Friday, August 20, 2010

Dream #240 (August 16, 2010)

I know it has been a while since my previous post. I have been working at a camp that did not allow me the time to post my dreams.

Speaking of camp, this dream took place there, though it looked nothing like it. I began the dream in an old white house (that looked similar to how I pictured my house today as a little kid). I was accompanied by two young women (a blonde and a brunette) and another young man (who had black hair). The three of them were playing some sort of ring-around-the-rosie-type game as I watched them. After a few minutes of this nonsense, they all fell on the floor, laughing. I apparently found this very humorous, for I too fell on the floor in laughter.

After we calmed down, I proceeded to do something far out of my character. I asked the blonde girl if she wanted to go on a date the following weekend. She looked happily surprised, but then proceeded to ask me in all seriousness, "You're not dating anyone online right now?" I took great offense to this question, but kept my feelings to myself. The blonde girl (she might have been a woman; I don't know exactly when the classification changes) then accepted my date.

Out of excitement I pretended that I only had one leg and began hopping about the room. Then, out of a-little-longer-than-temporary insanity, I hopped out of the window (shattering the glass) and hopped into a nearby forest. There I climbed a tree (still pretending that I only had one leg, even though I had no audience) and hid there for a very long time.

At the end of my insanity I realized that I was being foolish and that I had some crowd-breaker games to explain and oversee in the camp's tabernacle (where the services are held).

I immediately climbed down from the tree and rushed through the woods to the tabernacle (using both of my legs), only to discover that I was too late. My game partners at Prairie Camp in the dream (who were also my partners in real life) had already carried out two crowd-breaker games and were beginning a third one. I was angry because we were only supposed to do one (we only had so many games we could do throughout the week of camp, and I didn't want to run out of ideas by the last day). Furthermore, I heard people complaining that the games were being explained poorly. Finally, the third game being prepared was supposed to be saved for the last day, for it was the messiest. It involved layering the tabernacle floor with pretzels, which should be done before the service, not during it. As they were preparing the game, Carrie Badertscher pulled me aside and scolded me harshly for being late and unprepared.

Then I awoke.

Now I must explain something about camp in order for some of the humor to be found in this part of the dream. At camp I usually do crowd-breaker games for the teens at camp, not everyone, for these games tend to be very messy and/or crazy. However, in my dream, I was doing the games for everyone in the 'big service' where even the elderly attend. I just thought that was kind of funny.

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