Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Dream #507 (June 1, 2013) Mission To Mars

The Red Planet.  I will try to be very brief, considering the amount of time that passed in this dream.

I was selected to join a team of men and women journeying to Mars.  We were to be the first people ever to set foot on the planet.  However, it came not without a cost.  It was to be an eight year journey, with no return.  When the selections were made, I was among the elect.  The rest were strangers, except for Amy Ennis (a former co-worker of mine at Prairie Camp) and George Takei.

Well, the ship was enormous, and had a prodigious control room with an expansive window looking out across the space before us.  I had the duty of inspecting all the various machinery in the ship, and keeping it up and running.  I was quite handy, and was able to fix just about any malfunction.

I didn't socialize much on the journey.  I kept to my self and spent most of my time reading classic literature.

Somehow, in my dream, a whole year and a half passed.  There was a meeting of all the astronauts in the control room at that time, and our Earth correspondent had sent us a video message stating that the ship was not operating as expected and it would have to return to Earth, otherwise it would not make it to Mars safely.

I was both excited and depressed, and I spent the next year and a half back both anticipating and dreading the upcoming return.

A large party was thrown for all the astronauts by friends and family, and I remember eating meatballs, little sausages, and cheese in a little blue bedroom with Amy and a bunch of our friends (including Amy's husband Bo, and Dave and Carrie Badertscher).  I felt very disconnected with everyone, and I longed to return to space.  I felt so strongly that I could no longer exist on Earth and that I belonged away from it.

I awoke from the dream, but that feeling has stuck with me, even till now as I write this post nearly a month later.

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