Thursday, March 28, 2013

Dream #497 (March 28, 2013) Super Powers and Jungle Hot Wheels

A pair of bizarre dreams for the price of one night.

I stood in the doorway of Koontz Lake Missionary Church.  I hesitated to enter in, because I had become a different person.  Inside the church an all-nighter was taking place (with both kids and adults oddly enough) and people were running all about, having a lot of fun.  I knew that I could bring danger.  I stepped inside anyway.

I saw that in the sanctuary people were watching "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" on the big screen.  That interested me, but I didn't want to start watching it part way through, so I continued on up to the Fellowship Hall.  There I found over one hundred people dining and conversing.  I walked in and grabbed a plate and began tossing food onto it.

Suddenly, through a far window of the Hall, a bolt of blue energy shattered through and struck the drum set, causing it to burst.  Everyone began to scream and run away, except for me, because I had half expected something like that to happen, for I was Spider-Man.

Not too long after the explosion came Shocker (a villain from Spider-Man for those who don't know) through the window and Rhino through the wall.  I thought I was the only one left in the Hall, but when I turned to double-check, I saw that three people had stayed to watch me: Bennett Wilson, Jenna Jackley (two people from a traveling band that played at Prairie Camp last summer), and a young Glen Hansard.  I told them that they should leave, but they persisted in staying, saying they would help me out if they found a way to do so.  Glen brought up the argument that Batman had no super powers, which was indeed a good point.

I turned back to face my opponents.  I shot a burst of thick webbing at Rhino, holding him up for a moment.  My spider-sense warned me of a bolt from Shocker, so I was able to jump out of the way.  I shot a line up to the ceiling and swing-kicked Shocker in the face, knocking him out cold.  Rhino came charging at me, and I jumped up out of his path and landed on top of him.  I put my wrist up to his face and shot web down his throat, causing him to choke and pass out.  I signaled the police via a transmitter on my belt and through the two bodies outside for pickup.  That was easy.

After I had finished with them, Bennett, Jenna, and Glen asked me if I could make them super-heros.  I told them I probably shouldn't, because it would change their lives forever.  They persisted, and I gave in to them.  I went to working building three cocoons of red and blue webbing, and each person entered their own.  I told them to relax, and after about five minutes, they were ready to emerge.  I expected them all to have the same powers as me, but I was wrong.

Glen had the ability to shoot balls of fire from his fists (and to light his hair and beard on fire on command).  Bennett, unfortunately, only developed a chest of steel, which was kind of cool, but not all that useful.  Jenna looked normal at first, but then electric fields began to encircle her and her eyes turned solid blue.  Her hair, which was brown, turned red, and somehow a yellow-and-red outfit formed atop her normal clothes.  She looked rather frightening, and even I was scared of her.  She walked up to me and said, "Let's get to the sanctuary before we miss The Two Towers."

We all went down and began watching the movie.

Then I awoke, but it was still the middle of the night, so I fell back asleep.

This time I was in a jungle that sat just off of a major U.S. highway.  My brothers (Matt and Mike) and my dad were with me, and were were preparing some sort of attraction that would draw people off the highway so that they would purchase produce from my dad's produce stand.  I was down near the river, working on building a crazy Hot Wheels track with my brothers.  We used the bright orange track to do loops, turns, rises, and falls all around the trees, down over the river, and even out to the highway.  As we built, my brothers and I discussed life.

I decided that it would be cool for the Hot Wheels car to actually drive along the highway, and for some reason I thought I would test it out with a real car.  This car was an old gray piece of junk, but it sure could move.  I got it up to 90 mph before hitting a giant ramp I had built out of a semi truck and a couple other pieces of metal.  I flew high into the air, yet I managed to land safely on the road.  It was so much fun that I turned around on the one-way highway to do it again.  A semi was coming right at me in my lane, and I forced it off the road, causing it to jump the ramp I had built.  Even the semi landed safely (and it also turned around, probably to jump the ramp again).  Then I remembered that I had actually built the ramp for a Hot Wheels car, so I drove back (the wrong way on the road) to the jungle area.

Matt and Mike were finishing up with hanging black lights from the trees.  Dozens of people had started to gather around for the opening Hot Wheels car.  It was a small white and red car, and I had the honor of releasing it down the track for the first time.  Everyone ran alongside the car as it flew down the track, turning, looping, rising, and falling.  It dipped into the river and came out successfully, then entered onto the highway.  It sped along the track, all the way to the last ramp, and jumped it successfully.  I launched off the track for a few seconds, but found its way back on and through to the finish line.  For some reason the car stopped abruptly just before crossing it completely.

Even though the car hadn't quite made it all the way, everyone began to cheer.  They lifted me and my brothers up and sang a song about us.  It was wonderful.

We went back to the produce stand (it was getting dark by now, and the black lights were doing their job of giving the place an interesting vibe).  My dad told us that he had sold more produce on that day than he had sold the whole month.  I turned and looked toward the road and saw hundreds of people coming to buy even more produce.

Then I awoke.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Dream #496 (March 26, 2013) The Daughter


I was inside the sanctuary  of Koontz Lake Missionary Church where my father was delivering a message to a packed congregation.  I was sitting in a different pew than I normally sat growing up (I was in the front row, but clear off to the right of the stage).  As my dad spoke, everyone in the congregation was standing and listening, even the elderly.

Mid-service, a skinny young woman with long brown hair, leading a brown-haired 5-year-old girl, walked in from the back of the sanctuary.  She came right to me and handed me the child, without saying a word.  I wasn't sure what to do when she walked out of the sanctuary.  Apparently I was now a parent.  I knew the child was not of my loins, but for some reason the child had become mine.

I ran with the child out to the dark parking lot and caught up with the girl.  We began to walk down a large hill that led into the houses of Koontz Lake (that doesn't exist in real life).  I started asking her why she was leaving me her child.  She wouldn't respond.  I tried again and again.  Nothing.

I looked up and noticed that she had lead me to a large and strange sort of carnival that was going on.  It was lit by old oil lamps.  Then the 5-year-old asked me if I would take her through the carnival.  I agreed.

We entered an extremely long log cabin that had been constructed in the center of the carnival.  It was a sort of museum/I Spy activity (I used to get those books often from the school library as a child).  The girl was having a wonderful time, asking me questions about everything she was seeing.  I enjoyed explaining things to her, for she seemed incredibly sharp for her age.  The first stage of the cabin looked like an old grocery store.  The second stage more resembled a pawn shop.  In this room I somehow entered into the mind of the little girl and could see things from her perspective.  Every object was fascinating, and I had to touch everything so that I could know it better.

The third stage was a mostly black room with a only a few odd brown pieces of furniture in it.  When I stepped into it, I immediately left the girl's mind and reentered my own mind.  I discovered that I had left the 5-year-old in the cabin by herself, for I was standing in the grass outside, staring at the ferris wheels, one red and one blue, spinning in opposite directions.

I felt terribly guilty, and it was made worse when several people began to gather around me and ask me where my daughter was.  I couldn't answer.

I rushed back into the cabin and found the girl in the third room.  She was sitting alone next to a wall, so I joined her.  She asked me why I wasn't with her.  She sounded deeply saddened by my absence, so sad that I began to cry.  I told her that I would not always be able to be with her, and though that was sad, it was for the best.  I tried to explain to her how somebody could still love another person, even when they aren't together.  I told her to put her hand in mine, and she did.  I said, "Even though I am now letting go of your hand, I am still grasping it in my heart.  We are connected."  She smiled and asked if we could go home, and I said yes.

I took her to my house (a house that I don't recognize in real life).  She was my daughter, and I loved her as if she had always been, knowing she always would be.  I had a fireplace that we started up.  I sat with her and made up a story about a great bearded fisherman who was always searching for a creature he once dreamt about as a child.  She loved the story.

Then I awoke.  Where in the world did that come from?

Friday, March 22, 2013

Dream #495 (March 21, 2013)

What fun.

I was a part of a special team of heroes in this dream, made up of six people: Tommy Lee Jones, a young athletic guy, Chewbacca from Star Wars, Ewan McGregor, a woman in a leather suit, and me.  We were on a secret mission of sorts to rescue some young Japanese political figure from the mob.

The dream began inside of an enormous mansion decorated in white and saturated yellow.  There were many fancily dressed people there (I was even wearing a tuxedo).  I had a tiny speaker in my ear and a microphone in my sleeve, as one would expect.  It was my job to spot the mob boss - an skinny, white-haired man in his sixties with a yellow ascot.

I visually sifted through the guests time after time on the ground floor and was unsuccessful in locating the target.  I passed by the leather woman on my team and we subtly signaled to each other, indicating we would meet out in the dark hallway where there were no other guests.

I saw her enter the hall out of the corner of my eye, waited a few moments, then followed her.

She told me that I was to sneak up to the master bedroom, because it was discovered that the mob boss was supposedly ill and bedridden.  I agreed and began coming up with ways that I could get past the butler-guards roaming all about the house.

I saw a long curtain hanging from an enormous window that looked out to the backyard from the hallway in which I stood.  I immediately climbed up the curtain to the top of the window.  I found a spot in the window that I could open without breaking it, and I squeezed through to the other side.  It was then I realized that the house sat at the edge of a cliff, and if I were to fall, it would be certain death.

I took a deep breath and proceeded to climb up the side of the house to the window of the master bedroom.  I felt so proud of myself when I made it up there, how stealthy and agile I had been.  I thought to myself that I should buy myself some ice cream after finishing the task at hand.

Suddenly the window in front of me burst open and a strong Japanese man (who was also tall) grabbed my hands and began to squeeze and crush them with his monstrous grasp.  I thought it would be the end of me, and I was sad that there would be no ice cream at the bottom of the cliff.

Suddenly, from a nearby evergreen, an arrow flew through the air and planted itself in the chest of my opponent (I knew that Chewbacca had shot the arrow with his crossbow).  He hunched over the window, and I held onto his arms so that I didn't fall.  To my terror, his carcass began to slowly slide from the window.  I tried to climb up the man, but he was too round.

Just in time, Tommy Lee Jones came from inside the bedroom and pulled the dead man and me inside.  We sat in silence for a moment, but it was interrupted by two armed men bursting into the room.  Tommy yelled for me to grab the mob boss (who was lying in a bed next to me) and jump out of the window while he dealt with the gunmen.

I didn't know how I could do as he said and survive, but I began following the orders anyway.  As I carried the frail mob boss to the window, I saw that Chewie had shot a zip line into the side of the house from the pine tree he was sitting in.  I ordered the boss to hold onto me, and I grabbed a fancy coat hanger and zipped out of the house.

We crashed into a tree and fell about fifteen feet to the ground, which was rather painful.  I opened my eyes and saw Chewie standing over me, smiling.  He did his weird growly thing and helped me up and patted me on the back.

I then began to interrogate the mob boss (in Japanese!), asking him where the young political figure was being held.

Then I awoke.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Dream #494 (March 5, 2012)

This was absolutely crazy and scary.

I was riding in a big yellow bus full of adults.  We pulled into the parking lot of Koontz Lake Missionary Church and the lights in the bus began to flicker.  Then a voice could be heard over the speakers, and it said that we were all about to participate in a game, and it would take an emotionally and physically strong person to finish the game victorious.  The voice also said that there could be no escape from the game.

As soon as the voice left, someone on the bus began to scream.  I ran to see what was happening, and a middle-aged woman with curly black hair was bleeding profusely from her stomach.  Suddenly the wall of the bus opened up to the parking lot, and everyone sitting on that side, including the bleeding woman, fell out.

I ran out of the bus to see if they were ok, but they were all being dragged away by an unknown puller.  A young woman ran up to me and grabbed my arm and told me to follow her into safety.  I obeyed.

This gal's name was Amy (I knew that without her telling me so), and she said this game was too dangerous to play, so we should try to escape it.  I reminded her of what the voice had told us, and she said, "Never mind the voice."

We snuck into the church.  Some of the lights were on, but it didn't seem like anyone else was there.  We wandered up into the library, which was dark.  I felt around a bit and found the light switch, revealing the body of a woman, apparently dead in a folding chair.

Amy and I quickly fled the room and tried to leave the church, but all of the doors were sealed shut.  We went down into the basement (I'm not sure why), where none of the lights worked.  Amy and I stayed close as we tried to find a window we could crawl through to escape the building.  I felt Amy grab my arm, and I realized that some unseen person or thing was pulling her away from me against her will.  I pulled back, and had a sort of tug-of-war happening against the unseen opponent.  I finally embraced Amy and threw myself back, freeing her from the grasp.

We both ran ahead, though neither of us could see much of anything.  Finally we saw a glimmer of light coming from a nearby window.  I threw a heavy object (I was unable to see what it was) through the window and helped Amy through it.

As I was following her through the window, I watched helplessly as she was attacked by a dark figure. My pants were caught on the edge of the broken glass, so I was slow to help.  It was too late by the time I was free, for she was gone.  On the ground, I found a piece of paper with "Clay City Docks" written on it.

I ran back to the parking lot where I hopped in my helicopter.  I got it off the ground and began flying over to the docks.  By the time I landed there, the sun was just beginning to come up.  The docks were all clay colored, and the water itself had a brownish hue.  I saw a strange boat with a few dark figures standing on it, apparently waiting for me.

I walked down the dock and encountered a ticket taker.  He told me to give him my ID and my credit card if I wanted to enter the dock.  I, desperate to do what I could do end this violent game, did as he asked.  I stepped onto the boat and found two men in black suits standing beside Amy.

At that moment, I had a revelation.  This whole game had been one elaborate scheme to steal my identity.  Amy smiled at me and handed me a cheap crown.

Then I awoke.

Dream #493 (March 4, 2013)

This was long, but not much happened; therefore the post will be much shorter than the previous post (not that anyone cares).

I was walking for what felt like hours down a paved road in the middle of a vast desert.  There were no signs of life anywhere to be seen or heard.  Sand was continually blowing in my face, and I was often picking it out of my teeth and from under my tongue.

After a long and slow walk, I saw a bald eagle soar above me, which brought me a bit of energy.  Then, out of nowhere, a blue car pulled up beside me and Andrew Jensen (a former classmate of mine in high school) leaned out with window and told me that I was "almost there."  He rolled his window back up and sped off into the sand.

I soon walked up to a baby blue house, which appeared to be falling apart.  I heard the phone ringing inside, so I entered the house and answered it.  It was some woman calling me from a church.  Though I wasn't the man of the house she was trying to reach, she talked to me anyway.  When she talked, I lived out her descriptions, but in my own body.

I was in her story, at a funeral taking place at a small Catholic church.  There were beautiful stained glass windows, and the pews and carpeting was gorgeous.  The flower arrangement was nice, and the priest did a nice job with the ceremony (all of these things were from her point of view).  I kept wanting to turn my attention to the decorations about me and to a mysterious green box sitting next to me on the pew, but I was stuck with her story and her perspective, and I was unable to leave the set path.

We finally finished talking and I was back in the apparently not-so-abandonded home.  As I approached the door to leave, I noticed that under the floor below me (I had to walk over a stage to get to the door) was a huge yellow anaconda snake, sleeping peacefully.  I have an Indiana-Jones-like fear of snakes, and I froze, scared to move in fear that I would wake up the dreadful creature.  My heart was racing.  I looked behind me and realized that there was no other way out of the room.

I began to study the old toys that were strewn across the room, many that I had played with as a kid.  However, the distraction didn't last long, and I was again focused on the snake beneath me.  I decided to just go for it, because I thought the particular snake was a constrictor, so I hopped over it and landed near the door.

Suddenly, the snake lifted its great head and cocked it back as if it were about to strike.

Then I awoke very early in the morning (much earlier than I had wanted to awake).  Somehow there was a bit of light coming from the window, reflecting off the wall beside me in a perfect shape of a snake ready to strike me.  I sprung out of bed and turned on my reading lamp, only to discover that I was free from harm.  I was unable to go back to sleep after that.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Dream #492 (March 3, 2012)

Such a long dream.  I'll try to summarize.

I started out the dream as an employee of a hotel the size of several city blocks.  I shot and edited videos that played in the hotel (the pool, the lounge, the massage room, the exercise room, the bedrooms, etc.), and I was also the personal assistant of Mr. Woo (a middle-aged Chinese man who always wore a red sweat jogging suit and sunglasses).  I would carry his jacket and bags, take notes for him, get him clean towels when needed, and more.  He was the owner of the hotel, and a billionaire, and he called me his right-hand man (though he made all business decisions alone and didn't really ask my advice on anything).

I was following Mr. Woo around, as usual, and we took the elevator near the front desk of the first floor (after I watched him yell ferociously at the lady working there) up to the 67th floor to the treadmill room (which, for some reason, was quite dimly lit).  He had me turn on the television as he began to run.  He sent me off to get him a towel.

I returned to the elevator and went up to the top floor (the 100th floor), which was all Mr. Woo's giant room.  I grabbed him one of his special towels and headed back to the treadmill room.   A young woman, a fellow employee with black hair, stopped me and tried flirting with me.  I didn't want to keep Mr. Woo waiting, so I ignored her completely.

When I reentered the room, I saw Mr. Woo sitting on a still treadmill, running his hands through his thick black hair and shaking his head.  I knelt down beside him, and he calmly told me to turn the television off.  After doing so, he informed me that the city was under the threat of a massive attack and that everyone was ordered to take shelter in Mr. Woo's hotel (which was conveniently bomb proof).  I thought, at first, that he was concerned for the city, but after talking with him, it seemed he was most concerned about his hotel's well being.

After many tedious preparations (much of which was putting nice things into storage), the masses were allowed to enter the hotel.  It wasn't long before every room of every floor (except for the 100th floor) was packed with people (shoulder to shoulder), everyone anticipating the explosion and tremors that would most likely follow.  I was in charge of making sure the rations of food and water were given out fairly to each person, which was quite difficult because everyone thought they deserved more than they were given.  I was fortunate enough that Mr. Woo allowed me to take occasional breaks in his room, which gave me a chance to relax and breathe.

The explosion happened, though nobody except for Mr. Woo (who was staring out his window at the time) knew that it had happened.  While it was happening, I was dealing with a middle-aged buff guy who was arguing with an old widow about the amount of space each was taking up.

Once the bomb had gone off, everyone had to be filed out of the building, which was an ordeal that took hours.  During this process I again ran into the black-haired girl again, and she told me I should meet her at her house afterwards and we could share stories about the crazy experience we had just lived through.

I thought it sounded kind of nice actually, so I told her I would go.

After I go off work, I began following the directions that the gal had given me.  It was difficult, however, for the roads had been turned to rubble, and the streets were quite chaotic.  On my way, I passed by a large school that looked like something was a bit off there.  For some reason I entered it and discovered that it had been taken over by a group of radical gunmen who had sworn to take over the city so that it could have "a leadership with authority and power."  I was quite scared of these guys, because they had gone as far as taking the teens of the high school hostage so that their parents' would provide the with the funds and weaponry they needed.

A man wearing no shirt and a bandana on his head found me wandering the halls and told me that I needed to either join or be shot.  I asked if there was a third option, and he said no.

I wasn't sure what to do, so I started to run.  Luckily it took the guy by surprise a bit, giving me time to turn a corner before he could fire.  I ran straight out of the school, with him following behind me (he was slow, however, because he was carrying a lot of weaponry).

I made it out to the parking lot, where I hid underneath a parked car.  I could watch his feet off in the distance as the walked about searching for me.  Luckily he soon gave up, and I was able to get up and begin sneaking away.

As I was leaving, I ran into my friends Kevin Chupp and Jon Andrew Caslteberry.  At first I was excited, but then I saw a man walking behind them, pointing a gun at each of them.  Jon spoke up and told me that they were being forced to join the revolution (apparently there was some threat of brain washing).  The man with guns called out to a nearby window, and it was quickly opened by the man with the bandana.  He looked at me and laughed a nasty laugh.  The man with the guns pushed Kevin, then Jon Andrew, through the window.

Then I awoke.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Dream #491 (March 1, 2013)


I first dreamt that I was wandering through a library in my parents' basement.  There were hundreds of book shelves down there, with all kinds of old, dusty books.  I was with my brothers (Matt and Mike) and we were having a good time discovering various well-known literary works.

After a while, I wandered into a dead end of the bookshelf maze.  Lying on the floor was a large and open cardboard box.  I walk up to it and peered inside, discovering two dogs: Penny and Sadie.  Penny is my parents' current dog (a small terrier), and Sadie was the family's large black lab that has been deceased for several years now (I still miss that dog).  I was very excited to see Sadie, but I knew in the dream that she was dead, and I realized that her body was limp.

My brothers joined me in looking at the carcass.  Suddenly, Sadie's head lifted, and she leapt up out of the box.  We were all very excited and began playing with her.  Something, however, didn't feel quite right, because she wasn't behaving like Sadie used to behave.  I then realized that she was acting a lot like Penny.

I quickly looked into the box and discovered that Penny now appeared to be dead.  I come to the conclusion that Penny's spirit could inhabit the bodies of other dogs.  Sure enough, when I touched Penny, Sadie went limp and Penny sprung to life.  I called for my dad, who came to us quickly, and I told him about Penny's spirit.

Then I switched to a different dream.

I was playing football in the parking lot of Koontz Lake Missionary Church.  I was in high school, as were all the other teenagers playing there.  Far too many people were involved in this game, for the lot was packed (with around 50 people on each team).  Michael Kaser and I were trying to make some plays, but they kept failing.  The first time, I was the quarterback, and I threw it at him, but it was intercepted.  After we got the ball back, he threw it at me, a bit farther than I could run (I was unable, like in many of my dreams, to sprint at full speed).  Then, the next time, though I was wide open, he decided to lateral the ball to Heather Kranenburg, but it was intercepted before it reached her.

Then I switched to a different dream, though it was similar.

I was flying a small plane above Koontz Lake Missionary, and Michael Kaser was in the cockpit with me.  I was spinning, swerving, and diving all about, all unintentionally.  I wanted to land it, but I was very unsure of my skills.  I wasn't even certain how or why I had got the plane in the air in the first place.  Finally, I built up enough courage, and slammed the plane into the ground, tearing up the front yard of the church quite horribly.  Even so, Michael and I survived.

I hopped out of the plane and walked across the street, where a bunch of people had gathered around.  Apparently a large semi truck had tipped over, and it was revealed that its contents were radioactive.  There was a tiny little crate filled with hay.  I young husky was sniffing around the crate.  One of the truckers (all the men standing around were truckers) had the guts to reach inside the hay and pull out a large egg.

Suddenly, the egg began to crack in his hand, causing him to panic and drop the egg.  Green ooze burst from inside it, spilling out over the ground, then collecting back together in the shape of a sphere.  The sphere then turned into a little alien-like creature, and it began to walk around.  The dog tried sniffing it, but the alien oozed itself into the nose of the dog and burned the poor creature from the inside, causing it to melt on the pavement.

Everyone ran in different directions.  I chose to run into the church, the doors of which I locked behind me.  I sat in the front office and waited there in darkness until I heard a slamming on the front door.  I ran out to see a man covered in little green creatures trying to get inside.  I looked like he was suffering greatly, but I feared that if I opened the door, I would be killing the both of us.

Then I awoke.