Monday, October 18, 2010

Dream #271 (October 7, 2010)

I've been horrible at keeping up to date with my dreams, but I'm trying to get back on track.

This one was interesting, but I'll keep it brief, for it took place a while ago.

I was with Prairie Camp at Potato Creek, and there was a large picnic taking place there. I was grilling hot dogs when Carrie Badertscher walked up to me and asked me to prepare the bouncy games (inflatable games) over in a nearby field. She sent me in the camp truck, with a female counselor that doesn't exist in real life, and I took off.

The girl, who was about my age, had brown hair, and was wearing a green sweatshirt, was very talkative. She told me about all kinds of things going on with her dorm, but I had to concentrate on my driving, so I was unable to really listen to her.

After several minutes of her talking, she decided to ask me to be her boyfriend (she didn't word it much better than that), and I was taken aback. I didn't really like this girl enough to date her, but I was trapped. I didn't want to make the rest of the car ride and set-up time awkward, so I told her I would date her, thinking I could always break up with her after camp.

Then I awoke. The last thing I remember is a feeling similar to fear that made me dread the future relationship.

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