Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Dream #493 (March 4, 2013)

This was long, but not much happened; therefore the post will be much shorter than the previous post (not that anyone cares).

I was walking for what felt like hours down a paved road in the middle of a vast desert.  There were no signs of life anywhere to be seen or heard.  Sand was continually blowing in my face, and I was often picking it out of my teeth and from under my tongue.

After a long and slow walk, I saw a bald eagle soar above me, which brought me a bit of energy.  Then, out of nowhere, a blue car pulled up beside me and Andrew Jensen (a former classmate of mine in high school) leaned out with window and told me that I was "almost there."  He rolled his window back up and sped off into the sand.

I soon walked up to a baby blue house, which appeared to be falling apart.  I heard the phone ringing inside, so I entered the house and answered it.  It was some woman calling me from a church.  Though I wasn't the man of the house she was trying to reach, she talked to me anyway.  When she talked, I lived out her descriptions, but in my own body.

I was in her story, at a funeral taking place at a small Catholic church.  There were beautiful stained glass windows, and the pews and carpeting was gorgeous.  The flower arrangement was nice, and the priest did a nice job with the ceremony (all of these things were from her point of view).  I kept wanting to turn my attention to the decorations about me and to a mysterious green box sitting next to me on the pew, but I was stuck with her story and her perspective, and I was unable to leave the set path.

We finally finished talking and I was back in the apparently not-so-abandonded home.  As I approached the door to leave, I noticed that under the floor below me (I had to walk over a stage to get to the door) was a huge yellow anaconda snake, sleeping peacefully.  I have an Indiana-Jones-like fear of snakes, and I froze, scared to move in fear that I would wake up the dreadful creature.  My heart was racing.  I looked behind me and realized that there was no other way out of the room.

I began to study the old toys that were strewn across the room, many that I had played with as a kid.  However, the distraction didn't last long, and I was again focused on the snake beneath me.  I decided to just go for it, because I thought the particular snake was a constrictor, so I hopped over it and landed near the door.

Suddenly, the snake lifted its great head and cocked it back as if it were about to strike.

Then I awoke very early in the morning (much earlier than I had wanted to awake).  Somehow there was a bit of light coming from the window, reflecting off the wall beside me in a perfect shape of a snake ready to strike me.  I sprung out of bed and turned on my reading lamp, only to discover that I was free from harm.  I was unable to go back to sleep after that.

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