Thursday, March 28, 2013

Dream #497 (March 28, 2013) Super Powers and Jungle Hot Wheels

A pair of bizarre dreams for the price of one night.

I stood in the doorway of Koontz Lake Missionary Church.  I hesitated to enter in, because I had become a different person.  Inside the church an all-nighter was taking place (with both kids and adults oddly enough) and people were running all about, having a lot of fun.  I knew that I could bring danger.  I stepped inside anyway.

I saw that in the sanctuary people were watching "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" on the big screen.  That interested me, but I didn't want to start watching it part way through, so I continued on up to the Fellowship Hall.  There I found over one hundred people dining and conversing.  I walked in and grabbed a plate and began tossing food onto it.

Suddenly, through a far window of the Hall, a bolt of blue energy shattered through and struck the drum set, causing it to burst.  Everyone began to scream and run away, except for me, because I had half expected something like that to happen, for I was Spider-Man.

Not too long after the explosion came Shocker (a villain from Spider-Man for those who don't know) through the window and Rhino through the wall.  I thought I was the only one left in the Hall, but when I turned to double-check, I saw that three people had stayed to watch me: Bennett Wilson, Jenna Jackley (two people from a traveling band that played at Prairie Camp last summer), and a young Glen Hansard.  I told them that they should leave, but they persisted in staying, saying they would help me out if they found a way to do so.  Glen brought up the argument that Batman had no super powers, which was indeed a good point.

I turned back to face my opponents.  I shot a burst of thick webbing at Rhino, holding him up for a moment.  My spider-sense warned me of a bolt from Shocker, so I was able to jump out of the way.  I shot a line up to the ceiling and swing-kicked Shocker in the face, knocking him out cold.  Rhino came charging at me, and I jumped up out of his path and landed on top of him.  I put my wrist up to his face and shot web down his throat, causing him to choke and pass out.  I signaled the police via a transmitter on my belt and through the two bodies outside for pickup.  That was easy.

After I had finished with them, Bennett, Jenna, and Glen asked me if I could make them super-heros.  I told them I probably shouldn't, because it would change their lives forever.  They persisted, and I gave in to them.  I went to working building three cocoons of red and blue webbing, and each person entered their own.  I told them to relax, and after about five minutes, they were ready to emerge.  I expected them all to have the same powers as me, but I was wrong.

Glen had the ability to shoot balls of fire from his fists (and to light his hair and beard on fire on command).  Bennett, unfortunately, only developed a chest of steel, which was kind of cool, but not all that useful.  Jenna looked normal at first, but then electric fields began to encircle her and her eyes turned solid blue.  Her hair, which was brown, turned red, and somehow a yellow-and-red outfit formed atop her normal clothes.  She looked rather frightening, and even I was scared of her.  She walked up to me and said, "Let's get to the sanctuary before we miss The Two Towers."

We all went down and began watching the movie.

Then I awoke, but it was still the middle of the night, so I fell back asleep.

This time I was in a jungle that sat just off of a major U.S. highway.  My brothers (Matt and Mike) and my dad were with me, and were were preparing some sort of attraction that would draw people off the highway so that they would purchase produce from my dad's produce stand.  I was down near the river, working on building a crazy Hot Wheels track with my brothers.  We used the bright orange track to do loops, turns, rises, and falls all around the trees, down over the river, and even out to the highway.  As we built, my brothers and I discussed life.

I decided that it would be cool for the Hot Wheels car to actually drive along the highway, and for some reason I thought I would test it out with a real car.  This car was an old gray piece of junk, but it sure could move.  I got it up to 90 mph before hitting a giant ramp I had built out of a semi truck and a couple other pieces of metal.  I flew high into the air, yet I managed to land safely on the road.  It was so much fun that I turned around on the one-way highway to do it again.  A semi was coming right at me in my lane, and I forced it off the road, causing it to jump the ramp I had built.  Even the semi landed safely (and it also turned around, probably to jump the ramp again).  Then I remembered that I had actually built the ramp for a Hot Wheels car, so I drove back (the wrong way on the road) to the jungle area.

Matt and Mike were finishing up with hanging black lights from the trees.  Dozens of people had started to gather around for the opening Hot Wheels car.  It was a small white and red car, and I had the honor of releasing it down the track for the first time.  Everyone ran alongside the car as it flew down the track, turning, looping, rising, and falling.  It dipped into the river and came out successfully, then entered onto the highway.  It sped along the track, all the way to the last ramp, and jumped it successfully.  I launched off the track for a few seconds, but found its way back on and through to the finish line.  For some reason the car stopped abruptly just before crossing it completely.

Even though the car hadn't quite made it all the way, everyone began to cheer.  They lifted me and my brothers up and sang a song about us.  It was wonderful.

We went back to the produce stand (it was getting dark by now, and the black lights were doing their job of giving the place an interesting vibe).  My dad told us that he had sold more produce on that day than he had sold the whole month.  I turned and looked toward the road and saw hundreds of people coming to buy even more produce.

Then I awoke.

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