Friday, July 11, 2014

Dream #524 (July 11, 2014) X-Men and Groceries for Matt and Andrew


I dreamt that I was Wolverine from X-Men.  The weird thing was that I didn't look like Hugh Jackman; rather, I looked like James McAvoy (who plays the younger Charles Xavier in the film).  I was sent to the future where I was supposed to wipe out some water god.  The machine that sent me to the future looked like an Ikea bed with all white sheets and a soft white pillow.  Above me was a bright white light fixture that I think also played a role in sending me through time.

The world of the future was a monosaturated blue.  There were many impoverished people wandering about who were slaves of the water god.  As I walked about these poor people, I occasionally encountered and battled some of the water god's henchmen.  These fellas wore an armor that looked like a mix between that of a knight and a samurai.  They used longswords but I was much too quick and strong for them to take down.

I finally battled my way to the headquarters where a film was screening.  I believe it was "Scream" (or something very similar to that).  Instead of continuing my pursuit, I decided to sit down and watch the movie.  Not long after I got comfortable, a man walked around the small theater and handed the 8 or so people in the audience a wooden toy house with a flat roof.  I played around with it as I kind of watched the movie.  I soon discovered that the toy house's roof could be transformed into replicas of various classical art pieces (none of which I'm able to name).  When I discovered this secret, I shouted for joy and showed everyone else in the theater my discovery.

After this I decided to visit my friends Matt (Erdel) and Andrew (DeSelm) at their apartment.  In my dream, their apartment building was a 100 story fancy hotel.  The center of this cylindrical building was hollow, so the door of every room opened up to a balcony that had a view of all the rooms below and above it.  Andrew and Matt greeted me and asked if I could go grocery shopping for them.  I agreed and left.

I went to a weird gas station market that was eerily and dimly lit.  Surprisingly there were some really good deals there, especially on cereal (which was extremely exciting for me).  I bought several boxes of cereal, a couple tennis balls, and a few other random grocery items Matt and Andrew needed.

When I brought it back to them I told them about the cereal deal and they didn't care.  Then Andrew took one of my tennis balls and threw it out the door down into the core of the hotel (they lived up near the 70th floor, so it was quite a fall for the tennis ball).  I was upset with him, and I left their apartment in order to find the ball.

I took the stairs for some reason.  In one of the stair wells, which was painted all white, I discovered a group of teens eating pizza, smoking weed, and discussing Wes Anderson films.  I asked them if any of them had seen my tennis ball, and one of the girls told me she saw it just a couple floors down.

Then I awoke.

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