Friday, March 1, 2013

Dream #491 (March 1, 2013)


I first dreamt that I was wandering through a library in my parents' basement.  There were hundreds of book shelves down there, with all kinds of old, dusty books.  I was with my brothers (Matt and Mike) and we were having a good time discovering various well-known literary works.

After a while, I wandered into a dead end of the bookshelf maze.  Lying on the floor was a large and open cardboard box.  I walk up to it and peered inside, discovering two dogs: Penny and Sadie.  Penny is my parents' current dog (a small terrier), and Sadie was the family's large black lab that has been deceased for several years now (I still miss that dog).  I was very excited to see Sadie, but I knew in the dream that she was dead, and I realized that her body was limp.

My brothers joined me in looking at the carcass.  Suddenly, Sadie's head lifted, and she leapt up out of the box.  We were all very excited and began playing with her.  Something, however, didn't feel quite right, because she wasn't behaving like Sadie used to behave.  I then realized that she was acting a lot like Penny.

I quickly looked into the box and discovered that Penny now appeared to be dead.  I come to the conclusion that Penny's spirit could inhabit the bodies of other dogs.  Sure enough, when I touched Penny, Sadie went limp and Penny sprung to life.  I called for my dad, who came to us quickly, and I told him about Penny's spirit.

Then I switched to a different dream.

I was playing football in the parking lot of Koontz Lake Missionary Church.  I was in high school, as were all the other teenagers playing there.  Far too many people were involved in this game, for the lot was packed (with around 50 people on each team).  Michael Kaser and I were trying to make some plays, but they kept failing.  The first time, I was the quarterback, and I threw it at him, but it was intercepted.  After we got the ball back, he threw it at me, a bit farther than I could run (I was unable, like in many of my dreams, to sprint at full speed).  Then, the next time, though I was wide open, he decided to lateral the ball to Heather Kranenburg, but it was intercepted before it reached her.

Then I switched to a different dream, though it was similar.

I was flying a small plane above Koontz Lake Missionary, and Michael Kaser was in the cockpit with me.  I was spinning, swerving, and diving all about, all unintentionally.  I wanted to land it, but I was very unsure of my skills.  I wasn't even certain how or why I had got the plane in the air in the first place.  Finally, I built up enough courage, and slammed the plane into the ground, tearing up the front yard of the church quite horribly.  Even so, Michael and I survived.

I hopped out of the plane and walked across the street, where a bunch of people had gathered around.  Apparently a large semi truck had tipped over, and it was revealed that its contents were radioactive.  There was a tiny little crate filled with hay.  I young husky was sniffing around the crate.  One of the truckers (all the men standing around were truckers) had the guts to reach inside the hay and pull out a large egg.

Suddenly, the egg began to crack in his hand, causing him to panic and drop the egg.  Green ooze burst from inside it, spilling out over the ground, then collecting back together in the shape of a sphere.  The sphere then turned into a little alien-like creature, and it began to walk around.  The dog tried sniffing it, but the alien oozed itself into the nose of the dog and burned the poor creature from the inside, causing it to melt on the pavement.

Everyone ran in different directions.  I chose to run into the church, the doors of which I locked behind me.  I sat in the front office and waited there in darkness until I heard a slamming on the front door.  I ran out to see a man covered in little green creatures trying to get inside.  I looked like he was suffering greatly, but I feared that if I opened the door, I would be killing the both of us.

Then I awoke.

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