Thursday, September 22, 2011

Dream #414 (September 22, 2010)

I had a couple dreams last night (sorry for not being around for a while).

I dreamt that I was playing a board game with my brother Matt, my grandfather, my mom, and my dad.  The board was green and it had two lines of spaces (on which a pawn would advance).  The game involved apple picking, for there were little trees around the board set up with little apples on them.  I used to play an apple picking game like this as a child.

We all took turns picking a few apples, then advancing our individual pawns a few spaces.  However, when my grandfather took a turn, he managed to pick so many apples with one swoop that his pawn jumped from one side to the other, near the victory space on the board.  It was an amazing move.

Matt's turn was next, and he tried to replicate that move, but he failed and managed to knock the trees off the table, as well as several of the pawns.  The game was over.

Then I fell into a different dream, one that was a bit more dark.

I was with several of my friends (Greg Fox was the only one that I know in real life), and we were sent into a dark country.  We arrived there in an old green van.

Everything in this country was dark and desaturated.  The only structures in sight were old wooden fences and abandoned barns.  When were first arrived, there were no people there either.

We decided to explore an odd, barely red, barn.  I was the last to enter, and right when I did so, I was grabbed and taken outside.  I saw that I had been man-handled by an elderly fellow.  He told me to stay quiet and to watch out for strangers.  He then went on to tell me that the people in that country had been affected by a vampire virus that, of course, turned their skin pale and gave them a craving for blood.

Just then, the man vanished, and I was alone.  Soon after that, a young lady walked up to me and told me to follow her because she needed help.  I did as she asked, with a bit of hesitation, and she led me to the van I had arrived in.  She opened up the back door, then pulled me in with great force.

Now the dream took one direction from that point, but later it returned to that exact moment and took a different direction.

The woman began to cry and told me about her family being lost to the virus.  She said that she hadn't had human contact for several months, and she was grateful for my arrival.

Then my friends returned from the barn and saw the woman there and felt pity on her.  Then we decided to leave the place and pull the woman from the dangerous country.  We escaped without being harmed.

However, the dream switched back to the moment where the woman pulled me into the van.

This time, instead of spilling out her emotions, the woman tried to spill my blood.  I was ready, though, and I managed to throw her to the other side of the van and flee.

I took refuge in another nearby barn (this one was barely green).  I hid in there for a while, in the dark.

Soon after, I heard her voice calling out my name (though I had never given it to her).  But she was answered by Greg Fox, who had led my other friends into that van as well.  I saw Gregg exit the barn and meet the vampire woman at the door.  She immediately bit his neck and he, too became a vampire. I rushed out there, against my better judgement, so that I could protect my other friends, but the vampire and Greg got to them before I could help.  They were all vampires.

I began to run, but Greg had gained speed from his disease and overtook me.  However, he didn't bite me.  He told me he didn't want me to become like him and that he was going to lead the woman and our friends away to some island so that they would bring no more harm to anybody but themselves.  I thought that was quite noble of him.

I said goodbye, and watched them take over a bus (by force) and leave.

I got back into the van and drove off.

Then I awoke.

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