Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Dream #34 (August 25, 2009)

This dream began inside of a large white truck. I was in command of the vehicle, and I was trying to back it out of a garage as a tall, skinny man with a red hat directed me. However, every time I tried to back out, Sadie (my old, deceased black lab) would run under the truck. I had to keep slamming on the brakes in order to not run her over.

After several minutes of this monotony, I gave up and got out of the truck (I did not bother to turn the truck off or even put it into park). I walked away from the garage down a very long cement driveway that lead away from an extremely large house. When I finally reached the road, I looked in both directions. To my left was an ice cream truck with a flat tire. To my right was rolling hills. I chose to go to the right.

After walking along the road for a long time, I decided to go off into the woods where little people were playing a form of capture the flag. After one of them tried to convince me to play, I went back to the road.

By the time the sun went down (I do not believe the earth is the center of the universe; I am only using an expression) I had arrived at Koontz Lake Missionary Church. There I met up with Michael Kaser (a guy with whom I went to high school) and my little brother (whose name also happens to be Michael). Right as I arrived, I began to edit a video they had shot (the video they made was a bunch of guys shooting each other in a fancy apartment).

After a while, my neighbor came over and informed us that it was snowing in August. Instantly I arose and ran outside and found that there was several feet of snow on the ground. Without giving it a second thought, I proceeded to jump into a large snow bank.

Then I awoke.

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