Sunday, May 27, 2012

Dream #457 (May 27, 2012)

In my head.

I dreamt that I was living in the basement of Jeff Kreider (I was sleeping in that very basement that night in 'real life').  Jeff, his wife Amber, Kevin Chupp, and my brother Mike were all down there when a strange black creature crawled from the septic tank.

Everybody except for me thought that the creature was cute (it resembled a groundhog).  I thought it was evil.

They began feeding the creature, and they were all enjoying its company until it ate Amber.

Then hundreds of black creatures crawled from the septic tank and began eating everyone else.

A large Italian man and Matt Damon came running downstairs and told me that everyone on Earth had been eaten.

They led me upstairs to a greenhouse and told me that we all had to kill each other.  The Italian stabbed me and pretended to stab themselves.  I acted like I was dead for a few minutes.

Then Matt and the Italian went outside as I followed them.

They had lied.  Not everybody had been eaten.  They had just wanted to kill me.

I went over to a nearby glass studio where Dan Jeter and Dan McCullum were working on a film that I was supposed to be directing.  When I arrived, they looked surprised that I was alive.

I began to take over the project again, directing the lead actress to drive a tractor across a hill.  I asked the producer how the shoot was going thus far, and I discovered that Dan and Dan had not stuck to my storyboards.  I was depressed and left the project.

Then I awoke.

Dream #458 (May 26, 2012)


I dreamt that Ben Smith, Mike Baughman, and I were all standing atop a great brown castle.  We were looking across the land and saw numerous torches approaching us.  We soon saw that the torches were being held by zombies, and these zombies were after the three of us.

Ben turned to me and said, "So, this is the end?"

Then we all three took off running in different directions.

I was able to see each of us at once.  For some reason, which happens in many of my dreams, I was unable to run at full speed.  I thought I would be alright, because I was able to run for a long period of time, and I hadn't been running as long as the zombies.  However, they didn't seem to have a lack of energy, and I was caught at the same time as Mike and Ben were caught.

Then the zombies took off their masks, revealing that this was all a game, which brought me great relief.

After this revelation, Mike and I walked a mile to an old fashioned hotel.  As we approached the building, a great horse and wagon pulled up to the hotel.  The Suters (an Ohio-dwelling family) were all in the wagon, which was filled with fruits and vegetables.  They were all feasting, and they invited Mike up into the wagon.  I, too, wanted to join, but I was not welcome.  The wagon left with Mike and I was alone.

Then I awoke.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Dream #456 (May 9, 2012)

I had a tough time falling asleep last night.

Every time I almost fell into subconscious thought, I envisioned that I was standing in a graveyard at night above a deep hole.  A casket at the bottom of the hole opened, revealing myself inside.  My heart (in real life) felt as if it had stopped, and I jerked back into consciousness.  This happened dozens of times.

When I finally fell asleep, I dreamt that I was wondering about a dark world with Austin Burnette (a former classmate of mine at Regent University).  I was a detective, and he was my chauffeur.  He drove an old blue vehicle with a loud engine.

We parked outside of a Chinese restaurant that was inside of a strip mall.  There were no other vehicles or people around, so I broke into the place and began to take notes on a small notepad.

I wandered around in there, observing thing.  I soon discovered a secret passage through a hidden panel in the wall and found an upstairs to the room.  I quickly ran outside and told Austin to come and join me.

When we made it up the stairs, we found a very strange place.  It looked like a log cabin out of a science fiction film.  We were greeted by a beautiful, yet seemingly demonic, woman with long, blonde hair.  She told us that we were welcome to stay as long as we pleased.  I felt very uncomfortable, but I found it difficult to leave the place.

The woman led us up yet another flight of stairs to a weird room.  A father and son greeted us there, amongst the white walls that somehow let off neon aqua light.  The son began to quote some very morbid lines from a disturbing poem.  As he did so, the father led us behind a bolted door.

When he opened it, another fellow who had joined us was sucked into the room.  We looked into it and found that it led to a black abyss, where the poor man was destined to fall for eternity.  The father asked us if any of us wanted to join that man, and nobody volunteered.  Then he and his son both jumped into the abyss, but managed to catch themselves before falling too far.  They climbed back up and asked us if we wanted to work on a puzzle.

At that moment I snuck out of the room.  I walked down a hall filled with abstract paintings hung on the wooden wall.  I found what I thought was the exit and walked through it.

Unfortunately it led to the evil woman's bedroom.  She was there waiting for me.  She walked over to a shelf full of red books and pulled one down and began to read poetry to me.  After she finished a few verses, she handed me the book and told me to read it.  I refused, and to my surprise, she wasn't angry with me.

She then kissed me, against my will, and told me that I would be forever under her command.  Then she revealed the secret exit to the evil place and allowed me to leave.

I ran out into a field and found Austin's car sitting there.  I entered it, and found his dead body.  I began to shake, then in a flash, the woman appeared inside the car with me.

I quickly left and entered another car that was sitting in the field.  I found Brad Marks there, telling a story about how he murdered his brother Stan (a former classmate of mine at Bethel).

Then I awoke.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Dream #455 (May 8, 2012)


I was riding a horse in a field of tall, brown grass.  The sky was overcast, and there was a slight fog across the land.

I rode clear across a great field and found a gravel road.  I walked the road and it led to a mostly empty Prairie Camp.  I looked about for a sign of life and discovered Mr. Ash (a P.E./Health teacher at my former high school, Oregon-Davis).  He asked me how the co-ed basketball championship game went (apparently I had played in it).  I instantly recalled the whole tournament.

I informed him (as I was being informed by my dream memory) that my team had won the first three rounds of the tournament, which was quite surprising, considering the team's record going into the tournament.  We lost in the semi-final game on a buzzer-beater.  I said that Sarah Konkey (former classmate at O-D) had a rough game, though she played very well in the three games before.

We were then joined by a random 12-year-old boy, wearing a forest green shirt, for a couple minutes as we entered a corn maze.

After going through several different paths, we ran into a station where we needed to sign our names.  Mr. Ash said he couldn't sign anything, so he left.  The 12-year-old was gone.

I signed my name and stamped my chest with the print of a shoe that was at the station.  As soon as I did so, Kody Heffelfinger and my brother Mike Baughman walked out of the corn and joined me.  They told me there was a secret entrance to a fun house, and I followed them to it.

A middle-aged woman was taking tickets at the front of a black hole that seemingly led to only darkness.  We didn't have tickets, but we managed to run past her.

After diving into the hole, we fell for several seconds before hitting the white-tile floor beneath us.  All the lights turned on, and Kody, Mike, and I beheld a great mess of water slides, roller coasters, jungle gyms, spinning wheels, hoops, ladders, toys, and more.  All of these things were located within what looked like an oversized high school cafeteria.

My first instinct was to go to the tallest and curliest water slide I could find.  Once I reached the top, the young man in charge of the slide told me that it cost 50 bucks.  I thought that was obnoxious, so I went back down the stairs.  My brother somehow found a free ticket for the slide, and I watched him have the time of his life, until halfway through the ride.  There was a hole in the slide, and Mike fell out of it.

The manager came running out.  He felt awful, so he compensated us with two free tickets to go off that very slide.  Kody and I took the tickets and went down the slide, running into the same fate that befell Mike.

After the hole-in-the-slide incident, we went to one of those games where the contestant pounds a stump with a hammer to see how much force he could put upon it.

Then I awoke.

Dream #454 (May 7, 2012)


I dreamt that I was walking down a snowy Chicago street at night with my brother, Mike Baughman.  We walked for miles and miles, and the sights were breathtaking and bewildering.  All the cars and streetlights were viewed via long exposures with our eyes.  All headlights and taillights blurred, and the light from such industry took on more artistic forms.

We stopped by a great banquet center (similar to Fort Wayne's Grand Wayne Center) and watched several teens walking about there, doing the foolish things teens often do.

When we took our gaze from there, we decided to walk in the middle of the road.

After a few minutes of such asinine behavior, a shiny vanilla Cadillac slammed its brakes, nearly smashing into Mike.  The 40-year-old man, wearing a nice white suit and a red scarf, exited the vehicle and began screaming at us.  He was so obnoxious that we didn't move for him, so he got back into his car and threatened to run us over.

We didn't budge.

His face turned red, and he threw the car into reverse.  After backing up about 100 feet, he pushed it into drive and ran Mike over.

Mike was stuck underneath the tire, somehow unharmed.  I walked over to the driver's side door and pulled the man out of the car and told him we would sue him.

I tried to push the off of my brother, who had fallen asleep.

Then I awoke.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Dream #453 (May 1, 2012)

This one isn't as interesting as the last couple, but it's pretty funny.

I dreamt that I was preparing for a field trip.  I packed tons of clothes and Nerf guns in my bedroom at my parents' home.  My mom was trying to help me, but I was becoming exhausted, so I lied down upon the floor in the hallway outside my room.  My mom didn't notice me when she came out, and she tripped over me, hurting her ankle.

Then I jumped forward to the next morning.  My brother and I were sitting in a white truck, waiting for the bus to come pick us up to take us to a water park with the rest of the kids.

After several minutes, the giant white bus arrived, and Mike and I exited the truck.  As Mike walked into the bus, I remembered a few things I had forgotten to grab out of the truck.

I unlocked it and grabbed my sack lunch.  Then I locked the truck and remembered something else.  I unlocked the truck again and grabbed the book I wanted to ride on the ride there.  Then I locked the truck and, yet again, remembered other things I had forgotten.

This went on for quite some time, and by the time I had everything, several long minutes later, the entire bus was screaming at me.

Then I switched over to a different dream.

I was in a large mall with an old man playing chess.  This old man was wearing a bright purple and neon green sweat-suit and thick-rimmed glasses.  We were both excellent chess players.  After a couple games of speed chess (I lost the first and won the second), I noticed a mini-bike sitting next to the old man.  I asked him if I could take it for a spin in the mall.  He approved my request.

I rode all about, around kiosks, up and down escalators, and into elevators.  After a while of this fun, I ran into Kyle Heffelfinger.  He stopped me and talked to me for a while then, out of the blue, stole the bike from me, along with my shorts and underwear.  Fortunately I was wearing a long t-shirt, so I wasn't completely exposed.

I ran about the mall, holding my shirt down to my knees, searching for my shorts and my bike.

I bumped into Caleb Bowers (who I know from Koontz Lake), and I asked him where my clothes were.  He simply pointed to a corner of the mall.

I ran over there and only found the mini bike.  I didn't know what to do, so I hopped onto the bike to speed up my search.  Finally, I found Kyle, holding my shorts.  I asked him if he had my underwear, and he said no, but when I shook the shorts, out they fell.

Then I awoke.

Dream #452 (April 30, 2012)

Last night was intense.

I dreamt that I was a member of a gang.  In the dream world in which I resided, there were two gangs: the Reds and the Blues.  I was a member of the Blues, which was run by a level-headed, middle-aged man.  The Reds, on the other hand, were run by a violent twenty-five-year-old who tended to lose his temper.

The Blues, though they broke the law quite often, were not as prone to slay civilians as the Reds.  In the beginning of this dream I was working on a complicated robbery for the Blues.  Our band had parked a large white van in a back alley near a large basketball arena.  There was a precious stones display there, and we planned on snagging the bulk of the merchandise.  A teen and I were instructed to sneak into the basketball arena (which was then completely empty and dark) and wait for the signal to proceed with the crime by climbing into the rafters and sneaking into the hall where the diamonds were stored.

The signal never came, and the teen was beginning to get very restless.  I ordered him to calm down and to stay put, but he panicked and leapt from our hiding spot in the bleachers and began running down to the floor.  At that moment, two members of the Reds walked onto the court and snagged the teen.  I couldn't do anything, and after a bit of pressure, the teen exposed my place.  I knew we'd both be killed if I tried to resist, so I gave into them.

They carried us out to the van that we had arrived in.  As we entered, I saw several blood splatters on the interior walls and seats, which were occupied by Blues.  They sat the two of us in the back seat and we took off.  I knew we were going to be shot, I just didn't know where.

After a couple minutes in the van, we were out of the city.  I looked into the rearview mirror and noticed a gun lifting behind the head of the teen beside me.  I acted as if I didn't notice, and right when the gun settled, I turned, grabbed the gun, and shot behind the back seat.  However, the man had got out of the van through the back door.  I burst the side door open and leaned out and shot the man twice in the chest, killing him.

I turned back to the other Blues in the van, and everyone except the driver was panicking, struggling to pull their weapons.  The driver, on the other hand, was laughing hardily as he smoked a cigar.  He was the leader of the Blues, and he commanded his men to let us live, explaining to them that we would be useful to the gang.  He then stopped at a small store and ordered me to steal a few t-shirts.

I walked into the store and, with great stealth, managed to slip some t-shirts underneath my jacket.  However, when I turned to leave, another Blue had entered and began shooting up the place, killing the manager and the cashier, along with a couple customers.  I ran out of the store as he walked casually from the slaughter.

Then I awoke.