Friday, August 19, 2011

Dream #407 (August 19, 2011)

I dreamt.

I was inside of a bookstore that resembled a house. There were both used and new books there, all in very good condition.

I was with my father, and we were both searching through the used books to see if we could find anything we were interested in. After a few minutes of this, I heard some commotion outside and found a group of young adults throwing a frisbee around. I knew several of them, but the first person I ran into was a man by the name of Adam Linse.

Adam graduated with me from Oregon-Davis High School in 2007. He was a goofy fellow, but very kind and fun. Most students called him 'Talls' because of his height, which was somewhere around 6' 3" or something like that. A lot of people picked on him, unfortunately, for foolish reasons. He definitely did not deserve the abuse he put up with throughout his years.

Anyway, I haven't seen him for several years, so I was excited to say hello. With great excitement he told me about a new video game he had purchased, and he even reenacted it right in front of me, pretending to shoot down enemies with a gun that was visible only to those with imagination.

After talking to him for a few minutes, I literally walked into Dan Napolitan, who was wearing a 60's style suit with an even older-looking hat. He was a bit annoyed when I did so, and he didn't seem to recognize me at first, but after a second, he remembered who I was. However, when I called him Dan, he acted as if that wasn't his name, so I pretended that I was actually talking about another Dan that we both knew.

Our awkward conversation was quickly broken up by a frisbee that was thrown in our direction, accompanied by "Five hundred!" shouted from about thirty feet away. An intense game of 'dollars up' (also known as 'jackpot') had ensued, right in the middle of the suburban street, and I wasn't about to let anybody beat me at catching a frisbee (I'm not typically competitive, but I was in this dream for some reason). I fought Dan for the next throw, but, though he is shorter than I, he beat me to the frisbee and won 200 points. Then next throw, I ran into Shana Beers (whom I didn't know was even present), knocking her over, letting some young boy (who resembled Oliver Twist in my mind) catch the 700 point frisbee. I apologized and decided that I should go back inside before harming anyone else.

When I went back in, I bought a bright green book right away, without really knowing what it was. When I looked inside, I found a special package stating that I had won. When I read a bit more of this package, I discovered that I had won an opportunity to play baseball for any major league team I wanted to. Furthermore, I was instantly a talented ball player. My dad asked me who I wanted to play for, and I told him that I wasn't sure.

Then I switched over to a different dream.

I was on a train in the middle of the desert. Suddenly, the train broke down and all of the passengers got off. Then I discovered that a strong, shirtless man was on the train. I bring him up because he claimed to be Superman. For some reason, everyone else believed him, but I wasn't so sure. I tried to test him physically by telling him to fly here, or lift certain heavy objects, but he never quite did what I asked of him. By the way, I was Spider-Man in this dream, though nobody had reason to believe so, for I myself never used my mutant powers.

Louis Lane was also on the train, but at this point, she had never met Superman or even heard of him. She seemed to have a crush on the guy, and I tried to explain to her how foolish she was for believing him. Then the man became angry and said he was going to show off his power on me. He leaped down a sand dune, carrying a shovel, then threw the shovel back up the dune (which was impressive, but not super human). Then I sprinted down the dune and sprinted back up very quickly (I don't know what I was trying to prove; I was fast, but not unbelievably fast).

Then everything changed. I was now watching this dream on a television screen. The train had begun working again, and all of the passengers boarded it and took their seats. I leaned back on the couch and drank from my glass of water.

Then I awoke.

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