Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Dream #243 (August 30, 2010)

I loved this dream because it involved Paul Simon.

This dream began in an old fishing village. All of the houses were blue and grey and relatively small, and the whole area stank of fish (though I rather liked the smell). I was walking along the road (which was empty blacktop) with my little brother (Mike). We were there on vacation, and apparently I had been there before, because I had many memories of the layout of the area and things I had done there during previous visits.

After walking around the houses, my brother and I descended to the shore of the lake and walked along the water for a while. After about a half mile, we ran across a house that I remembered was Paul Simon's place where he had written all of his songs. I had never actually seen Paul Simon before (in this particular dream), and I figured that there was no chance that Paul would even have been there during the summer. I decided to walk up to the window of the house anyway.

To my surprise, Paul Simon was there. He was sitting in a wooden rocking chair, wearing a black turtleneck, jotting various notes in a small notebook he had in hand. I became very excited, but also very conscious of the fact that I could easily distract Paul from writing his next masterpiece, so I quietly backed up far enough away so that he could not hear me. Then Mike and I took off down the shoreline.

As we ran, we discussed how excited we were that Paul Simon was writing again and how much we anticipated future albums from him.

When we returned to the village street, we encountered Paul and Kelby (two guys I know from Prairie Camp), along with a group of people I did not know. They were talking with each other about college life (they both just started this year), and how excited they were for the coming school year. I stepped up to them and greeted them.

Then I awoke.

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