Thursday, August 18, 2011

Dream #405 (August 17, 2011)

This was odd and felt very real.

I was working at Prairie Camp's Family Camp. I was walking past the Children's Tabernacle when a mother approached me and asked me to watch her children for her. I told her that I would love to, but I was busy at the moment preparing for a teen camp game.

I then hopped in a golf cart and rode over to Dave and Carrie Badertscher's former house (they lived on the house that rests at Prairie Camp). I got off and looked at my phone and saw that I had a voicemail, which I then retrieved. My brother Mike had left it, and he informed me that an alien had landed in a nearby field, and the alien wanted to speak with me.

I hopped in my car and drove to the site where I met up with by brother and Adam Pflugshaupt. They were both conversing with the alien. This alien didn't look all that inhuman. His head was a bit more elliptical, his skin was pale green, he didn't really have a nose, and he only had three fingers on each hand. This alien's ship was still intact, and it looked much like a regular rocket.

Then Adam invited the alien back to our apartment (in the dream, Adam and I lived together in a one-room apartment).

The apartment was full of metal, jankity bunk beds that looked just like the beds at Prairie Camp. None of the beds had mattresses. The alien (who had befriended Adam), was excited to stay with us. We were all tired, so we went to bed. I didn't sleep well, for the alien slept above me and green liquid was dripping off of him.

It was so bad that I walked outside to get a breath of air. Then I saw the rocket, and I became curious, so I crawled inside.

When I got in, everything locked down, and I was strapped to a bed by robotic arms. Then the rocket took off (I could see everything through a long window that was across from my bed). The rocket went far into space at crazy speeds, then began spinning rapidly, making me sick.

Eventually, the rocket landed back by the apartment (which was by the field where the rocket had landed). When I got out, I saw the alien there waiting for me. He told me that the rocket had been programmed for a joy ride that many humans would have trouble stomaching. I had survived, but I was still very dizzy and ill from the ride. Adam then pulled me aside and scolded me for taking the rocket without asking.

Then I awoke.

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