Friday, March 30, 2012

Dream #441 (March 30, 2012)

I should have kept this up to date.  There was as dream I didn't record a few weeks ago in which I saved James Earl Jones from a mental institution where a bunch of women made him appear to be insane.  I busted him out.  Anyway.

Last night I dreamt that I was visiting some city in Virginia.  There was a very nice and very large road that ran through it, though no cars traveled upon it.  There was a thick fog that only allowed me to see about forty feet in front of me at any given time.  I was walking on a wide sidewalk to one side of the street.

After I arrived at my destination (Nathan Ferch's house; Nathan used to be my neighbor and classmate in Koontz Lake, Indiana, and we played basketball together, and when I say together, I mean he was awesome and I watched from the bench, which was entertaining), I began preparing for a run.  Morgan, Nathan's younger sister who in my dream was also married, came out of her house (she, in the dream, lived across the street from Nathan) and spoke to me for a little while.  When I finished stretching, I took off and ran three miles in the fog.

Upon my return, I started doing some crazy, ballerina-type stretches and was actually quite good at them.  I did them up and down the street.  I then realized that I needed to use the restroom, so I found a port-a-John and entered.  For some reason, it took me a long time to get everything out of my system.  In the process, I heard several people outside the door complaining.

When I was finally finished, I found Liz Ebert, Breanna Lebsack, and Gabrielle Davison (friends of mine from Regent University) all waiting outside.  When they realized it was I who made them wait, they were quite forgiving and they wanted to talk to me to see how things were going.  For some reason, they preferred to have the conversation inside of the port-a-John, so we all crammed inside and began talking about life.  When the conversation was over, we exited the tight space (except for Liz) and went our separate ways.  Breanna began to run away and Gabrielle skipped and twirled as she left.

I walked.

When I arrived again at Nathan and his wife's apartment, they welcomed me in and fed me puppy chow (chocolate-and-peanut-butter-and-powdered-sugar-covered Chex) and played three-way chess with me in their living room.

Nathan got up and made us milkshakes.

Then I awoke.


  1. I had a Regent dream last night. I had super-strength and accidentally destroyed someone's car. And Regent couldn't figure out their numbers and had the elevators all numbered wrong with four at the top and eleven underneath four. But, weirdly, in my dream I remembered who was currently at Regent and who wasn't.

    1. (Apparently blogger doesn't notify me when somebody comments on a post) Ha! That's interesting. There are fewer and fewer people at Regent that I know. It was a bit strange returning there, riding a bicycle through the campus, waving at people that have never seen me.
