Friday, February 5, 2016

Dream #544 (February 5, 2016) Neil's In-Laws

Kind of boring.

I dreamt that I was visiting the in-laws of my friend Neil (he and his wife Hannah were also present).  However, even then I knew they were his in-laws in my dream, they were actually his real parents from real life, so that was kind of weird.  They were very hospitable and served a lot of delicious egg-based foods while I stayed with them.  Nearly 100% of the time my dreams take place during some form of twilight, but this dream was in constant blue-sky daytime.  Neil's in-parents lived in a large fancy lake house and had several servants who were always busy.

I spent much of the dream going through Neil and Hannah's childhood belongings.  They were trying to figure out which things they wanted to keep and which they wanted to throw out.  There was an entire bedroom in the giant bakehouse (basically a mansion) stacked from floor to ceiling with various papers, drawings, photos, and news clippings that they had saved over the years.  Hannah kept showing me things Neil had written from his middle school newspaper, and they all seemed to be worth the read.  We discussed how it was simultaneously fun and sad to go through the old memories.

After hours of this, I went upstairs with Neil and Hannah's sister Carrie to go make sandwiches for everyone.  We were also joined by a golden retriever.  I remember packing all of the sandwiches into a bright neon green and blue lunch bag that Neil and Hannah were going to take back with them to Montana (we were all in Illinois for some reason).  Neil and I then went to build a transparent puzzle (which I had never heard of before and might seriously consider inventing).  Suddenly Hannah ran up from the basement carrying some portable holograph player and showed a video that had been made by one of her ancestors.  The old, eccentric man in the holograph said he hid a special note in an old lunch pale.  I remembered seeing the lunch pale earlier that day and asked Neil's mother-in-law (actual mom) if she knew where it was and she panicked because she had just thrown it into the lake in the backyard.

I immediately jumped up, ran out of the house, scrambled down the embanked backyard, and dove into the lake.  I was underwater for a scary amount of time, and I could hear muddy screams as I resurfaced with the lunch pale.  They yells of concern turned to cheers as I came out of the lake.  I also pulled an old rocking chair up with me.  The family took out the letter and read it together.  They all cried, but I was unable to participate because they all read it silently and there wasn't space for me to get a peak.  So I waited patiently in the rocking chair I had discovered.

I began walking away after awhile.  I was alone.  The dog followed me for a bit, but I told him to go back to his family.  I was soon again in twilight.  Everything was dust and sand and fog.  Out of nowhere I stumbled upon a racetrack and a lone sprinter was sprinting lap after lap after lap around it.  There was an enormous tire in the track, larger than any I had ever seen, and the runner would climb through its center each time he encountered it.

I sat in the dust at the edge of the track near the tire and watched the runner for what seemed like an hour.  He never grew tired.  He was wearing a white jersey with a single red diagonal stripe across the front and white shorts.  He was also carrying a black baton.

Then I awoke.

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