Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Dream #455 (May 8, 2012)


I was riding a horse in a field of tall, brown grass.  The sky was overcast, and there was a slight fog across the land.

I rode clear across a great field and found a gravel road.  I walked the road and it led to a mostly empty Prairie Camp.  I looked about for a sign of life and discovered Mr. Ash (a P.E./Health teacher at my former high school, Oregon-Davis).  He asked me how the co-ed basketball championship game went (apparently I had played in it).  I instantly recalled the whole tournament.

I informed him (as I was being informed by my dream memory) that my team had won the first three rounds of the tournament, which was quite surprising, considering the team's record going into the tournament.  We lost in the semi-final game on a buzzer-beater.  I said that Sarah Konkey (former classmate at O-D) had a rough game, though she played very well in the three games before.

We were then joined by a random 12-year-old boy, wearing a forest green shirt, for a couple minutes as we entered a corn maze.

After going through several different paths, we ran into a station where we needed to sign our names.  Mr. Ash said he couldn't sign anything, so he left.  The 12-year-old was gone.

I signed my name and stamped my chest with the print of a shoe that was at the station.  As soon as I did so, Kody Heffelfinger and my brother Mike Baughman walked out of the corn and joined me.  They told me there was a secret entrance to a fun house, and I followed them to it.

A middle-aged woman was taking tickets at the front of a black hole that seemingly led to only darkness.  We didn't have tickets, but we managed to run past her.

After diving into the hole, we fell for several seconds before hitting the white-tile floor beneath us.  All the lights turned on, and Kody, Mike, and I beheld a great mess of water slides, roller coasters, jungle gyms, spinning wheels, hoops, ladders, toys, and more.  All of these things were located within what looked like an oversized high school cafeteria.

My first instinct was to go to the tallest and curliest water slide I could find.  Once I reached the top, the young man in charge of the slide told me that it cost 50 bucks.  I thought that was obnoxious, so I went back down the stairs.  My brother somehow found a free ticket for the slide, and I watched him have the time of his life, until halfway through the ride.  There was a hole in the slide, and Mike fell out of it.

The manager came running out.  He felt awful, so he compensated us with two free tickets to go off that very slide.  Kody and I took the tickets and went down the slide, running into the same fate that befell Mike.

After the hole-in-the-slide incident, we went to one of those games where the contestant pounds a stump with a hammer to see how much force he could put upon it.

Then I awoke.

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