Sunday, November 16, 2014

Dream #530 (November 16, 2014) Houndmouth, Invisibility, Gypsies, Germans


I was a gypsy.

My band of gypsies was unique (though I'm sure most are).  Each of us had a food truck that we lived in and occasionally sold food out of.  I sold gyros out of my truck, though it wasn't noticeable on the inside, because it had the interior of a comfortable living room.  The food trucks of my band of gypsies were constantly moving, but at an incredibly slow rate, never speeding up or slowing down.  We were somewhere in the middle of Ohio.

I was reading a book in my food truck, reclining in a chair for quite a while.  A knock on the window of my truck motivated me to get up and sell the customer a gyro.  I then left the truck and walked alongside it for a while.

After a few minutes, Houndmouth's tour van approached the gypsy line and parked near my truck.  I ran over and greeted Matt, Katie, Zak, Shane, and Jason as they stepped out of the van.  They told me how well their tour was going, and that they had been working on some special drug concoction that they wanted to show me.  I invited them into my truck and they brought along some of their experimental devices.

Inside my living room, Matt and Katie started pouring chemicals into a vile.  Then they had Jason (their manager) test the chemical.  He immediately became invisible.

We all celebrated the new discovery, then Zak injected Jason with some other chemical and he became visible again.  I was impressed.  Then Houndmouth had to leave so they could make their next show on time, so I bid them farewell.

Shortly after that, two violent Germans (one woman and one man) broke into my food truck and demanded that I share with them the secrets of invisibility so they could use it for some upcoming war they were plotting.  I acted as if they were lunatics and forced them out of my truck.  As my vehicle kept rolling, I noticed that they were following me in the woods that ran parallel to the road.  They thought they were sneaky.

When we neared the next town, I decided to get out of my truck and explore a bit.  I jogged to a place where a concert was being held.  As I got nearer, I realized that it was the Eels (one of my favorite bands).  As E was finishing his set, I walked up on stage to thank him for years of good music.  However, to my dismay, after finishing his encore, E walked up to me joined by the Germans.  He demanded that I tell him the key to invisibility, so I ran away.

When I returned to my truck, I found that it had been ransacked.  I was frustrated and infuriated, so I decided to take on the Germans head on, though I decided to warn Houndmouth first.  I hopped out of my truck and pulled a moped from the back of it and sputtered my way down the highway until I miraculously caught up with Houndmouth.  I signaled for Jason to roll down his window and I warned him of the Germans.  He gave me a 'thumbs up' and I pulled off the road into a graveyard to turn around.  However, my moped ran out of gas, so I was stuck there.   I walked toward the entrance of the graveyard and found the Germans there waiting for me.  I began to argue with them about their motives of war.  It actually seemed like I was beginning to persuade them.

Then I awoke.

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