Friday, August 28, 2009

Dream #36 (August 27, 2009)

I sorry that this is a day late, but there no way I would ever skip this one.

This dream was all over the place. It all began in this very narrow old west town. The main street was miles long with old, dusty, tall building going further than my eyes could see. For a long time I walked slowly along the street, suspicious of everyone and everything that moved. For the most part, the town was empty, except for a few animals moving here and there.

Finally I reached my destination: a big off-white building that looked just like every other building there. When I entered the place, I immediately went down to the basement without observing my environment much. The basement was made entirely of concrete, and there were no decorations in it at all. In fact, the only thing down there was a wooden table.

On the table was a map. Apparently I knew what I was doing because I grabbed the map and left without studying anything.

Next thing I knew, I was on a huge ship (that was strangely similar to the old Fischer-Price ship I owned when I was a child). I was the only person on it, which I now find quite strange due to the enormousness of the ship, but at the time it was normal. After spotting a very green island from a telescope from the bird's nest of the ship, I dove into the water.

Once I was submerged, I swam down further and further. After several minutes of swimming into the bluish-green water, I found a strange looking rock that was on a mountain on the bottom of the ocean. I approached the rock and found that there was a secret entrance through it that entered into the mountain.

Inside the mountain I found a small amount of treasure (there was no longer water everywhere). I walked around and found another secret entrance in the side of the mountain and found a virtually endless amount of treasure.

Next thing I knew, I was explaining my trip to my father in my old bedroom that I had as a child (complete with the blue carpet, blue curtains, and the cheap bunk bed). This must have been some time after I found the treasure, for I was telling my father how much I longed for another adventure because it had been many years since I had one.

Then, all of a sudden, I was on another adventure. I found myself in the middle of a dark green forrest with a princess dressed in blue and a seaman dressed in red. We were hiding from a dragon that was close by (I could see it's fiery breath and, occasionally, its aqua blue tail). Finally, we were able to flee the woods and make it to the ocean shore.

When we arrived at shore, we turned around and saw that the dragon was following us (it could not fly, and it was not much taller than me, so it was not as scary as it could have been). We fled to the top of a tall rock that protruded out of the shore. We were sitting ducks.

Then, without any warning, a giant duck leaped out of the water and chased the dragon away. When the duck (which had a green body and a yellow head) came back to the water, it stood there, motionless.

My companions and I desperately wanted to ride the mystical creature, but we were afraid, or so I thought. Before I knew it, the seaman who had accompanied the princess and I was making his way toward the duck. After several minutes of him staring at the creature and reaching out and touching it, he finally jumped on. Suddenly the duck took off, with the seaman on it, and ran into the woods at lightning speed.

Then two more ducks emerged from the ocean and stood near where the princess and I were looking on in astonishment. Then together we went and hopped on the ducks and rode of into the woods.

Then, unfortunately, I awoke. I wonder what would have happened next.

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