Thursday, February 4, 2016

Dream #543 (February 4, 2016) The Future and Teleportation

The return of the dream blog (for now).

I dreamt that I was living in a small community at some point in the future.  The couple dozen of us lived in a large spaceship that had crash-landed by Navy Pier in Chicago.  Though in my dream Navy Pier was surrounded by suburbs.  The community had built an electric fence around Navy Pier to keep out any unwanted creatures and people (though there were not many people in those days).  I was a bit of a rebel and liked to wander about the suburbs from time to time, exploring the vacant homes and contemplating their collective emptiness.  When I would try to return to the pier community of peers, they would always give me a hard time and threaten to not let me back in the next time, but they always let me back in.

However, on this particular occasion, a sudden violent storm hit Chicago.  I was forced to take refuge in one of the homes so as not to get blown away.  The lights no longer worked in these houses anyway, so I was prepared with a flashlight.  I took shelter in the basement, where I found an old gas-powered Mole Transporter.  These things used lawnmower engines for power and were capable of opening up holes in time-space allowing transport to other Moles.  Moles were very expensive in their day, though there weren't too uncommon.  The pier community had one sitting in the center of the outdoor meeting area near the lake.  I urgently needed to return to the community because we had at last fixed the spaceship and were going to actually try to fly it to find other humans who had abandoned Earth.

I started punching in the numbers of my destination, then pulled the lawnmower engine to start up the Mole.  I hoped that someone in the community was near the Mole there so that they could power it up (they would see an incoming transport and start the engine; otherwise I wouldn't transport anywhere and instead just get a really bad headache, like I had just run into a brick wall).  I made several transport attempts, but to no avail.  After trying about 5 times (my head was killing me), I tried one last time.  Luckily, one brave soul had ran out from the storm shelter to retrieve something and saw the incoming transport.  He started up and engine and greeted me as I entered.

We both ran into the spaceship (which look like a classic UFO, but was crazy huge).  The interior weirdly resembled the church I grew up going to in Koontz Lake, IN, though all the walls were more rounded to account for the shape of the spaceship.  Every person of the pier community was at a different station, doing what needed to be done in order for flight to occur.  My station was a double station: cycling/gunman.  I would ride an exercise bike that was hooked up to a bunch of old arcade games (somehow used as a power converter), and I would supply energy to the whole ship (I had plenty of Gatorade to keep me going - a product placement in my dream).  I also had the controls to some of the weapons of the ship near me just in case we encountered meteors or other flying enemies in our path.

I grabbed a towel and some G-rade and hopped on the bike.  Then a young man came running up to me and said that we had an incoming transport on the Mole (we had moved it inside).  We didn't know who or what would be coming to us and couldn't decide if we should accept it.  We called for the rest of the community to come down so we could make a decision together.

Then I awoke.