Saturday, August 23, 2014

Dream #525 (August 23, 2014) Justice League/Teen Camp/Train Gambling

This was an odd mashup of things.

I dreamt that I was a part of the Justice League.  Well, it wasn't quite the traditional DC Comics Justice League because there were a couple Marvel characters (some version of Spider-Man and Wolverine) and some nonexistent superheroes (including my character).  My power was that I had superhuman mind strength (it'll come into play later, but it was mostly useless).

All of the Justice Leaguers were sent to Prairie Camp to take a bunch of teens on a field trip.  When we arrive, we rounded them all up and led them into a crazy train (similar in look to the train in "Snow Piercer").  The train was unbelievable fast and we were able travel great distances over short periods of time.  We went to a zoo (and didn't stay there long), then to a baseball game (and watched a few hits), then got on the train again.

Every time we boarded the train, I joined in a game of poker.  I won every single game and made thousands of dollars.  I felt a bit guilty for taking everyone's money, but I was excited at the same time.  Some of the other Justice Leaguers were getting a bit upset with me.  On the last let of the journey, on our way to some volcanic island, I wind 6700 bucks in one hand.

At that moment, a bunch of boys without shirts on and with black headbands grabbed hold of every person on the train and they took over our minds.  They led us of the train and we began to slave away at various tasks they wanted us to do (hammering nails, smashing rocks [typical], and preparing food).  Finally my mental superiority began to kick in and I was able to fight off the mental control.  Furthermore, I reversed the brainwaves and discovered that if we were to jumped into water, the mind control would be broken.

I started grabbing my fellow Leaguers and some of the teen campers and throwing them off a small cliff into a nearby lake, breaking the mind control.  The problem was that if one of the shirtless boys touched the flesh of a person, they would take over that person's mind again, so we had to flee the island over the only bridge: the railroad tracks.

Finally everyone had made it into the water, so we were all running as fast as we could down the bridge.  Suddenly a fleet of yellow aliens wearing turquoise spacesuits swarmed about us and fired crazy lasers at us.  If any part of the body was hit with one of these lasers, it would disintegrate.  The weird Spider-Man guy lost two arms and a leg, and several other people suffer casualties.

I was soon hit in the chest.

Then I appeared, as the same character, behind my parents' house in Koontz Lake.  It was nighttime, and I was alone in the backyard.  I crawled up onto a pile of junk and looked about.  Finally, Morgan Ferch came over and started talking to me about her engagement.

Then I awoke.

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