Sunday, August 30, 2009

Dream #39 (August 30, 2009)

This dream was a lot of fun.

It began inside of a garage that belonged to the father of an apparent friend of mine. Jonathan Ayee, two other guys, a girl, and I were all in the garage checking out a load of bicycles. The girl's father was allowing each of us to pick out a bike we liked that we would then be able to keep as our own. Jon Ayee picked out a sweet chrome blue bike that was very flashy, the other guys each took orange bikes, the girl also took a blue bike that was not quite as showy, and I took an old upright red bike with a basket.

Once we got our bikes we proceeded to bike up a nearby fire escape (we were in the middle of a city) and biked up to the roof of a very tall building. Once on top, we jumped from roof to roof for miles and miles at lighting speed.

After we grew tired, we stopped at a Burger King that was at the top floor of a big office building (in fact it was the exact same Burger King as the one in Dream #9). We ate their while watching X-Games on the little television in the restaurant (which is interesting because I've never been a big fan). When we were satisfied, we continued to ride around the top of the buildings.

After a while, one of the other guys (who I then realized was Matthew Jesse, a guy I barely knew in high school who was several grades ahead of me) rode off a building and fell to the ground, never to get up again.

Shocked by the sudden tragedy, the girl, Jonathan, and I decided to go down to the ground (the other guy went off by himself). We decided to get Slushies in a fancy orange restaurant we discovered. While I was waiting for my drink, I noticed that my waiter was carrying a gun.

Then I awoke.

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