Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Dream #244 (August 31, 2010)

This was a little intense.

The dream began at my house in the middle of the night. My little brother (Mike), my neighbor (Morgan), Michael Kaser (my former classmate) (reversal), and I were playing some sort of night game that incorporated what my family calls the 'big' garage (connected to the driveway) and the 'little' garage. It was a variation of hide-and-go-seek, but it was not nearly as simple. I remember using various slingshots, stick piles, and garden tools for a part of the game, but I'm not really sure what those objects were used for.

During the game, as I sneaked around Morgan (she didn't even notice me), I smelled smoke and became alarmed. I left the crawling position I was and and ran over to the source of the smoke, only to find that the 'little' garage was beginning to burn. I looked around for the source of the fire (I assumed right away that it was arson) and witnessed three boys fleeing the scene of the crime.

Using my superior sprinting skills, I caught up to the one leading the other two, turned him around, and recognized him to be Donny (a boy from Koontz Lake). I immediately began punching him mercilessly in the teeth until he fell down on the ground. Even then I continued to beat him as Morgan and both Mike's took down the other two boys.

After 'teaching them a lesson' (I don't usually resort to violence), another boy came from out of the woods. He informed us that the arsonists had escaped from a correctional camp and that he was looking for them. We helped Donny and his partners back to their feet and took them back into the woods to the camp.

The camp leader approached me and asked me if I would lead the campers in a large group game. He told me that he knew I worked at another camp as the program director, and that he was not very good at leading games. So, I led all the misfit boys in an enormous game of Flower Wars (a variation of capture the flag, making use of flower bags; this version in my dream also incorporated torches).

After the game was almost over (Donny was running with the flag back to the center of the playing field), I awoke.

Dream #243 (August 30, 2010)

I loved this dream because it involved Paul Simon.

This dream began in an old fishing village. All of the houses were blue and grey and relatively small, and the whole area stank of fish (though I rather liked the smell). I was walking along the road (which was empty blacktop) with my little brother (Mike). We were there on vacation, and apparently I had been there before, because I had many memories of the layout of the area and things I had done there during previous visits.

After walking around the houses, my brother and I descended to the shore of the lake and walked along the water for a while. After about a half mile, we ran across a house that I remembered was Paul Simon's place where he had written all of his songs. I had never actually seen Paul Simon before (in this particular dream), and I figured that there was no chance that Paul would even have been there during the summer. I decided to walk up to the window of the house anyway.

To my surprise, Paul Simon was there. He was sitting in a wooden rocking chair, wearing a black turtleneck, jotting various notes in a small notebook he had in hand. I became very excited, but also very conscious of the fact that I could easily distract Paul from writing his next masterpiece, so I quietly backed up far enough away so that he could not hear me. Then Mike and I took off down the shoreline.

As we ran, we discussed how excited we were that Paul Simon was writing again and how much we anticipated future albums from him.

When we returned to the village street, we encountered Paul and Kelby (two guys I know from Prairie Camp), along with a group of people I did not know. They were talking with each other about college life (they both just started this year), and how excited they were for the coming school year. I stepped up to them and greeted them.

Then I awoke.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Dream #242 (August 18, 2010)

Yet another camp dream.

This dream began in the middle of the night at Prairie Camp. Everybody else was sleeping as I was cleaning out the bookstore. There were all kinds of dusty shelves, old nasty chairs, and animal nests in there, and I had a tough time completing the job. When I was about halfway done, Tom Marks (who helps with the preschool program at camp) was doing security that night (which is not normal) and he kept checking in on me, making sure I wasn't a rebel teenager sneaking out.

After a very long time of working, I had the placing looking so pure that people would want to take their shoes off before entering.

By then it was morning, so I headed back to my cabin (which was across camp). As I was on my way, I ran into a bunch of adults who were having some sort of face off. There were about twenty adults on each side, and they looked angry. Suddenly, Mike Ingle, (a policeman who attends Prairie Camp), instigated a battle by throwing stones at the adults opposite from him. Before I could react, all of the adults there were mercilessly throwing rocks at each other. It was bloody and violent.

I ran to find Carrie Badertscher (my boss) to get her to stop it. As I tried to find her, one of the counselors was riding around violently in a golf cart, nearly hitting me several times. I tried to stop her, but I realized that I had more important things to deal with.

When I finally found Carrie, she was (yet again in my dreams) very angry with me and verbally abused me for several minutes.

Then I awoke. (Sorry Carrie)

Dream #241 (August 17, 2010)

Another camp dream.

I dreamt that I was working at camp. Except in my dream, my place of living was an enormous basement in an enormous house. This basement was painted only white, and there were no windows anywhere. I began the dream in a conference room where I was explaining to a fellow worker about a time at camp when I had to destroy two giant caterpillars. I'm pretty sure this dream memory of the caterpillars was taken from a dream I had earlier this summer, but because I haven't been writing them down, I am not certain of that possibility.

When I was explaining the caterpillar battle, I was reliving it. I ran about the room (of my memory) as the caterpillars, which were probably 200 pounds and nine feet long, slightly resembling the giant caterpillars in Super Mario for Super Nintendo, chased me across the floor, up the walls, and along the ceiling. I finally defeated these creatures by stomping on their heads many times (similar to how Mario defeats such creatures).

I then snapped back to the dream reality, where I was supposed to be running a game of capture the flag with the Junior campers at Prairie Camp. I left the guy to whom I was explaining the caterpillar experience and rushed up out of the basement and out to where I was supposed to do the game. However, I was far too late, and Carrie Badertscher (my boss) was the only one there, and she was waiting for me. She was angry, and I received quite a lashing from her tongue.

Then I awoke. I wonder why such harsh words have been coming from Carrie in my dreams, for she treats me very well in real life.

Dream #240 (August 16, 2010)

I know it has been a while since my previous post. I have been working at a camp that did not allow me the time to post my dreams.

Speaking of camp, this dream took place there, though it looked nothing like it. I began the dream in an old white house (that looked similar to how I pictured my house today as a little kid). I was accompanied by two young women (a blonde and a brunette) and another young man (who had black hair). The three of them were playing some sort of ring-around-the-rosie-type game as I watched them. After a few minutes of this nonsense, they all fell on the floor, laughing. I apparently found this very humorous, for I too fell on the floor in laughter.

After we calmed down, I proceeded to do something far out of my character. I asked the blonde girl if she wanted to go on a date the following weekend. She looked happily surprised, but then proceeded to ask me in all seriousness, "You're not dating anyone online right now?" I took great offense to this question, but kept my feelings to myself. The blonde girl (she might have been a woman; I don't know exactly when the classification changes) then accepted my date.

Out of excitement I pretended that I only had one leg and began hopping about the room. Then, out of a-little-longer-than-temporary insanity, I hopped out of the window (shattering the glass) and hopped into a nearby forest. There I climbed a tree (still pretending that I only had one leg, even though I had no audience) and hid there for a very long time.

At the end of my insanity I realized that I was being foolish and that I had some crowd-breaker games to explain and oversee in the camp's tabernacle (where the services are held).

I immediately climbed down from the tree and rushed through the woods to the tabernacle (using both of my legs), only to discover that I was too late. My game partners at Prairie Camp in the dream (who were also my partners in real life) had already carried out two crowd-breaker games and were beginning a third one. I was angry because we were only supposed to do one (we only had so many games we could do throughout the week of camp, and I didn't want to run out of ideas by the last day). Furthermore, I heard people complaining that the games were being explained poorly. Finally, the third game being prepared was supposed to be saved for the last day, for it was the messiest. It involved layering the tabernacle floor with pretzels, which should be done before the service, not during it. As they were preparing the game, Carrie Badertscher pulled me aside and scolded me harshly for being late and unprepared.

Then I awoke.

Now I must explain something about camp in order for some of the humor to be found in this part of the dream. At camp I usually do crowd-breaker games for the teens at camp, not everyone, for these games tend to be very messy and/or crazy. However, in my dream, I was doing the games for everyone in the 'big service' where even the elderly attend. I just thought that was kind of funny.