Saturday, August 24, 2013

Dream #510 (August 18, 2013) Defeat

Exciting and thoughtful (for me, probably not for any given reader).

I was riding in the back of a 15 passenger van which had all the back seats taken out.  Several of my buddies were with me (the only real person with me was Bo Ennis).  We were having a good old time off-roading for the fun of it.  Bo was driving like a maniac, which was awesome.  We flew over bumps, swerved around trees, and bursted through bushes, laughing all the way.

After a good amount of this fun, a war suddenly broke out.  Bullets were flying and the Enemy was pursuing us.  It turned from great bliss to terrible fear in an instant.  They were popping out from behind trees, from within bushes and from under the mud.  Bo turned to me and asked if I had a gun.  I said, "Yes, an airsoft gun."  He told me that it would work for now and to start shooting.  He, meanwhile, pulled out a real gun, which made me sick to my stomach.

I was a pretty good shot with my airsoft Desert Eagle, but it didn't do much good because it mostly just annoyed those pursuing us.  However, with a group effort, we all managed to escape the danger.  Our van outran them, and we arrived at a large carnival.  We were greeted there by Joe Nehls and Michael Kaser.  As the two of them began talking to Bo, I looked around the carnival and saw that all the cool rides were made of logs.

Then Joe pulled me aside and told me to take his gun, because we were going back out to face the enemy.  I argued against that decision because I didn't want to kill anybody and even if I did, we would still be terribly outnumbered.

We argued for quite a while.

Then I awoke.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Dream #509 (August 16, 2013) Mega Church and Toys

These days I don't blog my dreams as much as I'd like.

In this dream I was in a house painted blue on the outside and the inside.  There were several rooms, all perfect cubes (same height, length, and width), and I explored each.  All the rooms were empty except the final room in the far northeast corner of the house which contained a large white plastic box full of action figures.  Many of the toys I had owned in real life, though a few I had merely wanted to own.

After looking through these toys for a while, a young man entered the room and asked me if I'd accompany him to the local supermarket where we were supposed to buy some more toys together.  I accepted and followed him to his old white car.

Once at the supermarket we found ourselves in the midst of havoc.  There were over a hundred people running about this place, throwing at each other whatever they could get their hands on.  I luckily dodged several fruits and vegetables, as well as a stereo and some pool toys.  The young man who took me to this place quickly joined in the chaos and started nailing people with apples.

I decided to look for the toys that I was supposed to get in the first place, so I carefully made my way to the action figure aisle.  That was no place for a shopper, for all kinds of toys from G.I. JOE to Lord of the Rings characters were flying about in the air at great speeds.  I decided to leave the store altogether (on foot).

I walked through the dark city, which slowly became a light city as the sun rose.  I made my way into a neighborhood, where I found an enormous, bicuspid church (two steeples!).  I walked in and discovered that it also was painted blue on the outside and the inside.  I also discovered that Carrie Badertscher, Geoff Cocanower, Amber Kreider, and (randomly) Craig Robinson were scheduled to speak at this church.  Carrie asked if I would play a certain song (that doesn't exist in real life) on the keyboard during the offering while Nick Tunez did some spinning on his turntables.  I agreed to this, though I didn't realize how big of a production it would be.

Carrie led me into a dressing room where I changed into an extravagant ship captain's outfit (it was also blue, with yellow decor).  When I came out she showed me where the keyboard, Nick Tunez, and I would be elevated from underground to center stage.  I was beginning to get a bit nervous.  Then she handed me sheet music for the song, which looked very complicated and involved a lot of synth layering, then she left me.

Instead of warming up, learning the song, and practicing, I went and found David Badertscher (Carrie's husband) and Craig Robinson and I talked with them about how they were doing.  Soon enough, it was my time to perform, so I ran to my keyboard just before it elevated to center stage.

There was a huge crowd, and they seemed genuinely excited that I would be playing for them.  Nick Tunez started off the song with some scratchin'.

Then I awoke.