Monday, July 11, 2011

Dream #402 (July 11, 2011)

Back from the dead.

This dream was crazy. Several people and I were renting a house at Sleeping Bear Dunes in northern Michigan. It was right on Lake Michigan, though the terrain was a lot more extreme in my dream. There were rocky mountains, sandy mountains, and huge crashing waves all about the coastline. There were few other homes near ours, and we were pretty secluded.

I decided to leave the crowded house on this particular day to explore my surroundings outside. With me I took a clone of my younger brother. Now, this clone was an exact replica of Mike when he was about 12 years old. We both journeyed through a field of very tall grass (a small path had been made through it before by somebody else) and arrived at the shoreline.

Without thinking, the clone Mike ran and jumped into the lake (this was very dangerous in my dream, for the waves were violently pushing into the rocky shore). It was not long before he was swept away.

I panicked. I looked around and gathered some bamboo and built myself a raft and pushed it out into the lake. I drifted along the coast for quite sometime without a glimpse of the clone.

Suddenly, I saw his head come up. He was close enough for me to throw him a vine, and he caught it. However, a sudden and great wave blasted at his back, causing him to let go of the vine and go under water. I didn't see him again that afternoon.

I returned to the house when night fell, disheartened. I knew that it was just a clone, but it was still my brother, in a way. I found a small kitchen closet and fell asleep there for the night.

The next day, I bundled up in a thick green winter coat (it had snowed heavily that night and was very cold). I was given a few provisions by some of the others staying at the house (saltine crackers, peanut butter, and water), and was sent out into the dark cold.

I pushed through the biting winds and the stinging chill until I reached the shore. There was no sign of clone Mike, so I climbed atop the tallest rock there (this rock was like a small mountain) and stood there to see if I could spot him. I could not.

I turned and looked into the mountain behind me and saw a camera moving about. I also saw a monitor. Apparently, the news was reporting about the beach where I was standing, and I just happened to be there as they were doing so. The camera was hovering near me, and seemed to be controlled by a remote somewhere far away. I grabbed the camera and, after looking at the monitor to make sure I was being broadcasted live, I asked if anybody had seen my brother, then I gave them my phone number so they could contact me if they had.

Then I climbed down from the rock. Right after doing so, I received a call on my cell phone from an unknown number. I answered it and found the caller to be Laura (a person my brain made up), an elderly woman who lived a couple houses down from the house in which I was staying. She told me that clone Mike had wandered naked into her home and she had taken care of him.

I then walked about a mile down the beach until I reached the house. The kind elderly lady welcomed me in, gave me a bowl of tomato soup, and sat me down next to my clone brother.

Then I awoke.

I fell back asleep and entered a different dream.

I was living in the same rented house in northern Michigan, but this time it was with a group from Prairie Camp (both the staff and the campers were residing there for the week). I was told by Carrie (the camp director) to create a complex game on the spot, so I did just that.

I made a mystery involving several different stations that the groups of young teenagers had to visit in order to solve a murder mystery I had created. I made maps on the green poster board that I had lying around (I have a bunch of that stuff in real life that I use for a green screen). I only had time to put a couple of the destinations on the maps.

Then, for unknown reasons, I took a bunch of tennis balls and placed them at various destinations. I thought to myself, I'll make the mystery open-ended so that the students came come up with their own solutions that are neither right nor wrong. I planned on making winners of the most creative crime solvers.

Then I climbed up to the attic of the house and crawled out of a window there. The window led into the middle of a sand dune, and I had to mole my way out. En route to the outside, I discovered two buried tennis balls. I didn't know how they got there. I set up a little station at the top of the dune, then walked across over to a rocky mountain and set up a station there.

After that, I returned to the house and instructed the other staff members to put together a few graham cracker and frosting houses. Then the kids entered from outside and Carrie told me to tell them how the game/mystery was to be played. I was still unsure of some of the guidelines of the game, but I started explaining anyway.

Then I awoke.

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