Sunday, August 21, 2011

Dream #408 (August 21, 2011)

This will be fairly short.

I dreamt that I was at some sort of huge retreat that took place at a campground in the middle of a city. In the middle of the campground was a resort center that resembled a castle. It was tall and wide, and it was made of stone. Many people were entering and exiting it at all times. Furthermore, there were numerous lines of people marching in several different patterns and in different directions.

I was in charge of running activities inside of an enormous cage that was setting over a patch of grass. There were several wooden tables set up, and I had created different game stations within the cage, most of them involving water. A lot of teens that played the games I recognized from Prairie Camp's Teen Camp.

After I had entertained several groups of teens, I was told to go into another cage. There I was united with Norm Dial, Mike Phipps, and a middle aged woman, and we were instructed to enter into a cage within the cage that was covered with several purple velvet blankets. Inside of this smaller cage, several wooden tables were covered with items wrapped in magician-themed wrapping paper. A whistle blew, and Norm, Mike, and the middle aged woman began unwrapping the gifts. Once the would unwrap one, they would put in a pile behind them, then return to the table to open more presents.

After half of the gifts were gone, I was invited to open some. I was excited, because Norm had opened a package with five hundred dollars in it. My gifts were much different, though. I opened up a cone-shaped light prism (it probably would work in real life as well as it did in the dream), an NES gaming system (with a picture of Super NES's version of Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong), and a green cloth napkin (that resembled the napkin into which I blew a great wad of snot at a scholarship banquet at which John Ashcroft was the guest of honor and had a speech, during which I audibly passed gas, which caused several heads to turn; that is a story that must be told another time through another medium).

I looked over my gifts, and I knew they weren't worth much. However, I was very grateful for them. I knew I was blessed even to have participated in the opening of gifts. Moments after this realization, I had another: all the gifts were items given from my parent's house (none of these items are possessed by my parents in real life, by the way).

Then I awoke.

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