Friday, September 23, 2011

Dream #415 (September 23, 2011)

Am I getting back into my dream grove?  It may be too early to tell.

In the first part of my dream, I was working with Conner Bland (he works with me at Remedylive and is the host of a show called The Pulse Party).  Just like at Remedy, I was shooting him doing his 'stand-up' (basically him talking about random stuff for a minute and a half).  We were at a school, which was several stories high, and we were on the seventh story.  I was using Remedy's JVC camera, and I didn't have anything but the rooms fluorescent lights to work with, so the lighting didn't look too great, but the segments turned out alright.

For the third segment, Conner thought it would be funny if he stood outside the window, so he crawled out on the ledge, shut the window behind him, and began talking.  A few seconds into his 'stand up,' the wind picked up, and rain began to pour down with great force, nearly knocking Conner off the ledge.  I kept taping, because I thought it would look interesting, instead of helping out my friend.

Finally he was able to open the window and come safely back inside, but he was very angry with me when I asked him if he was alright.  He decided to quit his job right then and there, and he took the elevator down.

I had to stay the night in that room, so I began preparing for a long evening/night alone.

I walked over to an old wooden piano and decided to play it.  I pulled the bench from on top of it and opened up the lid.  Instead of revealing the typical keys, I revealed a small synthesizer.  It was weird.  I love synthesizers, but I was a bit upset when I saw that instead of the piano keys I was hoping for.

I walked over to an organ that was across the room (I don't know why this classroom had a piano and an organ in it, everything else looked like a typical elementary school room), and I discovered the same thing under its lid: a synthesizer.

I decided just to play that, but it didn't work.

I was frustrated, so I pulled out my sleeping bag and tried to go to bed, even though it was only about seven o'clock.  Just as I was closing my eyes, I heard a bunch of students come into the room.  I opened my eyes and saw nobody.

Then I switched over to a different dream.

I was riding in a bus full of Jr. High students through Goshen, IN cornfields.  The driver (a large man in a US Postal Service outfit) asked the students where they wanted to eat lunch.  I heard many shout, "Burger King!" or "McDonald's!"  I was sitting near the front of the bus, and I said, "Martin's Supermarket!"  The driver heard me the clearest and said, "Martin's it is."  I believe most of the other kids were disappointed.

We arrived at Martin's and the driver opened the door.  I was the only one who got out.  Then the drive left and drove the kids to the Taco Bell across the street.

I didn't mind eating alone, because Martin's food sounded good to me.  When I was about to enter the store, a crazy man named Dan (that I knew only in the dream) came to me carrying a broom (he was also wearing a Martin's uniform).  He started saying crazy things to me, and I told him I had to leave.  I then walked into the parking lot, not knowing where I was going.

Then I entered yet another dream.

I was in a park late at night with Amy Ennis, Rachel Phipps, Carrie Badertscher, Mike and Matt Baughman (my brothers), and Amber Kreider.  We were there to celebrate Rachel's birthday.  Amy had thrown the party, and we were the only ones who showed up (I'm not sure why Matt was there, but I was glad for it).  We were sitting around a small card table that was lit only by an oil lamp.  We were playing a game of poker, and Amy was dominating.

I soon became bored, so Matt, Mike, and I began to play Small World (a nifty board game).

After a while, I decided to walked down by the pond that was near our table and observe the street lights and stars reflecting from it.

Then I heard everyone else leave and go into the house (a small house in the middle of a Chicago-like city), so I followed.

Inside there were two sand volleyball courts, and we began to play.  Carrie and Amber didn't join us, for they said they wanted to work on cutting the cake.  Amy, though she was pregnant, was the most into the game.  She started out serving, and she delivered such powerful hits that nobody could return them.

After several aces, the back door to the apartment opened.  I turned and looked and saw a whole bunch of elderly people walk in carrying loads of presents wrapped in red and neon green.

Rachel ran to meet them and began opening her gifts immediately.  The first four gifts were giant hymnals (about three feet by to feet or so, and at least a foot thick).  Then she opened up a regular-sized book, then a couple different large picture frames, and more.  I took one of the hymnals and pulled out a large kitchen knife that I happened to be carrying and began cutting out large sections of hymns.  At the time I thought I was doing something logical.

When Rachel and Matt saw me doing this, they both became angry with me (I can sort of understand Rachel being upset, but I'm not sure why Matt cared).

I apologized then walked over to Mike and asked him why Mike Phipps (Rachel's husband) wasn't there.  He told me that Amy forgot to invite him, and that he was in Goshen with a group of high school students (I believe the same ones from the previous dream).

Then I awoke.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Dream #414 (September 22, 2010)

I had a couple dreams last night (sorry for not being around for a while).

I dreamt that I was playing a board game with my brother Matt, my grandfather, my mom, and my dad.  The board was green and it had two lines of spaces (on which a pawn would advance).  The game involved apple picking, for there were little trees around the board set up with little apples on them.  I used to play an apple picking game like this as a child.

We all took turns picking a few apples, then advancing our individual pawns a few spaces.  However, when my grandfather took a turn, he managed to pick so many apples with one swoop that his pawn jumped from one side to the other, near the victory space on the board.  It was an amazing move.

Matt's turn was next, and he tried to replicate that move, but he failed and managed to knock the trees off the table, as well as several of the pawns.  The game was over.

Then I fell into a different dream, one that was a bit more dark.

I was with several of my friends (Greg Fox was the only one that I know in real life), and we were sent into a dark country.  We arrived there in an old green van.

Everything in this country was dark and desaturated.  The only structures in sight were old wooden fences and abandoned barns.  When were first arrived, there were no people there either.

We decided to explore an odd, barely red, barn.  I was the last to enter, and right when I did so, I was grabbed and taken outside.  I saw that I had been man-handled by an elderly fellow.  He told me to stay quiet and to watch out for strangers.  He then went on to tell me that the people in that country had been affected by a vampire virus that, of course, turned their skin pale and gave them a craving for blood.

Just then, the man vanished, and I was alone.  Soon after that, a young lady walked up to me and told me to follow her because she needed help.  I did as she asked, with a bit of hesitation, and she led me to the van I had arrived in.  She opened up the back door, then pulled me in with great force.

Now the dream took one direction from that point, but later it returned to that exact moment and took a different direction.

The woman began to cry and told me about her family being lost to the virus.  She said that she hadn't had human contact for several months, and she was grateful for my arrival.

Then my friends returned from the barn and saw the woman there and felt pity on her.  Then we decided to leave the place and pull the woman from the dangerous country.  We escaped without being harmed.

However, the dream switched back to the moment where the woman pulled me into the van.

This time, instead of spilling out her emotions, the woman tried to spill my blood.  I was ready, though, and I managed to throw her to the other side of the van and flee.

I took refuge in another nearby barn (this one was barely green).  I hid in there for a while, in the dark.

Soon after, I heard her voice calling out my name (though I had never given it to her).  But she was answered by Greg Fox, who had led my other friends into that van as well.  I saw Gregg exit the barn and meet the vampire woman at the door.  She immediately bit his neck and he, too became a vampire. I rushed out there, against my better judgement, so that I could protect my other friends, but the vampire and Greg got to them before I could help.  They were all vampires.

I began to run, but Greg had gained speed from his disease and overtook me.  However, he didn't bite me.  He told me he didn't want me to become like him and that he was going to lead the woman and our friends away to some island so that they would bring no more harm to anybody but themselves.  I thought that was quite noble of him.

I said goodbye, and watched them take over a bus (by force) and leave.

I got back into the van and drove off.

Then I awoke.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Dream #413 (September 10, 2011)

Back on track.  Here's a long fellow.

Last night I dreamt that I was playing some sort of mystery game in Koontz Lake Missionary Church.  The church in real life is not all that big (though it's not small either), but the church in the dream was enormous.  The sanctuary, though it was the same shape, color, and feel, was as big as a stadium.  Outside the sanctuary, though it had the same walls and carpet, there were hundreds of cars parked there.

I was trying to find clues to which one of the people present was the murderer.  I love mysteries, and I was having a wonderful experience.  I first found a car with a personalized license plate reading "PEGGY 38."  I knew this belonged to a Peggy that was a part of the game (I didn't know her personally), so I looked about it to see if there was anything suspicious about her car.  I discovered McDonald's to-go bags covered in blood (I thought it was ketchup at first).  I knew she must have been the one.

I then searched about the huge sanctuary and discovered a knife with blood on it.  I took it so I could check for fingerprints.

As I was exiting the sanctuary, I found a yellow manuscript with some incriminating information about Peggy's relationship to the murder victim.  I knew I had one with all the evidence I had discovered.

Just then, a tone rang, and all of the participants in the game came together and shared what they had discovered.  I, by far, had the most and strongest evidence and, therefore, I was declared the victor.

To celebrate, I walked over to McDonald's to get a burger.  The walk there was eerie, though I felt comfortable in the dream, for a strange, green twilight lit the half woods/half city area through which I strolled.

After waiting in the line at Mickey D's, the young cashier saw me and, noticing that I was about her age (the rest of the restaurant was filled with elderly people who may not have found what she told me so amusing), she told me a story about a bus driver who worked at the bus place (which was across the street from the McDonald's).  This bus driver was tall and heavy-set, and he was supposedly very odd.  In the last quarter of his route, he would always pull the bus off the road in Goshen, Indiana and park it in a grassy field belonging to an Amish family.  Then he would get out, and have all his remaining passengers join him, and he would eat grass with a field full of pigs whilst making pig noises.

That sounded like quite a sight to see, so I told the cashier that I would certainly try to do this.

I immediately ran across the street to the Bus Barn (as it was called).  There were dozens of buses parked in this dark barn (it was dark outside and there was no electricity there).  I looked in the windows of the driver's seats to try to find the man that the cashier had described.  Each bus contained a driver that was sleeping in his chair (all the drivers were male).

Finally, I found a big-looking dude and hopped in his bus and asked him if he would take me to Goshen.  He awoke and was startled by my presence, which caused him to drop and spill his bag of crunchy fries.  He told me that I could join him there only if I accompanied him on a route he had to make.  I agreed, for I had nothing better to do.

The driver took me around the wooded city for quite some time, then finally agreed to take me to Goshen.  I thought that was great, but I told him to stop at McDonald's first, for I still hadn't eaten and I wanted to show the cashier the man that I was accompanying.

When we walked in, the cashier immediately began shaking her head.  I walked up to her and asked her what was wrong, and she said I had found the wrong guy.  The guy I was looking for had a beard, and the man I was with had only stubble.  I was angry at myself for wasting so much time.

I left the McDonald's disappointed.  As I was slinking along the road, I discovered an arcade that looked like it would cheer me up a bit.  When I first walked in, I saw a slide that dropped down into a ball pit.  That looked fun, so I tested it to be sure and it was indeed fun.  Then I discovered a Donkey Kong arcade game.  I didn't think I could play it, but the game started up when I touched a button as if I had paid for it.  It was great fun, and when I finally lost my last life, I was given a whole bunch of tickets that could earn me prizes at the end of my time at the arcade.

I went on to the next game, a Mario racing game, and that, too, was free.  I played free game after free game and had an awesome time.  I spent a lot of time at the basketball shooting challenge and had fun there.   When I finished that game, I discovered that I wasn't the only one in the building.  I looked about me and saw that there was a fancy restaurant connected to the arcade.  It had beautiful carpeting, fancy chandeliers, and the customers were all adorned with some pricey clothing.

The only other people in the arcade part were a father and his young son.  I was a bit frustrated with them, for every time I went to a new game, they would follow me and wait behind me, making me feel guilty if I played the game more than once.

After playing several more games, the shame started to weigh on me.  I felt as if the father and son were both getting angry with me for taking too long at the games and that the people eating at the fancy restaurant were getting upset with me for playing the games and making a ton of noise that was annoying to them.  I finally left.

Then I awoke.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Dream #412 (September 9, 2011)

This is brief.

I dreamt that I entered a church fellowship hall with gray carpet.  A bunch of wooden tables were set up, and a Euchre tournament was being held there.  I wanted to join, but I hadn't signed up.  I walked to a table where Caitlin Geeslin and Brittany Coleman were partners.  They were opposed to two junior high boys with black hair that looked as if they didn't even know how to play the game.

I asked a man standing behind a podium on the other side of the room if I could enter the tournament, and he said no.  I wandered around the room for quite some time after that.

I eventually awoke.

Dream #411 (September 8, 2011)

Here is a dream.

I dreamt that I was living in Seth Bartlette's house with Tim Johnson.  Tim and I were, for some reason, cleaning Seth's entire house before he returned home from work.  When everything had just become very neat and tidy, Seth returned.  Instead of looking like Seth, Seth looked like Jimmy Fallon.  He didn't even compliment us on our cleaning.

Then Tim and I went our separate ways.

I walked into my bedroom, which took me from nighttime to daytime.  I was also in a completely different house.  Morgan Ferch (my former neighbor) was there with her boyfriend.  They were playing checkers.  I felt like watching a movie, so I went into another bedroom.  The bedroom was the bedroom I know reside in at my grandfather's house in real life; in the dream I knew it to be this room.  There I found Brittany Coleman lying on my bed watching a 35mm film that was projected from behind the head of a bed to a small silver screen a few feet behind the foot.  The movie was some sort of train documentary in black and white with occasional shots containing green and red.

I asked Brittany what she was doing there, for it was my bed and I was tired.  Then she informed me that the bed was actually not mine, but hers.  I didn't agree.

After a brief discussion, Brittany accepted that I was right, and she crawled out the window.  It was the middle of the day, and I went to bed.

Then I awoke.

Dream #410 (September 3, 2011)

This is a bit late, but at least it is here.

I dreamt that I was visiting my friend Kevin Chupp's house for a going away party he was hosting.

He and his sister Kelli had set up a projector so that the guests could view old slides of Kevin's childhood.

Kevin turned off all the lights in the house.  By the way, the house was a huge, fancy lake house made mostly of glass.  The slides, which contained many deep-green grassy fields and blue mountains, began to show on the silver screen.

Suddenly, I was warped into the screen, into a different time and place altogether than the picture had shown.  I was in a wasteland.  Everything was gray, and smoke rose from the ground.  There was a large battle going on, and many were dying.

In this part of the dream, I was only a young child wearing a blue onesie.  I wandered around the battlefield until I ran into a great bear who was wearing an old rusty breastplate and slaying his enemies with a great stone hammer.  He saw me and immediately rushed to me and began to protect me from the enemy soldiers who were trying to kill me.

The bear defeated dozens of enemies, maybe close to a few hundred while he was with me, but he was eventually struck down.

When he fell, I noticed that he had been hiding his baby cub the whole time.  I led the cub away from the battle and we took shelter in an old cabin.

After several minutes of hiding, a person entered the cabin.  I poked my head around the corner behind which I was hiding and saw that the person was Carrie Badertscher (my former boss at Prairie Camp).  When she saw me, she immediately came to me and the bear cub and told us that she would take care of us.

Then I jumped forward in time.  I was a young man at this point, and the bear had grown up to be as great as its father.  We lived in a subdivision of cabins, and I had just taken the bear out to exercise.

We were running about and chasing each other and we had stayed out a little longer than we were supposed to, and it became dark quickly.  We soon heard the howling of wolves.  I remembered Carrie telling me that the wolves were very dangerous in this area, so I tried to lead the bear home.  When we returned, our home was gone.

Then I awoke.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Dream #409 (September 1, 2011)

Here's a new dream.

I began this dream inside of a small car.  Kyle Heffelfinger, my brother Mike, and I were all in the back seat and my mother was driving with her father sitting in the passenger seat.  It was tight.

We first went to a white house with a blue roof.  We stopped there only briefly; my mother had to pick up some flowers.

We then took a drive on a winding country road.  It was late fall, for most of the leaves had turned, and many had fallen.  We arrived at a house that was located inside of an Indiana State Park.

My mother and grandfather both got out and they each pulled out an ipod and began jogging.  Kyle and Mike said they were going inside the house.  I decided to run a few miles, so I whipped out my pink iPod and, after starting up a Paul Simon album (Graceland) I began to run along the narrow, yet beautiful path through the woods.  When I passed my mom, she said that some John Glenn high school students were running in the woods and I could try to keep up with them if I wanted.

I had faith in my speed, so I caught up to those students and tried to keep up.  However, though they were not moving very fast, I, for some reason, could not keep up.  I knew I could run faster, but something was preventing me from doing so (this happens to me a lot in my dreams when I try to run.  I always feel like I get no traction and I can't move my body as fast as I know I can).  I lost the Glenn joggers on a wooden staircase and became dissatisfied with my speed.

I turned and ran back to the house.

When I entered, I found Kyle and Mike there talking with David and Carrie Badertscher.  However, instead of just having one child (Stella), they had three; Stella, a baby boy, and Stella's twin.  I didn't know that Stella had a twin, and I asked Carrie if she had to go through another long adoption process to get her.  She told me it was as difficult this time around.

I began to play with the two Stella's.  We were pushing around big yellow Tonka trucks for a long time and having a lot of fun.

After a little while, Kyle told me it was time to go.

Mike and I then went with Kyle in his car (which wasn't as tightly packed).  It was dark outside by this time, and instead of taking a country road, we took a city road (which wasn't busy, interestingly enough).

We made our way to Lowe's home improvement store and snuck in there in the middle of the night.  We were the only ones there; it was awesome.  We all walked around different aisles (there were a lot of clothes at this Lowe's for some reason).  We tried on different colored Underarmor and stocking hats.  Then we played around in the tools for a bit.

Then we were all startled by a janitor, who asked us when we were going to begin our shift.

We all three immediately had jobs there.  Lowe's opened to the public and dawn broke at that moment. Mike took a shift as a cashier.  I was a floor mopper, and Kyle was a greeter.  We each worked for a couple of hours, then called it quits.  When we left, we each received a work schedule for the week; we were each scheduled to work two hours every morning.

I was actually glad to have the job.

We walked back to the parking lot, but instead of entering Kyle's car, we walked into a nearby Burger King.

Then I awoke.