Monday, October 25, 2010

Dream #275 (October 25, 2010)

This is not quite as cool as my previous dream. Actually, its very short and lame. But, it is my birthday today, so there.

I dreamt that I was playing disc golf with many friends. I was in a beautifully green woods, and I had a great time.

On the seventeenth hole, I lost my disc in a bunch of bushes. As I searched for the disc for quite some time, I encouraged my friends to go on ahead of me, so they did.

After searching and searching, I still could not find it. Finally, the owner of the disc golf course, a short old bearded man wearing a flannel jacket and suspenders, along with his son, a tall man with black hair. They came and asked me about my life, and what I was doing in the area. I told them about my love for music. Then the owner's daughter walked out. She looked exactly as I have always envisioned Little Bo Peep. She walked into the bushes and, after only a matter of seconds, retrieved my disc. She handed it to me and without having to say a single word she returned home.

Then I woke up in a hospital. Mind you, this was still in the dream world. I looked about the dark room and got up out of my bed. I pulled my cart with the IV out the door and looked down the hallway. There was nobody there.

Then I awoke.

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