Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Dream #85 (November 25, 2009)

This was very bizarre.

The dream began inside of an enormous city-sized hospital/children's playground. The entire place had a very odd feel. First of all, anything that was not the floor, a door, an object, or an important wall was a black abyss. The stairways were winding without any visible means of support and all the floors were checkerboard patterned.

My old roommate Kevin, my little brother Mike, and I were running all around the place, jumping off walls, leaping over balconies, and sliding down stairways. Most of the place was empty. After a while, we ran across a huge playground built over a vast swimming pool. There were many kids playing on the playground, even though everything was very dark.

Kevin, Mike, and I immediately went to the lilly pads that ran across the pool and made our way across them like frogs. Unfortunately I fell into the pool about halfway across, getting all of my clothing wet.

After that incident, we decided to enter one of the doctor's offices, which had a giant white slide in it leading to the doctor's desk. We waited at the top of the slide for a long time before building the courage to go down and visit the doctor.

Suddenly I found myself with Harrison Ford in the front of a kid's house. The child was inside, and Harrison and I were ordered by our superiors to take care of the child. In this case, take care meant to dispose of. The child had a very deadly and very infectious disease that caused him to loose his mind and tear people to shreds.

We entered the dark and disturbing house, and it was apparently empty. Suddenly the crazy child leaped out from behind a door, wearing neon orange pajamas with dinosaurs on them, and he began running on the walls and the ceiling. We did not know what to do. Harrison had his whip with him, so he tried using that. Unfortunately, when the tip of the whip struck the child, it sent an electrical shock down the cord and up to Harrison's arm, causing quite a shock.

Then the child ran into his bedroom. We followed him into the red carpeted, red curtained room that had an ominous look. Electricity was now visibly shooting from the kid. Then he decided to chase us, forcing us to run into the airplane hanger that was connected to the house. Harrison and I both climbed up a long rope to a high window in the building. We pulled the rope up so the kid couldn't follow. That did not stop him, though, for he clawed his way up to where we were.

Right as he reached us, Harrison jumped down to the ground (it seemed to me that he probably broke his legs when he landed). He was somehow able to crawl away. I was on my own. Then something very odd happened. The child became somewhat normal. He began scolding me for discriminating against the sick, and said that he had every right to live. He could have easily infected me had he so much as touched me, but he showed me mercy. We both climbed down.

To my surprise, when we reached the bottom, the kids attitude change and he ran away. I thought he was gone for good, but he returned inside of a large robot that he was controlling. This robot starting shooting rockets of various sizes straight at me, so I ran outside.

When I got outside, there were several policemen, soldiers, and army tanks lined up outside the door. I turned around to see the robot running after me. Who would win, the military or the single child?

Then I awoke.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Dream #84 (November 24, 2009)

Two in a row is a good sign of recovery.

Last night was rather crazy. In the beginning of the dream I was walking along a creek in a forrest with my little brother (the sky above did not really have any color; there was visible light but no light source). I was asking him why he was wearing my red shirt (which is something he did about 7 years ago) when all of a sudden a woman running in the opposite direction sped passed us yelling that there was a creature chasing her.

Thinking on our feet, my brother and I hid behind a tree for safety. Moments later a giant squirrel/bear ran through the path. It did not look scary, however. It actually seemed rather playful. Even so, my brother and I kept our distance and watched the creature roll and jump around. Eventually it left.

We continued along the path. After a little while, we saw something approaching, and we froze. Seconds later a bear/dog walked right between us. That creature was actually scary, for it looked very unhappy and rather annoyed. Apparently our stillness fooled him.

We reached the end of the trail and entered an old red car. I drove into a dark and empty street. When I was stopped by a red light, I looked around and saw nobody for miles, so I decided to drive through it. Unfortunately, several cars appeared out of nowhere.

Then I found myself in a different place altogether. I was in a large apartment working on my iMac, editing a film that I made last year. For some reason, there was a lot more to the beginning of the film in the dream than there is in real life. At the start there was a short section of an interview with Adam Sypolt. Then it cut to a poorly lit scene in a Regent Commons kitchen with Adam and Monique. They had an awfully acted argument, then Monique stormed out.

I was considering taking this entire part out of the short film when Nathan Galvez and Deighla walked into the room. I showed it to them and they agreed wholeheartedly with me after talking about its aesthetic qualities. Then they left.

Shortly after, my roommate (who is not my roommate in real life) entered. He was one of those former athlete freshman types, who are still stuck in the past and focus their energy on doing crazy and stupid things. For some reason, his friends were opening the window by my computer and kicking the back of my chair while I was working. I became so annoyed that I yanked a foot of one of those men and pulled him in.

He immediately began punching me, and I did not resist at all; I just let him hit me. The other boys went and began talking with my roommate as if nothing was going on. Finally I became so fed up with the physical abuse that I punched the lights out of the kid with one blow. Then one of the other friends, who happened to be the Rock (Dwayne Johnson), walked over and scolded me.

Upset, I went upstairs and cleaned the bathroom very thoroughly. While I was in there, the bathroom transformed into a museum bathroom, and I had a janitor apprentice helping me.

Then I awoke.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Dream #83 (November 23, 2009)

I've been working on a screenplay, so I have focused all of my writing efforts on that for the past couple of months. Hopefully I'll be able to get this blog back onto a daily schedule.

Last night I dreamed a mystery. My brain decided to give me a little background information via montage.

I saw three men (I could not distinguish who they were) break into a house using silent chainsaws. They created for themselves a door in the sides of houses (all of these houses were fairly large). Then they would cut their way into the second floor bedrooms (interestingly enough, all of these houses had the same architectural design). They would sneak around the husband and wife, stealing all of their jewelry and other small valuables.

Then I realized that all of the victims worked at the same factory.

It was not until that point that I discovered that I was a detective. I was walking around the factory, trying to find any clues from physical evidence or from interviews with employees. Now, the factory was a very interesting place. It was void of much color, except for yellow, which was the color of all the machines. Also, the factory was very long and narrow. On one side was a large conveyer belt with the equipment, and on the other side was a walkway/loading dock (I'm not sure what to call it), with hundreds of garage doors side by side in a perfect line. I would say the factory oddly resembled a subway.

After interviewing several employees, I looked around for more physical evidence. It was then that I discovered a broken piece of a crate labeled C-47 (which had nothing to do with clothespins in the story). Around the box were several metal shavings, seemingly left over from the chainsaws. I immediately attempted to leave the factory.

However, the garage door in front of me closed. So I walked to the next one. Then the same thing happened. I tried at least twenty more doors before giving up. Then I found myself surrounded by all of the factory employees. It must have been some sort of major conspiracy (the case does not make much sense now, but it did at the time).

Then I got crazy and leaped over the crowed of factory workers and onto the conveyor belt. I dodged both the machines and the bullets that were flying at me as I sped along the belt. I was quickly being pushed toward a black abyss, so I leaped up onto one of the big yellow machines, escaping death for the moment.

Then I awoke.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Dream #82 (November 8, 2009)

I'm sorry that I have failed to post my dreams for almost an entire month. I have been quite busy. Unfortunately I have had many good dreams during that time, including a dream that had a soundtrack created by Cat Stevens, a dream with an escalator made of wood, and a sci-fi story that included immobile people with no limbs.

Here is the latest dream.

Last night I found myself exiting a dark tunnel in the middle of a heavy war zone. I was a refugee observing the soldiers, who were all either setting up tents or eating canned food. There were tanks and guns present, and I was very intimidated, especially when the general began to yell commands to the troops while standing next to me, hurting my ear as a result.

After I wandered around for quite a while in the hot sun, I was met by my fellow refugees: Caitlin, Nathan Galvez, and De La. I went with them back to the heap of shacks built up around a hilly junkyard. As we reached the highest point of the junkyard town, we looked down upon the dully colored and clustered presence below us. In the center of all of the trash, junk, and shacks was a large retail store (like Wal-Mart, except it was the size of a mall). Then we all decided to build sleds out of the trash around us, and we slid down to the store.

After a thrilling ride, we landed by the fountain near the main entrance. Right when we walked in, I decided that I wanted to use the restroom. I turned down the long dark hallway that ended up in a very clean and empty bathroom. As I stood in front of the urinal, I heard someone enter behind me. Expecting Nathan, I was surprised to see Day Lah come in first, followed by Caitlin and Nathan. After talking for a few seconds, acting as if everything was as it should be, I decided to start urinating into the urinal. When I did so, Deigh Laa was suddenly taken aback. Apparently it was not until I had begun to pee that she noticed where she was. Then Caitlin gasped (I was not exposed to anyone or anything but the urinal and the urinal candy) and fled with Dey Lla. Nathan and I looked at each other, shrugged our shoulders, and continued about our business.

Then I awoke.