Friday, August 16, 2013

Dream #509 (August 16, 2013) Mega Church and Toys

These days I don't blog my dreams as much as I'd like.

In this dream I was in a house painted blue on the outside and the inside.  There were several rooms, all perfect cubes (same height, length, and width), and I explored each.  All the rooms were empty except the final room in the far northeast corner of the house which contained a large white plastic box full of action figures.  Many of the toys I had owned in real life, though a few I had merely wanted to own.

After looking through these toys for a while, a young man entered the room and asked me if I'd accompany him to the local supermarket where we were supposed to buy some more toys together.  I accepted and followed him to his old white car.

Once at the supermarket we found ourselves in the midst of havoc.  There were over a hundred people running about this place, throwing at each other whatever they could get their hands on.  I luckily dodged several fruits and vegetables, as well as a stereo and some pool toys.  The young man who took me to this place quickly joined in the chaos and started nailing people with apples.

I decided to look for the toys that I was supposed to get in the first place, so I carefully made my way to the action figure aisle.  That was no place for a shopper, for all kinds of toys from G.I. JOE to Lord of the Rings characters were flying about in the air at great speeds.  I decided to leave the store altogether (on foot).

I walked through the dark city, which slowly became a light city as the sun rose.  I made my way into a neighborhood, where I found an enormous, bicuspid church (two steeples!).  I walked in and discovered that it also was painted blue on the outside and the inside.  I also discovered that Carrie Badertscher, Geoff Cocanower, Amber Kreider, and (randomly) Craig Robinson were scheduled to speak at this church.  Carrie asked if I would play a certain song (that doesn't exist in real life) on the keyboard during the offering while Nick Tunez did some spinning on his turntables.  I agreed to this, though I didn't realize how big of a production it would be.

Carrie led me into a dressing room where I changed into an extravagant ship captain's outfit (it was also blue, with yellow decor).  When I came out she showed me where the keyboard, Nick Tunez, and I would be elevated from underground to center stage.  I was beginning to get a bit nervous.  Then she handed me sheet music for the song, which looked very complicated and involved a lot of synth layering, then she left me.

Instead of warming up, learning the song, and practicing, I went and found David Badertscher (Carrie's husband) and Craig Robinson and I talked with them about how they were doing.  Soon enough, it was my time to perform, so I ran to my keyboard just before it elevated to center stage.

There was a huge crowd, and they seemed genuinely excited that I would be playing for them.  Nick Tunez started off the song with some scratchin'.

Then I awoke.

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