Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Dream #506 (May 29, 2013) Bobby and Batman and Illegal Activities


In the beginning of this dream I wandered onto a property on the outskirts of a huge city in the middle of the night (the whole dream took place at night, though over several dates).  I found a warehouse there and looked into the window.  I saw a few people inside moving about suspiciously (I'm not sure what, exactly, was suspicious about their movements, but that was how I perceived them).  Suddenly, I was tackled from behind by a couple of strangers.  They flipped me over, put a ski mask on my head and introduced me to Coach Hannah (my former basketball who was apparently a crime lord in his free time).

He helped me up and introduced me to his criminal enterprise inside the warehouse.  He instructed me and the other goons with ski masks to carry a bunch of supplies (primarily explosives and zip ties) from a store in the warehouse, through a secret door, down a long hall, through another secret door, and into a secret room that stored their explosives and a bunch of classic cars.

I spent the rest of the night moving things into that room from the warehouse store.  When I was finished, Coach Hannah offered me a full-time position on his criminal crew, where I would commit to working 5 nights a week.  I accepted and went home to rest.

To wind down before bed I watched an episode of King of the Hill.  Now, in my dreams, King of the Hill (KOTH from now on) had reemerged with new episodes.  In the particular new episode I was watching, Bobby Hill, who was a young adult, came out of the closet and announced to the world that he was gay during a press conference.  In that same speech he declared war against the intolerant Batman (apparently the Batman and KOTH cartoons had collided in this show).

The show had a cliffhanger ending, and I had to wait a day to find out what would happen (yes, this cartoon aired every day).  After I slept, I returned to work at the warehouse, where I did the same old stuff (though this time I tried having conversations with the other criminals, but they thought I was goofy and only made fun of me).  I then went home and watched another episode of KOTH/Batman and in this one Bobby built a large pink car with elegant and lifelike wings (it could fly).  He and Batman had a great battle, which ended in a sort of draw.

Then I lived a sort of montage, where I would go to work and move stuff from the warehouse to the classic car room, then return home to watch Bobby Hill fight Batman.

At last the season finale was getting ready to air.  The day before, however, I received a Bobby vs. Batman graphic novel in the mail.  I was so excited that I brought it to work.  I asked my cocriminals if they had been keeping up with the series.  I also asked them if I was supposed to read the graphic novel before the season finale, or if it would spoil it.  Well, nobody else was watching/reading anything about it, and they all had a laugh at my expense, though I didn't care.

Finally, after work, I had a bit of extra time (I had taken off early), so I opened up the graphic novel.

Then I awoke.

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