Friday, August 20, 2010

Dream #242 (August 18, 2010)

Yet another camp dream.

This dream began in the middle of the night at Prairie Camp. Everybody else was sleeping as I was cleaning out the bookstore. There were all kinds of dusty shelves, old nasty chairs, and animal nests in there, and I had a tough time completing the job. When I was about halfway done, Tom Marks (who helps with the preschool program at camp) was doing security that night (which is not normal) and he kept checking in on me, making sure I wasn't a rebel teenager sneaking out.

After a very long time of working, I had the placing looking so pure that people would want to take their shoes off before entering.

By then it was morning, so I headed back to my cabin (which was across camp). As I was on my way, I ran into a bunch of adults who were having some sort of face off. There were about twenty adults on each side, and they looked angry. Suddenly, Mike Ingle, (a policeman who attends Prairie Camp), instigated a battle by throwing stones at the adults opposite from him. Before I could react, all of the adults there were mercilessly throwing rocks at each other. It was bloody and violent.

I ran to find Carrie Badertscher (my boss) to get her to stop it. As I tried to find her, one of the counselors was riding around violently in a golf cart, nearly hitting me several times. I tried to stop her, but I realized that I had more important things to deal with.

When I finally found Carrie, she was (yet again in my dreams) very angry with me and verbally abused me for several minutes.

Then I awoke. (Sorry Carrie)

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