Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Dream #494 (March 5, 2012)

This was absolutely crazy and scary.

I was riding in a big yellow bus full of adults.  We pulled into the parking lot of Koontz Lake Missionary Church and the lights in the bus began to flicker.  Then a voice could be heard over the speakers, and it said that we were all about to participate in a game, and it would take an emotionally and physically strong person to finish the game victorious.  The voice also said that there could be no escape from the game.

As soon as the voice left, someone on the bus began to scream.  I ran to see what was happening, and a middle-aged woman with curly black hair was bleeding profusely from her stomach.  Suddenly the wall of the bus opened up to the parking lot, and everyone sitting on that side, including the bleeding woman, fell out.

I ran out of the bus to see if they were ok, but they were all being dragged away by an unknown puller.  A young woman ran up to me and grabbed my arm and told me to follow her into safety.  I obeyed.

This gal's name was Amy (I knew that without her telling me so), and she said this game was too dangerous to play, so we should try to escape it.  I reminded her of what the voice had told us, and she said, "Never mind the voice."

We snuck into the church.  Some of the lights were on, but it didn't seem like anyone else was there.  We wandered up into the library, which was dark.  I felt around a bit and found the light switch, revealing the body of a woman, apparently dead in a folding chair.

Amy and I quickly fled the room and tried to leave the church, but all of the doors were sealed shut.  We went down into the basement (I'm not sure why), where none of the lights worked.  Amy and I stayed close as we tried to find a window we could crawl through to escape the building.  I felt Amy grab my arm, and I realized that some unseen person or thing was pulling her away from me against her will.  I pulled back, and had a sort of tug-of-war happening against the unseen opponent.  I finally embraced Amy and threw myself back, freeing her from the grasp.

We both ran ahead, though neither of us could see much of anything.  Finally we saw a glimmer of light coming from a nearby window.  I threw a heavy object (I was unable to see what it was) through the window and helped Amy through it.

As I was following her through the window, I watched helplessly as she was attacked by a dark figure. My pants were caught on the edge of the broken glass, so I was slow to help.  It was too late by the time I was free, for she was gone.  On the ground, I found a piece of paper with "Clay City Docks" written on it.

I ran back to the parking lot where I hopped in my helicopter.  I got it off the ground and began flying over to the docks.  By the time I landed there, the sun was just beginning to come up.  The docks were all clay colored, and the water itself had a brownish hue.  I saw a strange boat with a few dark figures standing on it, apparently waiting for me.

I walked down the dock and encountered a ticket taker.  He told me to give him my ID and my credit card if I wanted to enter the dock.  I, desperate to do what I could do end this violent game, did as he asked.  I stepped onto the boat and found two men in black suits standing beside Amy.

At that moment, I had a revelation.  This whole game had been one elaborate scheme to steal my identity.  Amy smiled at me and handed me a cheap crown.

Then I awoke.

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