Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Dream #401 (May 31, 2011)

This is craziness. By the way, this may be the last update for a while. I'll probably throw a dream online every once in a while, but my summer is going to be very busy.

I first dreamt that I was in a forest with several weird creatures that were from various children's television shows (not real TV shows; the only real character was Grimace from McDonald's). Grimace, my brother Matt Baughman, a slimy little purple creature, a human-sized doll, a bunch of animals, and I were dancing around a bonfire. As we danced, the purple guy oozed up a tree and began singing. Then lightning struck that very tree, frying the poor guy to death.

We were all shocked. Because most of us were from make-believe children's worlds, we didn't really believe that death was possible. Therefore, we continued to party as if nothing had happened.

What felt like hours later, we checked back on our former friend, and he was still there, now more of a charcoal black color than a purple, still smoking. We decided to face the facts and bury him.

We all dug a hole (Grimace was the most efficient digger) together and placed the dead goo into it. Matt said a few kind words about the creature, then the service was over. But, before Grimace began to fill in the hole, I stopped him and convinced everyone that we should leave the hole uncovered, just in case we were still mistaken about our friend's fate.

Another couple hours later, it began to rain heavily. I heard a sudden and shrill outburst coming forth from where we had our burial. I ran to the still open hole and found that the purple slime had resurrected. Everybody celebrated.

Then I switched to a different dream.

I was with Amy Ennis, my brother Michael Baughman, and three other guys I don't know (they were from Italian decent) in a family-owned Chinese restaurant. We were in the area because of a wilderness camp we were running there, but we had abandoned the kids to eat out. We were having a good time, talking about how the week was going and eating General Tso's chicken, when zombie children began pounding on the windows of the building, trying to get inside.

The kids were taller and fatter than most, and they had nasty, decaying skin. They were quite scary. Amy, Mike, the Italians, and I began barricading the doors to protect ourselves (we were the only ones left in the restaurant, for there were no other customers and the owners had fled). Our blockade was failing, and violent, big children were entering the restaurant, one by one.

I picked up a chair and ripped a leg off of it and began beating the kid zombies with all the energy and fear I had in me. I managed to defeat many, but their supply was endless. I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw a kid sinking his teeth into Amy's left arm.

Then I awoke (though I was still within that same dream). I found myself in my wilderness tent. Had it all been a dream? I woke up my brother and the three Italians (who were sleeping in the same tent as I) and asked them if they had remembered child zombies. They said that they had no memory of such a catastrophe. I went outside the tent to get some fresh air after such an intense dream.

It was still dark out, and the dead and decaying leaves on the ground were wet. It must have been autumn in my dream. I looked about the campsite to assure myself that everything was alright. But it wasn't. I saw a man dart behind a tree when I looked his way, then I noticed a strange tent not far from our campsite on property that we had reserved. I chased the guy down, but then I realized that I should get help in case things took a fuzzy turn (that's a strange phrase; I don't think it's real, but I'm sticking with it).

I went and grabbed Mike, one of the Italians, and a shotgun, and made my way over to the tent. The man had hid in there (what a horrible hiding spot), and I shouted at him until he showed his face. It was Zach Morton (a guy I haven't seen for years), and he informed me that he was a boy scout and he wanted to make sure our camp was operating smoothly. I told him that we had everything under control, and he then began to cry and apologize for sneaking around. He fell to my knees and begged for forgiveness. I told him not to worry about it, as long as he packed up his things and left before morning. He then began showing me his belongings: a pair of binoculars, a saber, and a compass.

Then I awoke.

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