Friday, January 31, 2014

Dream #517 (January 31, 2014)

This was fun.

I dreamt that I was working at the National Youth Worker's Convention in some weird city in Florida.  Emily De Araujo, Seth Bartlette, Andrew DeSelm, and Aaron Satterfield (who all worked at the convention in real life) were there with me.  Though we had a rather small set, we were shooting interviews in an enormous gymnasium that we had all to ourselves.

After a couple interviews Emily told me to run some errands, so I took a 15-passenger van and went into town.  For some reason I stopped at every bus stop and picked up passengers (I was only supposed to go to Lowe's to grab some screws and such).  Finally, I had a van-full.  It was only then that I realized I knew every passenger.  Most were guys from the Oregon-Davis High School basketball team I played with years ago, and one was a barista I barely know.

The dudes were having a jolly old time, singing, shouting, and dancing around (yes, dancing, even inside a van).  Finally Shaun Johnston made me stop so he could drive.  I gave into his request and soon enough we were barreling down the road into a weird subdivision.  Brandon Johnston (Shaun's brother) declared that we should all remove our shirts, which we did (except for the barista; she had somehow disappeared, though she reappears later).  I took it a step further and removed my pants so that I was down to my turtle boxers.  I shouted with excitement, then jumped from the car.  Shaun slammed on the breaks and everyone else got out and followed me as I sprinted about in random directions.

Finally, we all ended up on the doorstep of a house that looked identical to all the other houses around it.  I knocked on the door as I started clothing myself.  As soon as I was fully dressed, an elderly woman opened the door and handed me a box of donuts and a bag of hardware (the stuff I was supposed to pick up from Lowe's).  I thanked her and headed back to the van.  The basketball dudes thanked me for the ride and continued to run around as I started pulling out.

Then I heard a knock on the passenger door, so I stopped.  There was the barista again.  She asked if she could get a ride back to the convention, and I let her in.  We talked about Washington on our return journey.

Upon reentering the gymnasium, I began to tell Emily De about my experiences.

Then I awoke, or so I thought.

I walked out of the Prairie Camp cabin in which I had been sleeping and found that it was the middle of the night still.  I looked about and saw about 100 elementary school kids walking toward me, lead by my brother Mike.  I ran up to Mike and asked what was going on.  He told me we were getting ready to play capture the flag, which excited me.  Then he showed me a huge bag of Tootsie Rolls he was hiding underneath his coat.  He started counting down from 100.  I turned around and talked to some of the students about their camp experience and how much fun they were having.  Finally Mike reached 0 and he turned to the campers and threw all the candy in the air.  The kids went wild for it, and once they had some, they darted off into the woods.

Then more kids came and Mike threw out another bag of candy, this time they were Sprees.

Then I awoke, for real this time.

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