Monday, March 4, 2013

Dream #492 (March 3, 2012)

Such a long dream.  I'll try to summarize.

I started out the dream as an employee of a hotel the size of several city blocks.  I shot and edited videos that played in the hotel (the pool, the lounge, the massage room, the exercise room, the bedrooms, etc.), and I was also the personal assistant of Mr. Woo (a middle-aged Chinese man who always wore a red sweat jogging suit and sunglasses).  I would carry his jacket and bags, take notes for him, get him clean towels when needed, and more.  He was the owner of the hotel, and a billionaire, and he called me his right-hand man (though he made all business decisions alone and didn't really ask my advice on anything).

I was following Mr. Woo around, as usual, and we took the elevator near the front desk of the first floor (after I watched him yell ferociously at the lady working there) up to the 67th floor to the treadmill room (which, for some reason, was quite dimly lit).  He had me turn on the television as he began to run.  He sent me off to get him a towel.

I returned to the elevator and went up to the top floor (the 100th floor), which was all Mr. Woo's giant room.  I grabbed him one of his special towels and headed back to the treadmill room.   A young woman, a fellow employee with black hair, stopped me and tried flirting with me.  I didn't want to keep Mr. Woo waiting, so I ignored her completely.

When I reentered the room, I saw Mr. Woo sitting on a still treadmill, running his hands through his thick black hair and shaking his head.  I knelt down beside him, and he calmly told me to turn the television off.  After doing so, he informed me that the city was under the threat of a massive attack and that everyone was ordered to take shelter in Mr. Woo's hotel (which was conveniently bomb proof).  I thought, at first, that he was concerned for the city, but after talking with him, it seemed he was most concerned about his hotel's well being.

After many tedious preparations (much of which was putting nice things into storage), the masses were allowed to enter the hotel.  It wasn't long before every room of every floor (except for the 100th floor) was packed with people (shoulder to shoulder), everyone anticipating the explosion and tremors that would most likely follow.  I was in charge of making sure the rations of food and water were given out fairly to each person, which was quite difficult because everyone thought they deserved more than they were given.  I was fortunate enough that Mr. Woo allowed me to take occasional breaks in his room, which gave me a chance to relax and breathe.

The explosion happened, though nobody except for Mr. Woo (who was staring out his window at the time) knew that it had happened.  While it was happening, I was dealing with a middle-aged buff guy who was arguing with an old widow about the amount of space each was taking up.

Once the bomb had gone off, everyone had to be filed out of the building, which was an ordeal that took hours.  During this process I again ran into the black-haired girl again, and she told me I should meet her at her house afterwards and we could share stories about the crazy experience we had just lived through.

I thought it sounded kind of nice actually, so I told her I would go.

After I go off work, I began following the directions that the gal had given me.  It was difficult, however, for the roads had been turned to rubble, and the streets were quite chaotic.  On my way, I passed by a large school that looked like something was a bit off there.  For some reason I entered it and discovered that it had been taken over by a group of radical gunmen who had sworn to take over the city so that it could have "a leadership with authority and power."  I was quite scared of these guys, because they had gone as far as taking the teens of the high school hostage so that their parents' would provide the with the funds and weaponry they needed.

A man wearing no shirt and a bandana on his head found me wandering the halls and told me that I needed to either join or be shot.  I asked if there was a third option, and he said no.

I wasn't sure what to do, so I started to run.  Luckily it took the guy by surprise a bit, giving me time to turn a corner before he could fire.  I ran straight out of the school, with him following behind me (he was slow, however, because he was carrying a lot of weaponry).

I made it out to the parking lot, where I hid underneath a parked car.  I could watch his feet off in the distance as the walked about searching for me.  Luckily he soon gave up, and I was able to get up and begin sneaking away.

As I was leaving, I ran into my friends Kevin Chupp and Jon Andrew Caslteberry.  At first I was excited, but then I saw a man walking behind them, pointing a gun at each of them.  Jon spoke up and told me that they were being forced to join the revolution (apparently there was some threat of brain washing).  The man with guns called out to a nearby window, and it was quickly opened by the man with the bandana.  He looked at me and laughed a nasty laugh.  The man with the guns pushed Kevin, then Jon Andrew, through the window.

Then I awoke.

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