide' but I soon fell down off of the bridge toward the water far below me.

Luckily I managed to grasp onto a rope that was dangling from the bridge.  I held onto it as I swung back and forth, until the gorilla that was behind me also fell and grabbed hold of another rope.  I watched as he shifted his weight until he was swinging enough to leap to the next rope, then to the next, all the way back up to the top.  I learned from him, and did the same.

When I reached the top, I decided to take the real stairs down to safety.

At the bottom of the bridge/slide, I realized that I was a detective on a case.

I was standing outside of a restaurant, watching fancily dressed people enjoy themselves.  I was taking notes in a notepad all the while.

Soon enough, a few people came out of the restaurant pushing a cake on wheels that resembled a life-size baker.  It was cool looking, and I wanted to get closer, but something inside me kept me from doing so.  That something was wise, for moments later, the cake exploded, and those three people were killed almost instantly.

Immediately I ran out of that scene into another.  I was in a nearly empty town in the middle of the night.  I looked into a store window and noticed some activity going on inside.  Two men, wearing all black, were inside the store, which was a jewelry store, robbing the place.  As I ran across the street to bust them, the glass of all the windows on the entire street shattered, rendering me confused for a few moments.



(I wanted to sound more like a detective).  I looked about me and saw the men running into a large brick building and, about a minute later (as I was making my way over there), that building exploded.

Then I predicted their next move, and ducked into a large warehouse.  There a janitor was mopping the floor, and near him I saw a great heater that looked like a potential explosion hazard.  Thinking quickly, I grabbed a fire extinguisher, and not a moment too soon, for as I ran toward it, a flame burst that most likely would have caused an explosion in a matter of seconds had I not put it out quickly.  The janitor thanked me, and I left the warehouse to search for the bombers.

Then I awoke.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Dream #416 (October 5, 2011)

This was interesting.

I first dreamt that I was walking through a large conference center with Adam Pflugshaupt (a friend from high school).  There were hundreds of booths set up there, representing many diverse things, such as colleges, charities, candy, and more.  Most of the people there were in their twenties, which was interesting.  I walked by a few people that I knew from high school and college, but I didn't talk with them.

Adam and I went into the big conference room within the center and packed up large, dark blue curtains into big grey cases, then carried them out into the hallway from which we had come.  As we were walking out some side doors (they were all glass), we passed my friend Jon Ayee (from Regent University), who was talking intimately with a blonde girl about speed dating.  I assumed that it was his ladyfriend Kassi, but when I said hello to her, I realized that it was a complete stranger.  I was taken aback, and wondered if Jon was cheating on Kassi, or if they had broken up.  I didn't stick around to ask questions.

Adam and I went outside and began walking down the street, lit only by yellow street lamps.  I mentioned that it felt pretty warm for nighttime that time of year.

Soon I began getting hit in the face with something.  I looked back at Adam, who was about thirty yards behind me shouting, "It's snowing!"  I then realized that the ground was covered with about four inches of snow, which I failed to notice when I first walked outside.

I was excited, for I love snow.

Then I switched over to a different dream.

I was living alone in a one-room apartment in a city that reminded me of Gotham from Batman.  It was late at night, and I was watching a news channel on my small, very old television whilst eating some macaroni and cheese with hot sauce.

My apartment was very messy, with dishes lying about here and there.  There were all kinds of comic books and novels and biographies strewn about as well.

After I finished my meal, I decided to go to the library (which was open all night apparently).

I drove an old brown car through empty streets until I arrived there.

I walked past several rows of books and into the theater inside the library.  There I found some musical performers who were a part of some competition.  The singers were singing some gospel music, and it was pretty terrible.  After it was over, the judges told them some of their thoughts (candy coated negative comments), and another group performed.  They were equally terrible, and when they had finished, the judges present a special guest judges: Neil Silveus (a friend of mine).

Neil walked over to the stage and sat at the foot of it, crossing his legs.  He then went on to explain why the music was terrible.  When the singers began to complain about his comments, one asked Neil if the group would be better with him in it (the singers were all women; in fact, every group waiting to perform were all women, and the other judges were women).  Neil replied, "Yes," which started an uproar among the ladies, but Neil stuck to his answer with confidence.

After he was finished, he came and sat by me as we watched the rest of the groups perform.  They were all terrible and difficult to watch, and I badly wanted to leave and go home, but I didn't want to be rude.  After a long time, the first group got up and performed again, which made me very sad, but Neil told me to leave and that nobody would be offended, so I left.

I walked out of the library and into a nearby building.  There a contest was being held.  There were several teams, and my mother, who was the emcee, was asking trivia questions, and the groups would have to submit answers.  All of the correct answers would add up to points, which would then be used for another, more physical game.  The points would transfer over to added time to complete an obstacle course of sorts.

I teamed up with my brother Mike for the trivia questions, which were focused on airlines and pilots (a subject that I don't know much about).  We managed to do alright, but there were several people who had done better.

Then my mother lined everyone up at the obstacle course, and we all took turns trying to complete it.  It was taking a long time (because there was no explanation as to how to go about completing the course), so my mother decided to let everybody go all at once, disregarding the whole point/time system she had developed for the trivia game.

I watched a tall guy with a huge afro complete the course very quickly.  He looked like an Olympic sprinter, and I knew with all of my speed I probably couldn't beat him.  But it didn't matter, for when I ran up to the first obstacle, I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do; it was a tub full of kiwis.  I decided that maybe eating five would count as getting past the obstacle, so I did so.  Then I found a bowl full of bubble blowers and bubble mix.  I blew some bubbles and continues (still having no idea if what I was doing was correct).  Then I found some spaghetti and carried it with my mouth over to an empty bowl.  Then I found a pool of water and gave up trying to interpret all of the obstacles and jumped in it, then rolled around the ground, kicking my legs, and destroying the whole obstacle course.

Then games were over, but somehow my brother and I had each won prizes (probably because our mom ran the games).  Mike and I looked into one bin of prizes, which was quite sparse.  There was a Minnie Mouse, a tiny penguin, and some other weird looking white dogs that had no joints and were made of porcelain.  Mike began to cry because he wanted a cool toy and there weren't any left.  Then I found another bin of prizes, which had much cooler toys than the first.  I showed it to him, and he cheered up.  In the bin were several different Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles action figures, which is what I thought I was going to get, but I accidentally picked up a large transformer.  I was about to put it back, but I noticed that there was a Wolverine (from X-Men) action figure that was a part of the set, and I was very excited at my find, so I kept it.  Mike grabbed a sweet Leonardo action figure (TMNT).  We were both pleased with our prizes and we walked outside and sat at the bus stop (even though I had driven to the library initially).  We began playing with our toys.

Then I awoke.