Friday, September 9, 2011

Dream #411 (September 8, 2011)

Here is a dream.

I dreamt that I was living in Seth Bartlette's house with Tim Johnson.  Tim and I were, for some reason, cleaning Seth's entire house before he returned home from work.  When everything had just become very neat and tidy, Seth returned.  Instead of looking like Seth, Seth looked like Jimmy Fallon.  He didn't even compliment us on our cleaning.

Then Tim and I went our separate ways.

I walked into my bedroom, which took me from nighttime to daytime.  I was also in a completely different house.  Morgan Ferch (my former neighbor) was there with her boyfriend.  They were playing checkers.  I felt like watching a movie, so I went into another bedroom.  The bedroom was the bedroom I know reside in at my grandfather's house in real life; in the dream I knew it to be this room.  There I found Brittany Coleman lying on my bed watching a 35mm film that was projected from behind the head of a bed to a small silver screen a few feet behind the foot.  The movie was some sort of train documentary in black and white with occasional shots containing green and red.

I asked Brittany what she was doing there, for it was my bed and I was tired.  Then she informed me that the bed was actually not mine, but hers.  I didn't agree.

After a brief discussion, Brittany accepted that I was right, and she crawled out the window.  It was the middle of the day, and I went to bed.

Then I awoke.

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