Saturday, January 19, 2013

Dream #488 (January 19, 2013)

Well, well, well.

I was a part of some sort of retreat with my parents, brothers (Matt and Mike), Jason North, the Chupp family, and several other people.  My family, packed in the van we no longer own, pulled up to a cabin in a Tennessee woods at dusk.  We grabbed some belongings and entered to find that the interior looked much greater than the exterior.  We saw that the Chupps were already there, and both of our families decided to explore the cabin together.

I wandered off by myself into the basement where I found a strange maze of white drywall.  I spent several minutes working my way through the many corridors and turns until I found myself at a dead end.  Frustrated, I burst through the drywall in front of me and found Jason North inside of a bedroom with a bunk bed.  He greeted me as if I had just walked in the door.

I asked him where I was and why he was there, then he told me about a basketball camp that was taking place in the basement of the cabin and that I should check it out.  I followed him out of the room into a locker room that was the size of my parents' home. All the lockers were blue on one side of the room and red on the other, and there were dozens of mirrors placed randomly about.  Jason and I were the only two in the place.

After exploring briefly, I told Jason that I should rejoin my family.

I found myself back in the drywall maze where, after bursting through another wall, I ran into my dad and Matt, who had also just busted out a piece of drywall.  Seconds later, Karen Bartlett (my friend Jacob's mom) burst in through another wall and greeted us.

My dad then told me that we should lock up the Remedy office, which was apparently connected to the basement of the cabin. We all walked up out of the basement, somehow very easily finding our way, and entered into RemedyLIVE's studios.  We shut off all the lights and left out the back door.

As we exited, we ran into a group of four young individuals who were supposedly entering the building to clean it.  They didn't look like janitors to me, so I followed them in.  As I followed the last guy into the door, he 'accidentally' slammed the door into my right leg, crushing it.  My family gathered around me as I claimed that the so-called janitors were impostors.  Somehow they didn't believe me.

A few minutes later, the four came back out with a dog and a handful of Remedy's equipment.  I told my family to stop them, but they still didn't believe me, so I hobbled over to my car and parked it behind the four janitors' van.  Then I dove into the van right before the drove over the curb, through the grass, and out to the road.

The driver proceeded to pull out a gun and point it in my direction.  I grabbed the fella next to me and used him as a shield.  He turned out to be Jacob Bartlett.  I kept telling them to return the stolen goods, but the driver kept threatening me.  Finally, he went out and shot Jacob twice (not killing him, fortunately).  Then, I grabbed his gun and fired into his shoulder.

All of a sudden my dream rewound and I didn't fire into the driver's shoulder.  Instead, I hit him on the head with the gun and got him to pull over.  I kicked everyone out of the van.

Suddenly I forgot all that was going on for I saw the sun rising off in the distance beyond a glowing paradise in the sand by a great ocean.  It had appeared out of nowhere, and I wanted to be there far more than dealing with the four thieves.  I dropped the gun and began running toward the great mansion.

Then I awoke.

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