Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Dream #35 (August 26, 2009)

Last night's dream took place inside of a house that was very interesting. The basement had a similar structure to my grandparent's basement. However, the upper part of the house had only screens for walls. The back porch looked out onto a beautiful and mysterious forrest, and the house was lit with dim street lamps.

For the first portion of the dream I was trying to vacuum the entire house with a very junky vacuum (in fact, it was the same one I used when I first started my janitorial work at Territorial Engineering, the same vacuum that exploded on me one day whilst I was going about my business). Not only did the vacuum suck; there were several obstacles as well. I had to work my way around colorful toys that were spread all over the floors. Furthermore, in the basement, there were couples making out all over the place. On several occasions I had to actually walk on them because I had no other option.

When I was vacuuming the back porch, my cousins on my father's side of the family, along with my older brother, kept trying to distract me from my work. Finally, after much hard work, my job was done and the house was clean. I could have fun.

I decided to join in a baseball game that was being played on the porch by the father's of people I knew in high school. The playing field was quite small, and there were two trees in left field. After waiting for a while, I finally got to bat, and I almost hit a home run. When I arrived on second base, however, a fight broke out for no reason. People were throwing fists and feet everywhere. Everyone around me was in combat. As all this happened I just stood on second base and watched with disgust and curiosity.

Then I awoke.

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