Sunday, May 12, 2013

Dream #501 (May 6, 2013)

Filming in my sleep.

I dreamt that I was the cinematographer for a feature film directed by Andrew DeSelm.  On this particular shoot date, we were shooting all through the night.  The scenes we were working on involved a lot of complex lighting, and I was working like a madvillain trying to get everything lit well while Andrew was constantly reminding me that I needed to hurry.

We just finished a wooded exterior and were lugging up great loads of equipment to the third floor of a small hospital in the middle of a farm.  We had some large LED lights, along with a bunch of other fresnel tungsten lights.  I was using the LED's to create a lightening effect, with one on a riser shooting into the window from outside and the other in the hospital room that we were shooting.

I really wanted 1 more large LED, but we didn't have any more, so I tried calling the rental company to see if any more were available for delivery, but I kept getting a busy signal, so I began rigging up a dimming system with the tungsten lights.  All the while Andrew kept hounding me, encouraging me to hurry.

I finally created a nice scene, and then Andrew began to direct the terrible actor (a man in his late twenties).  As he did this, I left to begin setting up the next scene, which was an exterior of the hospital.  The lights I chose burned mercury and had a harsh orange tint.  It wasn't long before Andrew and a whole bunch of child actors came outside and started acting out the scene.

Then, all of a sudden, things became real and were no longer a movie.  Some strange mole-like creatures popped out of the ground and began snatching the children and turning them into straws (yes - large, human-sized drinking straws).  The mole-things then piled up the children straws in a ditch they dug.  I wanted to stop them, but I couldn't figure out how to do so; instead I looked on in horror.  Then, the mole-things turned toward me and began to pursue me relentlessly through the woods.

Then I awoke.

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