Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Dream #76 (October 6, 2009)


At the onset of the dream, I was riding in a car that Nathan Galvez was driving. We were in a horrible traffic jam on a suspended bridge, and during our sitting time we were trying to come up with story ideas, writing them down on one of those big yellow notebook paper pads.

Next thing I knew, we were at some guy's house. It was already fairly late, but he let us in anyway. While he was ordering us some food and getting his videos set up so he could show them to us, Nathan and I sat in his basement building a card tower. After several minutes, the friendly guy came down with a couple of boxes of pizza and his movies.

As we ate the delicious and very greasy pepperoni pizza, we watched the guy's short animated films. Though they had a different style (crazy changes in exposure from one frame to the next), they animations were very good. The subject of each of the animations was a goofy moose who would always be outsmarted by a brown rat. At the end of the last animated short, the rat killed the goof and then hung himself. It was a bizarre ending, but it was nonetheless outstanding animation.

After we were done watching the films, we all went upstairs and sat in his living room on very comfortable couches. We were still eating pizza (and now drinking pop, which I hardly ever do) when the guy's girlfriend walked in. He went with her into his room, and Nathan and I left. As we left, we realized who the guy was. He was the dean of our school (not Regent University, but the school that we attended in the dream; I had a whole set of false memories, which was quite interesting). We had not recognized him because he had shaved his beard and was wearing casual clothes.

After we walked out of the house, we went across the street (by now it was very late, and I was regretting staying up far past my bedtime).

Then I awoke.

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