Monday, August 15, 2011

Dream #403 (August 15, 2011)

This is a bit weird. And it's my first blogged dream for quite some time (I've returned from summer camp).

In this dream, I was working at Prairie Camp. However, Prairie Camp didn't look like Prairie Camp; instead, it resembled a state park that I stayed at as a child somewhere west of Indiana.

Anyway, I was performing many of my maintenance duties (weed whacking, lawn mowing, fixing up posts, and so on), working on my own while most others were still asleep. It was very early morning and the sun had just risen.

A couple hours into my work, I walked over by the Retreat Center (which is located at PC) and witnessed Josh Cavinder (a counselor this year) taking his kids up onto the porch and having them jump off of it for fun. Just as I was about to tell them that it wasn't a good idea, Carrie came out of her house and scolded him.

Next I walked into the retreat center. It was dark, and I had trouble locating the pair of athletic shorts that I had in my room (I didn't bother turning any lights on). I changed quickly, then ran over to the gym.

Now, the gym at camp is kind of nasty, but the gym in my dream looked more like an NBA stadium. There were a ton of people my age there, and they were all involved in a strange version of dodgeball. Everything looked similar, but there was a major difference: there were no balls. Instead, people were chucking at each other large cardboard creations (that resembled the cardboard boats I had the teen campers make a couple of weeks ago). I jumped right into the game and immediately began to dominate.

I threw a mess of packaging tape and cardboard at a guy wearing a headband and knocked him to the ground after hitting him in the face. I also hit a guy in the foot with the very next throw. Next, I picked up a huge raft of cardboard and threw it across the gym (from the baseline) and smashed it into Eric D. I had ended the game.

Then everyone came together and decided that it was time to go to bed.

Before leaving the gym, I began talking with Eric D and realized that there was something strange about the way he was speaking and walking. I approached him and asked him what was going on. Then he informed me that before the dodge cardboard game, everyone had randomly switched bodies with another player, which, in his opinion, was why I had played so well. He told me I was used to my body type, which is why I had the coordination to dominate. I wanted to play again and temporarily switch bodies with somebody else, but everyone else was too tired, so we left.

When we walked outside, I realized it was nighttime already. I tried figuring out who was inside of Eric D by looking at his posture, and by observing who else was there. I came to the conclusion that it was one of the Matteson boys (Cam or Adam), for he had a similar posture to the two of them. I talked a bit more with Eric D's body to see if I could figure out which one he was. He then told me that he had dressed up as Candy Cane the night before, and that his brother had dressed up as Mad Dawg, and the two of them went around camp, setting off fire crackers. They had also 'rung the bell' (there is, for some reason, an appeal for some teen campers to ring the big bell at night). By the way, Candy Can and Mad Dawg were two characters created and acted by Norm Dial and myself; they were hardcore bikers who ride a moped around and talked crazy at teen camp. I was a bit angry that Cam and Adam had tried to frame Norm and I by dressing up as our characters, but I was also a bit amused.

I followed Cam or Adam back to his campsite and said goodbye.

Then I went to McDonald's in the middle of the night.

There was a great group of young people there who had just arrived on a big yellow bus. They were all ordering food, so I had to wait for all of them to finish before I finally got the chance to order. When it was finally my turn, I realized that I had no money (I didn't forget my wallet or anything like that, I just realized that I actually possessed no cash or credit of any kind).

I walked away sad and hungry. I was stopped by a homeless-looking man who was drinking a strawberry milkshake. He took the lid off of his shake and put his hand right inside of it and pulled out a wad of cash and coins and threw them on the ground in front of me. I was about to bend over and pick some of it up when a flock of teens dove onto the floor and picked up all the money before I could act. The man, who didn't seem so homeless to me anymore, looked at me and flipped me a quarter, for which I thanked him.

I tried to buy a McChicken, but the cashier wouldn't let me.

Then I awoke.

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