Monday, October 25, 2010

Dream #274 (October 24, 2010)

I'm back after a very busy week (every waking moment I was at work). This is a bit crazy.

I dreamt that I was in the middle of a large field with the rest of mankind. Even though the field was huge, there weren't nearly enough people to represent all of mankind, but that was all the people left after a world war.

Everyone was listening intently to the leader of mankind, who happened to be Darth Vader. His group of militants were wandering around the field, killing whomever they pleased. The militants were wearing blue and red bandanas around their heads, and their clothes were tattered, and primarily made of denim.

After staring at Darth Vader for a while, he stood up and commanded the militants to kill every single person not wearing a Darth Vader helmet. I looked around and noticed that many people had put on their helmets. I looked around me and realized that I had left my helmet at home. Then the militants began shooting people all over. I joined a large crowd of people trying to flee the field and find safety.

I ran though a woods as people all around me were being picked off by the militants, falling hard to the ground. There was so much death around me that I grew sick to my stomach. I finally made it to a nearby school, where militants were guarding the exterior and interior. There were so many people trying to run into it that I managed to sneak around the guards, who were preoccupied with murdering the others. I was one of a few who made it into the school hallways. I took the stealth approach, so I had to listen to men, women, and children scream, run, shout, and fall as I slowly tried to make it into a classroom.

I did successfully make it to my destination, where I found a large trash can where I hid. Luckily there was a bunch of confetti in it, so I was well hidden. I listened as some heavy footsteps walked in, around, and out of the classroom. I continued to wait there. After a short while, I heard someone run in. The next thing I knew, somebody jumped into the trash can right on top of me, not knowing I was there.

When I revealed myself, I found out that it was Kevin Chupp, who was also trying to hide. We hid there together for a short while, then decided to try to find our way out.

When we exited the classroom, we split up. I soon found a strange, purple door. When I entered through it, I jumped into the future.

The future looked very strange. I was in a green and yellow city full of smog and light pollution. Their were all kinds of crazy air rails zooming here and there. I then noticed that I was no longer in a regular human form; instead, I was a giant spirit, floating free in the atmosphere. I found a special chamber where I could compress my spirit back into a regular being.

When I first compressed myself, I turned into two large elephants, one green and one yellow. I, as the two elephants, ran around the city for a while to expel the excess energy I had. I then reentered the compression chamber and took regular human form again.

I decided to explore the city. I first wen into the backyard of a fancy house where a large, obnoxious party was taking place. The owner of the house was very drunk. As I approached him, I learned that he was formerly the Darth Vader that had caused so much death earlier in my dream. I went to find out what had happened to him when he fell into his swimming pool and drowned there without anybody seeming to notice.

Then I awoke.

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