Monday, December 14, 2009

Dream #88 (December 14, 2009)

This is much more realistic than the previous two nights.

This entire dream took place inside of De la's car. She was driving, Nathan was in the front passenger seat, and I was in the back.

For almost the entire dream, I was just keeping to myself, looking out the window. Nathan and Deighlha were talking to each other almost the entire time, but I could not comprehend what they were saying. They paid no attention to me.

After quite a drive, they finally included me in a conversation. I talked about the vast amount of time most writers put into their work that often goes overlooked. I mentioned that people sometimes think shooting and editing take a long time, but they don't take into account the writing process. Then Nathan said to me, "Other people put in a lot of time to film too. Did you know that the guy who played Shaggy in the real-people Scooby Doo movies once sat in a room for 36 hours straight just practicing his Shaggy voice?" I'm nearly certain that this statistic isn't true in any way. I've never even seen the Scooby Doo movies with real people.

That made me wonder if some of the facts and statistics I know today actually came from my dreams. I often mix my dreams and reality, so it is entirely possible. But that kind of discussion is for a different kind of blog (which I do not write).

Anyways, I thought it was strange that Nathan knew that information.

Then I looked back out the window and tuned them out.

Eventually, I woke up.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Dream #87 (December 13, 2009)

This is more bizarre than the night before.

Right at the beginning of last night's dream, a small spaceship I was driving crashed into a brown, sandy planet. Many of my crew died as a result of the accident, but me and about five others survived (my old roommate, Kevin Chupp, was among the survivors).

When we exited the ship, we seemed to be all alone on the planet, with no sign of life anywhere. However, after a few minutes of wandering, several large and colorful puppet-like monsters approached us from off in the distance. There was a green monster with long hair and a tusk, a purple monster resembling a polar bear, a red long-necked monster, a ball-like yellow monster, and more.

When they reached us, they seemed to be quite friendly. They greeted us kindly and offered us a place to stay.

We followed them to this promised housing. Oddly, the place we traveled to resembled a football stadium (except is was about ten times the size). We were taken to a room underneath the stadium, which strangely resembled a jail cell, which caused a little unrest among the crash survivors.

After we received a meal of crackers and tomato soup, we were locked into the stadium, without a word from the monsters.

Suddenly, my dream jumped five years in the future. I had a knowledge of my history. I was a fighter who competed in to-the-death matches in the stadium in front of large crowds of monsters. I also knew that I had been planning an escape for several years. I, along with Kevin (who was the only other member of the crew still alive), had bribed our various jail guards for different tools. We were building an explosive.

Finally the day came when Kevin traded his gum to the guard for the final red piece of explosive we needed (I'm not sure exactly what it was because I know nothing of explosives). We assembled the device and, with little caution, set off the bomb and eliminated the wall of our cell. As a result of the explosion, several loud and annoying sirens sounded, calling multitudes of monsters to chase after us as we tried to run away.

We reached the wall of the stadium, and we were able to climb to the top. However, Kevin slipped and fell right as we got there. I did not want to leave my friend, so I went back down to fetch him.

When I got down there, we no longer had time to make it up the wall, so we went through a door, which led to an unknown area underneath the stadium where we had not previously ventured.

Fortunately, after walking down several very dark hallways, we entered a large spaceship hanger. We had so many options of spacecraft that we didn't know which one to choose.

Then I awoke. I was angry because I wanted to finish the dream out.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Dream #86 (December 12, 2009)

This is insane.

In my dream, I was the caretaker at an orphanage, located in the middle of a vast woods. At the orphanage I would drive the kids around in a big yellow bus while singing children's songs. After a few trips, night fell, so my work was finished.

After all the kids got off of my bus, I drove it into the city. This particular city was very dark (probably because it was the middle of the night). When I approached a large building, I parallel parked the bus in between two small cars, exited it, and met up with George Clooney.

Together we went into an enormous department store. We put on a couple of ski masks and began mercilessly beating all of the employees until their faces were nearly smashed in (I don't know where this grotesque violence comes from). Then George told me to go to the top of the tallest display (which happened to be about forty feet tall) in order to take a very valuable gem.

I leaped up onto the display and climbed in a similar manner to how Mario climbs the nets in Super Mario Bros. for Super Nintendo (it was interesting because I could only climb vertically and horizontally, not diagonally). I was avoiding policemen the whole time.

Unfortunately (or fortunately for the innocent people I was harming) one policeman grabbed ahold of my leg and threw me to the ground. I fell about thirty feet, hitting the ground hard. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw George Clooney getting shot.

With a burst of adrenaline, I shot to my feet and sprinted out of the department store. Then, to my surprise, all of the citizens of the city I was in began to surround me. I was looking into the pupils of the crazy-eyed mob when, in unison, they all piled on top of me.

Then I awoke (as usual, to the sound of my roommate combing his hair).