Monday, August 31, 2009

Dream #40 (August 31, 2009)

I'm sorry for the brevity of this post.

In last night's dream I spent the entire time with my friend Neil Silveus in an Alaskan mountain range.

We said nothing, and we focused only on hiking. Though I saw many beautiful mountains, not much happened in the dream that I can describe.

Eventually I awoke from the dream.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Dream #39 (August 30, 2009)

This dream was a lot of fun.

It began inside of a garage that belonged to the father of an apparent friend of mine. Jonathan Ayee, two other guys, a girl, and I were all in the garage checking out a load of bicycles. The girl's father was allowing each of us to pick out a bike we liked that we would then be able to keep as our own. Jon Ayee picked out a sweet chrome blue bike that was very flashy, the other guys each took orange bikes, the girl also took a blue bike that was not quite as showy, and I took an old upright red bike with a basket.

Once we got our bikes we proceeded to bike up a nearby fire escape (we were in the middle of a city) and biked up to the roof of a very tall building. Once on top, we jumped from roof to roof for miles and miles at lighting speed.

After we grew tired, we stopped at a Burger King that was at the top floor of a big office building (in fact it was the exact same Burger King as the one in Dream #9). We ate their while watching X-Games on the little television in the restaurant (which is interesting because I've never been a big fan). When we were satisfied, we continued to ride around the top of the buildings.

After a while, one of the other guys (who I then realized was Matthew Jesse, a guy I barely knew in high school who was several grades ahead of me) rode off a building and fell to the ground, never to get up again.

Shocked by the sudden tragedy, the girl, Jonathan, and I decided to go down to the ground (the other guy went off by himself). We decided to get Slushies in a fancy orange restaurant we discovered. While I was waiting for my drink, I noticed that my waiter was carrying a gun.

Then I awoke.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Dream #38 (August 29, 2009)

This dream started outside a dim blue house in the middle of a wasteland. The sand was flying everywhere as I approached the blue house. There was nothing else besides sand and sky as far as the eye could see, and I was all alone. With me I had a clipboard and a big brown 1 gallon hat. The house had a very large porch on the outside and was decayed badly.

When I reached the door, I knocked several times without answer. Eventually I just decided to enter the house. I set my big had on a chair that was near the door and began to have a look around. I looked down at my clipboard and noticed that there were certain boxes that there was a list of qualifications that the house had to fit. I must have been some sort of inspector.

After thoroughly searching the house, looking under every ledge, behind every piece of furniture, and in every closet, I stood by an enormous window and looked out into the vast, dry desert. I then thought about the blue house I was in (not only was the exterior blue; the interior wall, furniture, and appliances were all blue as well). It was old and out of shape, but I liked it. I did not even mind the fact that the house only had one window (maybe the extremely large size of the window compensated for the lack of windows).

I proceeded to set up for dinner. I pulled out from under the stove three very large pots and began to boil water. I then opened up a cupboard and pulled out several pounds of spaghetti and spaghetti sauce. I dumped everything I had into the boiling water, and I even added some vegetables (whole, uncut vegetables) and spices (whole bottles of hot sauce and ketchup). I also added an unhealthy amount of cheese (cottage, parmesan, swiss, and mozzarella) into the mix.

When the spaghetti was done, I put it all into a large pan that took up the entire length of the dinning room table. Then the guest arrived (from out of nowhere). The list of visitors included my old youth pastor (Peter) and his wife, some nicely dressed old businessmen, and Ed Asner (who looked very unhappy). Because I had no utensils, I served these people with my bare hands, which got very messy.

After everyone was served, Ed Asner approached me and began to yell at me. He mentioned something about my establishment being unsanitary and about the food being low class.

Then I awoke.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Dream #37 (August 28, 2009)

This is not too exciting, but it rather makes up for the exceptionally long dream description of yesterday.

All night long (as far as I know), I kept thinking/dreaming of the mewithoutyou/Psalters concert I attended the night before. All my dreams were a strange version of this concert. I would occasionally be playing with the band onstage. At other times I would be flying around the room as the band played strange music. It was bizarre to say the least.

I awoke surprisingly refreshed.

Dream #36 (August 27, 2009)

I sorry that this is a day late, but there no way I would ever skip this one.

This dream was all over the place. It all began in this very narrow old west town. The main street was miles long with old, dusty, tall building going further than my eyes could see. For a long time I walked slowly along the street, suspicious of everyone and everything that moved. For the most part, the town was empty, except for a few animals moving here and there.

Finally I reached my destination: a big off-white building that looked just like every other building there. When I entered the place, I immediately went down to the basement without observing my environment much. The basement was made entirely of concrete, and there were no decorations in it at all. In fact, the only thing down there was a wooden table.

On the table was a map. Apparently I knew what I was doing because I grabbed the map and left without studying anything.

Next thing I knew, I was on a huge ship (that was strangely similar to the old Fischer-Price ship I owned when I was a child). I was the only person on it, which I now find quite strange due to the enormousness of the ship, but at the time it was normal. After spotting a very green island from a telescope from the bird's nest of the ship, I dove into the water.

Once I was submerged, I swam down further and further. After several minutes of swimming into the bluish-green water, I found a strange looking rock that was on a mountain on the bottom of the ocean. I approached the rock and found that there was a secret entrance through it that entered into the mountain.

Inside the mountain I found a small amount of treasure (there was no longer water everywhere). I walked around and found another secret entrance in the side of the mountain and found a virtually endless amount of treasure.

Next thing I knew, I was explaining my trip to my father in my old bedroom that I had as a child (complete with the blue carpet, blue curtains, and the cheap bunk bed). This must have been some time after I found the treasure, for I was telling my father how much I longed for another adventure because it had been many years since I had one.

Then, all of a sudden, I was on another adventure. I found myself in the middle of a dark green forrest with a princess dressed in blue and a seaman dressed in red. We were hiding from a dragon that was close by (I could see it's fiery breath and, occasionally, its aqua blue tail). Finally, we were able to flee the woods and make it to the ocean shore.

When we arrived at shore, we turned around and saw that the dragon was following us (it could not fly, and it was not much taller than me, so it was not as scary as it could have been). We fled to the top of a tall rock that protruded out of the shore. We were sitting ducks.

Then, without any warning, a giant duck leaped out of the water and chased the dragon away. When the duck (which had a green body and a yellow head) came back to the water, it stood there, motionless.

My companions and I desperately wanted to ride the mystical creature, but we were afraid, or so I thought. Before I knew it, the seaman who had accompanied the princess and I was making his way toward the duck. After several minutes of him staring at the creature and reaching out and touching it, he finally jumped on. Suddenly the duck took off, with the seaman on it, and ran into the woods at lightning speed.

Then two more ducks emerged from the ocean and stood near where the princess and I were looking on in astonishment. Then together we went and hopped on the ducks and rode of into the woods.

Then, unfortunately, I awoke. I wonder what would have happened next.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Dream #35 (August 26, 2009)

Last night's dream took place inside of a house that was very interesting. The basement had a similar structure to my grandparent's basement. However, the upper part of the house had only screens for walls. The back porch looked out onto a beautiful and mysterious forrest, and the house was lit with dim street lamps.

For the first portion of the dream I was trying to vacuum the entire house with a very junky vacuum (in fact, it was the same one I used when I first started my janitorial work at Territorial Engineering, the same vacuum that exploded on me one day whilst I was going about my business). Not only did the vacuum suck; there were several obstacles as well. I had to work my way around colorful toys that were spread all over the floors. Furthermore, in the basement, there were couples making out all over the place. On several occasions I had to actually walk on them because I had no other option.

When I was vacuuming the back porch, my cousins on my father's side of the family, along with my older brother, kept trying to distract me from my work. Finally, after much hard work, my job was done and the house was clean. I could have fun.

I decided to join in a baseball game that was being played on the porch by the father's of people I knew in high school. The playing field was quite small, and there were two trees in left field. After waiting for a while, I finally got to bat, and I almost hit a home run. When I arrived on second base, however, a fight broke out for no reason. People were throwing fists and feet everywhere. Everyone around me was in combat. As all this happened I just stood on second base and watched with disgust and curiosity.

Then I awoke.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Dream #34 (August 25, 2009)

This dream began inside of a large white truck. I was in command of the vehicle, and I was trying to back it out of a garage as a tall, skinny man with a red hat directed me. However, every time I tried to back out, Sadie (my old, deceased black lab) would run under the truck. I had to keep slamming on the brakes in order to not run her over.

After several minutes of this monotony, I gave up and got out of the truck (I did not bother to turn the truck off or even put it into park). I walked away from the garage down a very long cement driveway that lead away from an extremely large house. When I finally reached the road, I looked in both directions. To my left was an ice cream truck with a flat tire. To my right was rolling hills. I chose to go to the right.

After walking along the road for a long time, I decided to go off into the woods where little people were playing a form of capture the flag. After one of them tried to convince me to play, I went back to the road.

By the time the sun went down (I do not believe the earth is the center of the universe; I am only using an expression) I had arrived at Koontz Lake Missionary Church. There I met up with Michael Kaser (a guy with whom I went to high school) and my little brother (whose name also happens to be Michael). Right as I arrived, I began to edit a video they had shot (the video they made was a bunch of guys shooting each other in a fancy apartment).

After a while, my neighbor came over and informed us that it was snowing in August. Instantly I arose and ran outside and found that there was several feet of snow on the ground. Without giving it a second thought, I proceeded to jump into a large snow bank.

Then I awoke.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Dream #33 (August 24, 2009)


Last night's dream began inside of Koontz Lake Missionary Church. However, the outside of the church, as it was seen through the windows, was actually Prairie Camp (over 30 miles away).

An enormous dance show was going on, and there were all kinds of people dressed in bright colors and wavy outfits. Not only were the dancers dancing in the sanctuary; they were also dancing on a tall stage (complete with wide steps) just outside the sanctuary.

As all this was going on, I was working on fixing a fence post outside somewhere outside. I was drawn by all the commotion, and once I saw all those happy dancers, I could not help but join in. I immediately grabbed a blue cape, a black mask, a yellow vest, and some black spandex pants (they happened to be laying conveniently nearby) and I hopped onto the stage and began breaking it down like nobody had ever seen. Then my friend Kevin Chupp appeared out of nowhere and hopped onstage and joined me (he had a purple cape and a red mask).

We were throwing each other and doing all sorts of crazy things. After the song was over, however, everybody left without saying a word to anybody else. Before I knew it, only my father and I remained.

Then, all of a sudden, an enormous bug with a massive larva on its back walked by my dad's feet. I yelled for him to kill it, so he poked it with a stick he had been carrying and left, again without saying a word. I stood there and watched as the larva turned out to be a hatching sack of baby insects.

Then I awoke.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Dream #32 (August 23, 2009)

I apologize for the large gap of time between Dream #31 and #32.

Anyways, last nights dream was slightly exciting. The majority of the 'story' took place at my parent's home in Indiana (though it was slightly larger and more old-fashioned, almost with the appearance of an old plantation home). It actually began as I went to bed. I crawled into a bunk-bed and fell asleep.

When I awoke (in my dream) the next day, I walked into the hallway and noticed that there were two packages in front of my little brothers door. I bent down and observed them, noticing that they were two bars of soap, one on which a hand written note was left. It read, "bring us money and tables or we will kidnap your brother." The note also contained a phone number so that I could call the perpetrators for further information if I needed.

Then I walked into the kitchen and saw that two 6-foot-tall stuffed bears had been placed at the table, one with a bowl of cereal in front of him and the other with an old desktop computer. The perpetrators must have left this as some sort of proof of their ability.

All of the sudden, I found myself in bed again (it was the next night). When I awoke the next day, I found a note saying, "One more day," and outside the bears had been hung on the clothes line with huge worms placed all over their bodies. It was quite grotesque, even though they were stuffed animals.

That is when I decided I would concede to the enemy. I had my parent's write a check for $100,000 and my little brother and I decided that we would take the money to them. I had other plans, however, for I had with me a bubble gun that would surely blind the villains, giving me time to overtake them. Unfortunately we did not have any keys to any of my family's vehicles, so we were forced to take a golf cart. Remembering the criminal's request, we loaded up the tables on top of the golf cart. I made my little brother drive, which was a mistake because he took off too fast causing the tables to fall off the cart. Each of them had cracked in half.

I was so distraught, and I had no idea what I was going to do next. Then my neighbor came over and started talking to me. I just wanted to get away and fight the bad guys.

Then I awoke.