Friday, November 14, 2014

Dream #529 (November 14, 2014) Large Wedding, Volcano, PooShower


I dreamt that I was shooting a wedding video at California Road Missionary Church (which is the church I attended in early elementary school).  The bridal party was unbelievably enormous.  I recorded the groomsmen (there were over fifty) as they put on their suits and ties and prepared for the groom's 'big day.'  Once they were all ready, they joined with the bridesmaids and formed a never-ending conga line and danced about for a long time.

At this point I was shooting with a Steadicam rig, running alongside the conga line trying to get some interesting shots.  I ran into my friend Shana Beers, and she asked if she could run along with me and watch me work.  I agreed, and soon after she asked if she could try operating the camera, so I took the heavy rig off and put it on her.  She did really well for a while, surprisingly, but she removed one of the pieces of the camera and threw the whole setup off balance.  She decided that after that it was a good time for me to take over.  I had a tough time rebalancing, but I figured it out in time to follow the conga line into the sanctuary.

The rest of the wedding was pretty typical.

After the ceremony, I returned to my home inside of a volcano.  I lived there with Kevin Chupp, Katie Weakland (former science professor at Bethel College), Seth Bartlette, and Alik Hall.  When I returned, Kevin told me that I needed to hurry up and shower because we were going to some fancy ball.  I got my towel and some clean clothes and headed to the bathroom, but the shower was being used by Alik.  I sat and waited for him, but then Seth jumped in the shower in front of me, so I had to wait some more.  I went over to Kaitie's desk (she didn't live there casually; it was part of some research she was doing, unlike the rest of us) and asked her how the volcano was doing.  She told me an eruption was bound to take place, but she didn't seem to be too worried.  I asked her why and she said we were in the safest place.

Finally Seth was out of the shower, but Kevin jumped in ahead of me, so I waited some more.

After a bit, I started to hear him yell, so I ran in to see what was wrong.

By the way, the layout of our home in the volcano was very cool.  The rooms were large with tall ceilings, and there were molten rivers running through most of them, as well as a few cool streams.  There were aqueducts in the 'basemen' and some other cool architecture.

Anyway, when I found Kevin, he was dumping out buckets of poop from the shower.  Apparently enormous turds were emerging from the drain at a frighteningly rapid pace, and Kevin couldn't dispose of them as quickly as he needed to.  I got in there and helped him out, calling for Seth and Alik to join us.  They came in and watched, but didn't lend a hand in the task.  Of course Kevin and I were filthy.

I went to one of the rivers and dipped my body in to clean off.  I looked over and saw that Katie had been joined by a man in a suit and hardhat.  He pulled a lever and all the lights went red and an alarm sounded.  The volcano began to erupt.

I crawled out of the river and ran about trying to gather a few of my belongings, but Katie told me it was of no use, so I settled down and found a chair to sit in as I witnessed the chaos under the mountain.

I soon awoke.

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