Friday, March 30, 2012

Dream #441 (March 30, 2012)

I should have kept this up to date.  There was as dream I didn't record a few weeks ago in which I saved James Earl Jones from a mental institution where a bunch of women made him appear to be insane.  I busted him out.  Anyway.

Last night I dreamt that I was visiting some city in Virginia.  There was a very nice and very large road that ran through it, though no cars traveled upon it.  There was a thick fog that only allowed me to see about forty feet in front of me at any given time.  I was walking on a wide sidewalk to one side of the street.

After I arrived at my destination (Nathan Ferch's house; Nathan used to be my neighbor and classmate in Koontz Lake, Indiana, and we played basketball together, and when I say together, I mean he was awesome and I watched from the bench, which was entertaining), I began preparing for a run.  Morgan, Nathan's younger sister who in my dream was also married, came out of her house (she, in the dream, lived across the street from Nathan) and spoke to me for a little while.  When I finished stretching, I took off and ran three miles in the fog.

Upon my return, I started doing some crazy, ballerina-type stretches and was actually quite good at them.  I did them up and down the street.  I then realized that I needed to use the restroom, so I found a port-a-John and entered.  For some reason, it took me a long time to get everything out of my system.  In the process, I heard several people outside the door complaining.

When I was finally finished, I found Liz Ebert, Breanna Lebsack, and Gabrielle Davison (friends of mine from Regent University) all waiting outside.  When they realized it was I who made them wait, they were quite forgiving and they wanted to talk to me to see how things were going.  For some reason, they preferred to have the conversation inside of the port-a-John, so we all crammed inside and began talking about life.  When the conversation was over, we exited the tight space (except for Liz) and went our separate ways.  Breanna began to run away and Gabrielle skipped and twirled as she left.

I walked.

When I arrived again at Nathan and his wife's apartment, they welcomed me in and fed me puppy chow (chocolate-and-peanut-butter-and-powdered-sugar-covered Chex) and played three-way chess with me in their living room.

Nathan got up and made us milkshakes.

Then I awoke.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Dream #440 (March 2, 2012)

Here we go again.

Last night I was visiting (in my dream) the home of Reed and Jess Lyons (two friends of mine).  They lived in a house that resembled slightly the apartment in South Bend where my brother (Matt Baughman) and his wife (Brittany) lived for a while a few years back.

Interestingly enough, Matt was there as well.  He surprised me because I had no idea that he was visiting from Moses Lake, Washington.  He said he'd be in the area for a week, which disappointed me because I was planning on visiting Virginia Beach in a couple days (which is true in real life as well).  Jess' sister, Ben Smith, and his wife Jen were also visiting.

We dined together.  We ate as traditional Japanese eat (both in posture and in menu).  After the tasty meal, we decided to go outside and toss a football around for a while.

As we played, we all decided to see The Office (the NBC sitcom) live.  Apparently in my dream, The Office always held a theater performance of the latest episode the day before it aired.  It was held in the L.A. Lakers stadium and thousands of people attended every week.  We somehow got seats right next to the floor.  When they announced the cast, they all came running out.  Toby and Jim (two characters from the show played by Paul Lieberstein and John Krasinski) run right by us and shook hands with Ben and me, and Jim told me he liked my sense of humor (though I'm not sure how he judged me).  Then the show began with Dwight (another character) running about the stadium with a posse of clowns running behind him.

Then Jess asked me if I wanted to sit up in the balcony.  I said that would be interesting.  When we got up there, she told me why she wanted to go up there: she had a light bulb that she wanted to throw into the stadium.  For some reason she thought it would be hilarious; I thought it would be a bit dangerous.  She waited a couple minutes, then persuaded me to chuck the light bulb down below.  I didn't quite make it into the center of the stadium, and we heard expletives come from somebody below us.  Jess laughed for a while, until she and I realized that there was somebody else in the balcony (we thought we were the only ones there) who had seen what we had done.

Because I was the one who threw the bulb, I took off sprinting, and the man, who was wearing jeans and a white t-shirt, took off after me.  I ran down several aisles, then through stadium hallways, then into a hotel that was connected to the stadium.  I tried entering into a stranger's room to hide, for the door was open, but I found a teenage girl in there, and I didn't want to make myself look like a worse person than the man already viewed me as, so I decided to find another hiding space.

I finally found an empty room and hid in the bathroom.

Then I awoke.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Dream #439 (March 1, 2012)

Well, here is the first of March.

In my dream, like in real life, I was residing in my grandfather's house.  However, unlike reality, the house was located in the Northwest and it was a resort at which I was living temporarily while working at a conference (conVERGE conference to be exact).  The room in which I was staying was, in real life, the cellar.

I woke up from a nap and met with my brother Mike Baughman, Chase the Ace (video host at Remedy), and Tim Johnson (works at Remedy occasionally, though I know him through Prairie Camp).  Chase and Tim asked Mike and I if we would be interested in joining them on their vacation (that they were apparently taking together).  They were staying in a cabin in the Blue Ridge Mountains.  Right at that moment, my imagination led me to a view of a map with a red line drawn from the resort to the cabin (like a movie transition).  I then imagined hiking with Tim, Chase, and Mike along beautiful trails, biking on the side of a cliff, and cooking in the cabin.  I then jolted back to the dream reality and looked at Chase and Tim and thought they didn't look much like hikers, bikers, or cookers, so I talked to Mike privately, who convinced me that it really would be fun.

We accepted Chase's offer, and I proceeded to leave their company to join Dave, Carrie, and Stella Badertscher, Seth Bartlette, and Derry Prenkert.  Dave and Carrie were talking about how they were moving to Fort Wayne.  I was kind of excited, but a bit sad, because in the dream I was planning on moving away from Fort Wayne at that time.  I told Carrie of a couple houses that were available.  One of them was "across the street from Neil Silveus," (a friend of mine who doesn't live in Fort Wayne).  However, Carrie said that she needed to live closer to Dave's place of work, for they were planning on having only one vehicle.

Then I awoke.

Dream #438 (February 29, 2012)

Leap Day dream.

I dreamt that I was a teacher at some weird alternative school.  I taught an "activity" class alongside former high school classmates Shawn Niles and BJ Woods (whom I haven't seen for quite some time).  Our classroom was inside of a tree-house that was built on an enormous redwood tree amidst an enormous redwood forest.  We had many activities going on simultaneously: a Nerf war, finger painting, parachute games, sidewalk chalk drawing, and paper mache sculpting.  After several minutes of this strenuous activity, Shawn, BJ, and I walked out onto the porch of the tree-house and took a 'smoke break.'

As we discussed our plans for the next class, Caitlin Geeslin came running onto the porch from inside the tree-house.  She leaped toward us, and hit me as was landing.  She informed me that she had just covered a very interesting story about some old photographer for a big magazine, and I told her that was exciting.  Then she asked if she could interview the three of us about our alternate form of teaching.

Before I could answer, I fell from the porch into a red sports car.  I crawled out of it and discovered that I had fallen like a meteor into the Koontz Lake Missionary Church parking lot.  I saw my dad preaching a sermon right there on the asphalt.

Then I awoke.