Sunday, October 11, 2009

Dream #81 (October 11, 2009)

I was frustrated with this dream.

The dream took place on a giant chess board. There was only the board; there were no walls or ceilings. It was a black and while marble chess board in the middle of a black abyss.

Nathan Galvez and I were playing music (he played guitar and I played the piano). However, we were trying to come up with chords to a song. Every time we got to the fourth measure of the introduction, our playing would fall apart for no apparent reason. This happened over and over and over again.

Finally, after far too much time had passed, I awoke from this torture.

Dream #80 (October 10, 2009)

This was very odd.

The dream took place in the middle of the night (as usual) in my grandfather's house. My grandmother, who now has horribly progressed Alzheimer's Disease, was in her right mind and was the hostess of a dinner party my older brother wanted to have. He invited a bunch of his old classmates, whose names I do not remember, because he wanted to see how they were doing.

While dinner was being served, I became very hungry, so I decided to go to the basement and create for myself a tasty treat: a glass bowl with tissues stuffed inside of it. The crunchiness was pleasing to my mouth, surprisingly. After I devoured an entire bowl (filled with tissue), I made and ate another, and another, and another, until I became excessively full. I felt as if I was a stuffed animal because I had so much fluff in me. When I went back upstairs and tried to talk with my brother and his old classmates, fluff floated out from my mouth. I was embarrassed for having eaten so many tissues and bowls, and I could sense the disapproval of the rest of the guests.

Then I awoke.

Dream #79 (October 9, 2009)

This is not exciting.

I dreamed that I was in a small, old-fashioned cabin in the middle of Prairie Camp. It was nighttime, and nobody else was around (to my knowledge). The lighting was very amber and dim, creating a strange mood. I decided to vacuum the carpet of the cabin in which I was living, and I used the old purple vacuum that I used to use when I was a janitor at Territorial Engineering. When I was done, I decided to take a nap.

Right when I laid down on the bed (it was a queen size bed with a blanket decorated by painted roses; it was very homey), Rachel Engbrecht came into the cabin and sat in an old yellow chair that I did not realize was in the room (one would think I would have noticed it while I was vacuuming). I sat up in bed and began to talk to her as if we had met under usual circumstances. Then we decided to play backgammon together.

While we were in the middle of the game (I must have made up new rules to the game because I'm not sure I remember how to play backgammon), David Badertscher, the caretaker of Prairie Camp (also a friend of mine), walked in to see how we were doing. After talking with him about maintenance, he left.

Then I awoke.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Dream #78 (October 8, 2009)

This was rather scary.

I was running around in my front yard and in the front yard of my neighbor's house across the street, trying to avoid one-foot-tall, carnivorous, cannibal squirrels. I witnessed several regular squirrels getting their heads ripped off by the giant squirrels. There was blood everywhere.

Then I found myself in a dark basement with three other people playing some sort of gambling game that I have never seen before. It involved a complicated arrangement of cards, but the game mechanic was nonetheless simple. The goal of the game was similar to poker, except to get cards into one's hand, one had to flip a chip onto the desired card. A man in a black leather suite and a black hat taught me how to play.

Then I found myself on the top floor of an enormously tall building in the middle of a city. My old roommate Kevin and I were trying to fire a yellow laser down onto pedestrians on the streets below in the middle of the night.

Eventually I awoke.

Dream #77 (October 7, 2009)

This was so real to me.

The dream began in vast dunes. Jon Andrew Castleberry and I were searching for my father, little brother, and grandfather because a storm was a' brewin'. Unfortunately, as we walked down a narrow, unused road that ran through the dunes, the winds began to accelerate. Soon several small, white tornadoes about one foot wide each, and these little tornadoes were zooming by us at great speeds and from all direction. A couple times I was hit head on by one of these, causing me to fall back.

All of a sudden, the winds around us completely stopped. This was bad news, for everything around us began to orbit where we were standing; we were in the center of a giant tornado. Then I recalled a photograph in my 9th grade health book of a person lying in a ditch during a tornado. So, logically, we followed that thought and jumped into a conveniently nearby ditch.

The storm passed over, and we soon found my family members. I left with my family and went home. When I got there (which happened instantly), I went to bed.

I woke up after a full night's sleep (that took place within the dream) and walked out to the kitchen for breakfast. There I asked my grandfather if I could go back to the dunes, but he said that I could not.

Then I awoke.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Dream #76 (October 6, 2009)


At the onset of the dream, I was riding in a car that Nathan Galvez was driving. We were in a horrible traffic jam on a suspended bridge, and during our sitting time we were trying to come up with story ideas, writing them down on one of those big yellow notebook paper pads.

Next thing I knew, we were at some guy's house. It was already fairly late, but he let us in anyway. While he was ordering us some food and getting his videos set up so he could show them to us, Nathan and I sat in his basement building a card tower. After several minutes, the friendly guy came down with a couple of boxes of pizza and his movies.

As we ate the delicious and very greasy pepperoni pizza, we watched the guy's short animated films. Though they had a different style (crazy changes in exposure from one frame to the next), they animations were very good. The subject of each of the animations was a goofy moose who would always be outsmarted by a brown rat. At the end of the last animated short, the rat killed the goof and then hung himself. It was a bizarre ending, but it was nonetheless outstanding animation.

After we were done watching the films, we all went upstairs and sat in his living room on very comfortable couches. We were still eating pizza (and now drinking pop, which I hardly ever do) when the guy's girlfriend walked in. He went with her into his room, and Nathan and I left. As we left, we realized who the guy was. He was the dean of our school (not Regent University, but the school that we attended in the dream; I had a whole set of false memories, which was quite interesting). We had not recognized him because he had shaved his beard and was wearing casual clothes.

After we walked out of the house, we went across the street (by now it was very late, and I was regretting staying up far past my bedtime).

Then I awoke.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Dream #74 (October 4, 2009)

This is an insane mash-up of several different scenes that formulated into a single dream. Another interesting aspect of this dream is the changes in perspective that took place.

The dream began on a large ship. I was not present, and the ship seemed to be empty. Then another ship with about fifty other ships tied to its body rammed into the big empty ship. Then Geoffrey Chaucer leaped off the ships with ships onto the empty ship. He was soon greeted by Captain Blackbeard. At this point in the dream I knew that I was on the ship with ships, but I could not be seen by me (if that makes any sense). All of a sudden Chaucer was shot down by another pirate (he didn't die, however, because I knew he had yet to write a book). Then an ultimate battle ensued. All the while I remained hidden in one of the ships on the ship with ships.

Then I jumped into another dream. I found myself in a large opera house where a camp sermon was being delivered. I had never been in such a large theater. For some reason I had a bunch of things with me, including my iMac box, several old library books, an umbrella, and a large cardboard box. I only had to move the stuff about thirty feet, but I wanted to only make one trip, so I tried to carry everything at once, to no avail. Finally I gave up and walked to the back pew and noticed that I knew some people there. My father and my uncle were sitting together, and for some reason my uncle, who is generally a quiet person, was being loud and obnoxious, to the annoyance of those sitting around him. I noticed that my grandfather was also there, and he was sitting with Kevin Chupp, my Freshman year college roommate.

After greeting them, I decided that I would leave. The closest exit was all the way by the stage, so I walked the long hike down, past all the ushers, to the exit. For some reason a bunch of my old campers that I had as a counselor at Prairie Camp followed me outside the opera house in a big group, making us look as if we were protesting something. I was even more surprised by what we walked into. Immediately outside the door were numerous sand dunes with a few little ponds here and there.

The campers and I marched through the sand for what seemed like miles. After a while we took a break at one of the small ponds. Then John the Mouth, an old camper of mine, threw a bunch of mud at me, which landed in my hair and slid down my back into my shorts. In anger I ran over to John the Mouth and realized that he had fallen into a bunch of thistles. When he emerged he had a large gash across his neck. Somehow the gash scarred immediately, stopping him from loosing too much blood.

Moments later John's parents were on the scene scolding me for neglecting their son. Then the rest of the campers and I marched into the nearby woods. About twenty feet in I noticed many bright pastel colors spread throughout. As I approached one of the sources of the color, I realized that it was an Easter egg. I plucked it off of the bush and began to unwrap it. I discovered that this was no ordinary Easter egg. In fact, it was a clump of dirt wrapped in a flashy material and speckled with glitter.

I put that egg back from where I had plucked it, assuming that it was to serve some purpose for whoever placed it there. Then I went with the campers down the trail of the woods, which rapidly declined deeper into the woods. After about a quarter of a mile, we encountered a large boat/tent (I wish that I could explain this structure better, but that is the best I can do) with an open door that had a welcoming and warm light spilling from it. I led the kids into the boat/tent and was welcomed by a middle-aged woman. She said we could tour her boat as long as we didn't break anything (she also let me know that she was the source of the Easter eggs).

For some reason I took off running. In fact, I ran clear out of my own view, causing me to have more of a third-person perspective as I looked upon my dream. The inside of the boat/tent looked like the interior of a fancy restaurant/boat. There were several waiters walking around, but there were no customers. As the kids walked to the end of the boat, I realized that I would soon emerge from the opposite door. The door opened, but it was only another waiter, until I slipped back into frame from behind him.

Suddenly I moved into another place. I was in the basement of my house petting my dying dog (who is now actually dead). In the dream I knew that my dog, Sadie, was soon going to die. My little brother was there petting the new dog that my parents bought (which, in real life, was purchased several months after Sadie's death). After a few minutes, my little brother began to move things around in the basement. Then he pulled out some old Fischer-Price toys and began to play with them (my little brother is 17 years old). All the while I continued to pet my dying dog. I did not cry, but I was extremely sad, and I did not want to leave her side, for I knew that it could be the last time I could comfort her. Broken with sadness, I laid my head on her head.

Then I awoke. I was in a strange mood when I got out of bed this morning.

Dream #73 (October 3, 2009)

This was nothing to write home about, so I will keep it brief.

I walked around in a trailer searching for a tie and I could not find one.

Wait, I forgot something.

I was hanging from a grid on the ceiling of an office building with my older brother, Rachel Engbrecht, and some other overweight middle-aged man.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Dream #72 (October 2, 2009)

I finally had another crazy dream that was also fun.

The dream began at a tubing resort on a big mountain. (This particular tubing resort was for snow tubing, not water tubing). I had come there with some old friends, including Alik Hall and Michael Kaser, and I was very excited about the fun I was going to have. After waiting in line for several minutes, I was at the desk where the employee there handed out the inter-tubes that we would use to slide down the mountain. Unfortunately, they were not inflated, so we had to spend the next several minutes inflating them with our mouths. After that, I was finally ready to go.

However, I realized that I had forgotten to wear my snow boots, and I knew my shoes, socks, and feet were going to get very wet and very cold. That realization then lead to another; I discovered that I was wearing shorts and a T-shirt when the weather was very cold (there was, of coarse, snow on the ground). To my surprise, it was not as cold as I thought, so I was alright in my light apparel.

The view from the mountain on which I was climbing was spectacular. My eyes beheld beautiful lakes, luscious trees, tremendous mountains, and more. Just as I was taking all of these things in, I dropped my tube, which proceeded to slide all the way down the mountain. I was sad for a few moments, but my emotion quickly changed when Halloween candy began to fall from the sky. I running around in the snow, grabbing handfuls of candy corn, carmel apple lollipops, and other typical candies given on the fall holiday.

After a while, I began to get cold, so I went to church to take a warm bath in the baptismal. I turned on the water, which I believed to run through a hose that ran into the baptismal. As I waited for it to fill up, I took a nap on a pew. After several peaceful minutes, my dad (the pastor of the church) and Rick Hall entered hastily. They, fortunately did not see me because I had not bothered to actually put the hose in the baptismal. Water was gathering in a large puddle on the floor in front of the stage and was flowing in a stream through the sanctuary door.

When they fixed the problem by placing numerous towels on the pool of water, they left, so I emerged from my place of hiding. I then actually put the hose in the baptismal, filled it up, entered it, and fell asleep in the warm water.

Then I awoke.

Dream #71 (October 1, 2009)

This, yet again, is a short description, but, at the same time, it was a dream of normal length.

I dreamed that I was in a small room with four walls, four windows that looked onto four other walls, and a carpeted floor and ceiling. The entire room was colored baby blue, and it was lit by fluorescent light. During the entire dream I was being interviewed by a woman wearing a black suit (she also had a blue button-up shirt underneath), and she was in her 30's. I was being asked several questions, and the whole time I was restlessly squirming in the uncomfortable office chair in which I was seated. I wanted to escape, but my mind would not allow me to do so.

After a long, mentally torturous dream, I awoke.

Dream #70 (September 30, 2009)

This also will be a short description.

I dreamed that I was playing basketball underneath a church. The floors and walls were dirt, yet the hoops and basketballs were of top quality. I was playing with Steven Leath and other people I don't know. The interesting thing is that before the game, I discovered an amazing technique that drastically increased my team's skills; we tied large nacho cheese cans (like the GFS brand) and ran around with those on as well played. It was ridiculous. My team and I played like this for several games.

Then I awoke.

Dream #69 (September 29, 2009)

This will be a very short description.

I dream that I was lame.

The end.